Judgement – Back from where he came
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Back from where he came
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Jan 02, 2011 @ 8:57pm
Location   Gabriel's quarters
Timeline   SD 35 - 18:00hrs
Dorian stared the Trill Lieutenant directly in his eyes as he stepped out of his quarters and began to march down the corridor towards the general direction of the brig. He was grateful enough to have had the opportunity to return to his quarters long enough to change out of his uniform and into his casual civilian garb.

However, it appeared as if the Acting Security Chief wanted to take matters a step forward by placing Dorian in bonded shackles as he made his way back to Main Security. No doubt its purpose was to re-inforce the fact that he was being returned to a prison cell until his hearing began.

As Dorian turned the corner he was greeted by the presence of his attorney and the Romulan's newest flunky.

"I imagine that Captain Tahir was unable to withstand the bombardment of your legal jargon." He said without a hint of appreciation in his tone as he looked towards the Commander.

"You still don't get it, do you?" Karen said narrowly avoiding rolling her eyes. "She is making sure that you get a fair trial. Listen to her advice, and the advice of your defense lawyer rather than your martyr complex and you might just get off."

Karen was angry, very angry, people were falling over themselves to help this moron and he just couldn't let go of his own bloody prejudices. "Christ it would suit you down to the ground if they abducted you and made you face a tribunal, that way when the sword sank into your belly you could die knowing that you were right about them all along! You just don't seem to be able to stand the idea that the Romulans are willing to give you a chance to clear your name in a court where you do not have to prove your innocence, hell, in a court where you will be recognised as a being with a right to speak. Talk some sense into him," she said to his lawyer.

Dorian laughed with distain in response. "I'm supposed to be GRATEFUL that those damn Romulans have allowed my own kind to betray me as opposed to doing the dirty work themselves. Wow, how benevolent of them!" he replied.

He stopped walking momentarily and stared directly at the Commander. "You know that this entire process is a farce, but you are too much of a coward to risk alienating the Powers that Be." he said ruefully.

"But I guess the life of one Human is minor compared to the danger of blemishing your chances of promotion, Commander." he said with evident anger in his voice.

"I'm doing my job, Gabriel. An accusation backed up by strong evidence has been brought against you and all I am ensuring is that you have the chance to be tried in a civilian court by a jury of your peers, not by three hand-picked Romulan Senators. All she, has to do is establish reasonable doubt in their eyes," Karen pointed at his defence lawyer as she spoke.

Adaya watched the exchange between the two with interest. "Perhaps Dorian you should listen to the Commander. I have tried telling you the same thing. I had even checked your medical file to see if you had succumbed to acute deafness."

"If this case had been brought against a human, a klingon, or a fairy from the bottom of your fucking garden I would have it tried in this way. You don't get special treatment just because you're human - a murder charge is a murder charge and I'm sure that accusation burns like hell."

She had never had to defend someone like Dorian but she was but for the challenge. She placed her hand on the Commander's arm. "None of us are going to get anywhere with this bickering. Dorian you know this is your only chance...unless of course you have a death wish?" She said looking at him.

"You seem to think that there is a distinction." he replied as he continued to walk down the corridor towards the main turbo lift.


Commander Karen Villiers

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Ensign Adaya Talloc
Defence Counsel - JAG Office