We All Fall Down – The Watcher
by Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   The Watcher
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Aug 30, 2014 @ 9:50am
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   MD02 11:30

Lieutenant Commander Soran not only came to Isha as soon as she arrived, as Fessik had promised, but she was already waiting in the office, three padds stacked neatly on Isha's desk. She sat ramrod straight, with blonde hair pulled into braids that had to be curled around her head they were so long. There wasn't a stray hair at any point, and the plaits had no movement in them. Maybe that was a sign.

Early that morning the ban on arrivals and departures had been lifted. One of the ships that docked after the backlog had cleared was the IRW Dhelan under the command of Isha's neice.

Rianni's return to Deep Space Five with such welcome news would take time to digest. The rapidly convened debrief session in the Observation Lounge had taken her away from her office early in Alpha Shift - many of families that had already been informed they had lost loved ones would be told that their relatives were alive.

The news lifted somewhat the pall that had fallen over the station but it would still be days, if not weeks before the cause of the malfunction was uncovered.

Seeing the neat blonde head through the head height windows in her door Isha observed that the Dhelan had not been the only arrival.

The doors hissed open at her approach.

Soran looked round, saw Isha, and stood, at ease, waiting for the Romulan to make the next move. She didn't seem in any rush to make the first move.

She had not exactly studied the woman's record with everything else that had been going on, but the cursory reading was sufficient for her to know why she was here. "You must be Commander Soran," Isha said, "Refreshment?"

"No, thank you, ma'am." Soran remained standing. "With your permission I'd like to get the formalities out the way so I can arrange my quarters and get to work. Fleet operations have already made several requests for training manoeuvres in the area and I need to co-ordinate with civilian traffic control and the Romulans."

Something about the woman's manner set Isha's teeth on edge. "I'm sure the Quartermaster is already appraised of your requirements," she said, "I'll not keep you longer than necessary. Which Romulans would these be?" she added in a light and disingenuous tone.

"Sector Command for their side of the neutral zone. We wouldn't want any training exercises to be misinterpreted. The admiralty don't want anything to jeopardize the new agreements in place."

"They won't, believe me. They know what is at stake. I wondered if you were referring to me."

It was more confrontational than Isha's usual style, but she'd gleaned that in terms of ice, Lieutenant Commander Soran might actually be able to out do her. SO Isha revised her approach.

Soran looked at Isha, carefully evaluating her words. "Ma'am, you are wearing a Starfleet uniform. Until I have orders otherwise, I will assume that when you do so, your loyalties are to the Federation."

"Both the Federation, and Starfleet are fully appraised of my loyalties," Isha repled, "If you are similarly informed, then you know where we stand already. I wear the uniform. That is all you need to know."

There was a slight flicker, a hint that the game was afoot. "Then with your permission Ma'am, I'll be about my duties."

"With my blessings," Isha said, then with her tone somewhat harder. "Dismissed."


Lt Cmdr Maritza Soran (NPC)
Chief Strategic Operations Officer