Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Arriving at DS5
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Arriving at DS5
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Mon Jan 05, 2009 @ 10:14pm
Location   Main Operations
Timeline   SD5 18:10 (Backpost)

Ensign Opaka Jo'el stepped off the transport pad in time to see the Rio Grande come about and head back towards Bajor, to the home he had once again forsaken for a job. While he had previously vacated his home planet for a baseball career, he now left Bajor for the second time to start over again, immersing himself in Starfleet for the sake of getting away from everyone he knew. Everyone who knew about him. He turned away from the viewscreen and checked his bag with a Tellarite yeoman. "Time to meet the lady in charge."

Lieutenant Hilary directed the Bajoran to the flight of steps to his right.
"...through the door, commanders office is through the reception area to the left."

Jo'el walked up to the captain's office and hit the door chime. He started slightly at the key's reaction to his rather healthy striking. "I'm too used to that hardass Cardassian technology. Subtlety's reserved for their arts and politics."

Tasha was reading the report from the USS Sarek and their mission into Boaoran space. A number of personnel had been rescued, but not before Romulan and Gorn had beamed down to the planet. It was a bit of an odd combination, but not unheard of. ~ Perhaps Ayren may have some input ~ She thought to herself
=^= "Tahir to Ms. Kelan. If you have a minute, can you come to offices at Ops?"=^=

Before Ayren had responded, the door chimed.

Jo'el stepped through the door to trigger the closing mechanism. He walked to Tasha's desk, handed her the PADD with his orders, and then stood at firm attention. "Ensign Opaka Jo'el reporting for duty, Captain."

Ayren had heard the chirp, but stared around a bit as to where the badge was. She still had to unpack and had placed some of her luggage on top of it. Eventually she found it. =^= "Kelan here, will be there in a few, Commander."

She replied to Ayren then watched as he approached, standing tall and proud. His hair was a little unkempt and longer than she would have liked and with his earring adornment, he was instantly recognisable as a proud Bajoran, before she could see his nose ridge, that was until he drew close, handed her his orders and stood erect.

She stood up to greet him, accepting the offered PADD.
"Thank you Ensign Opaka. Please, take a seat." With a wave of her free hand to the vacant chair.
"Before I read your record, allow me to welcome you to DS5. Have you served on a space station before?" She asked, though she had glanced at the PADD.

"Yes, Captain. I spent the first three years out of the Academy back in my home sector on DS9. I also had some shipboard experience on the Defiant during those years. She's a fine ship."

She scanned the PADD, picking up some highlights as he spoke.

"There are many differences between this station and DS9; many of the crew hold dual positions. I see that your report has you listed as Master at Arms, would you consider a second role?" Making her way to the replicator, she ordered a new PADD and communicator.

"As a matter of fact, I was planning on asking you about that, Captain. I read about the shooting during the last leg of my journey. I believe I would be an effective bodyguard in similar situations for Federation and foreign VIPs."

"I think your talent would be best served within the diplomatic environment. How are your phaser target skills ensign?" She asked knowing that Ayren would be be on her way to her office.

Opaka smirked, remembering his batting title during that second year in Cestus League Baseball. "My open range average is 98.54. I managed to raise it a little during my stop at Betazed."

Tasha nodded her head. "Impressive." She responded.

"Thank you, Captain. I also wanted to ask you about the Marine forces on DS5. I've never worked on a facility with the Corps onboard, should I just steer clear of them... Does their presence affect the chain of command?"

Handing Ensign Opaka the freshly replicated pin she shook her head, swaying her untied black hair. "No, no need to give them a wide berth, they do an admirable job, it just that Star Fleet security serves us better. As for chain of command, unless you're a marine, they are not in your scope in the least." She re-took her seat.

Opaka pealed off his DS9 comm badge and replaced it with his new one. The movement gave him something to do while trying to work up his nerve. "Captain, if I may, there is another matter that I wish to discuss with you before I enter active duty." Opaka swallowed, knowing that this topic was important to him and simultaneously knowing that his new captain was not likely to share his zeal for innovations in security, at least on this particular issue.

Tasha entwined her fingers, observing the man who seemed to be sure of himself, and she felt at ease with him in her presence, but she held her breath as parted her hands and opened them outward, signalling her agreement to his question.

"Captain, I would like to petition to carry a sword on duty in addition to my phaser sidearm." Opaka kept his eyes forward, though he strained to get an impression of the captain's reaction.

Leaning back in her seat, it was an odd request, but not out of the ordinary compared to some she had received.
"What sort of sword?" She asked, her own interest piqued. "Ornamental? Regimental? Family heirloom?"

"Functional, I would hope," Opaka replied. "I'd like to carry a Terran katana in a scabbard tethered to the back of my uniform. I feel this extra weapon would give me a tactical advantage in situations where dampening fields and armor make phasers ineffective. It has also been my experience that swords have a certain... intimidation factor our firearms sometimes lack." Opaka was relieved when all of the words came out with some sense of cohesion and intelligence.

Ayren crossed the floor of ops and pressed the annunciator, at the office she was directed to waiting to be permitted entrance.

Tasha looked upward to the silhouette outside the door and hoped it was Ayren. "A moment," she said to Opaka as she tapped at a button on her console, operating the door.

Ayren stepped into the office and smiled, seeing Tasha for the first time since she had been back. "Good to see you Captain," she said with a slight emphasis on the new rank.

Tasha stood to greet Ayren and could not help herself from staring a little too long at her hair which had a flock of curls that encompassed her youthful face and only served to extenuate the beauty of her eyes, before finally welcoming the Chief Diplomatic officer with a soft but firm handshake.

"Ayren, thanks for coming up. Can I introduce you to Ensign Opaka Jo'el, who has expressed an interest in being a bodyguard for visiting VIPs, which I believe would fall into your jurisdiction. Nice to see you by the way. New hairstyle?" She eased the question into the end of her introduction, wondering if she knew the reason to 3s hasty departure and if it had anything to do with her stay aboard the Romulan missionary ship.

Ayren sensed that Tasha had questions, but not the content. She locked eyes with her letting her know that she noticed, but then she broadened her smile, returning the handshake. "Trying to wear it differently," she anwered Tasha, surprised that she had noticed. Ayren turned her attention to the Bajoran officer and extended her hand to him. "Pleased to meet you, Ensign," she said warmly, taking him in. "You are right Captain, the diplomatic department could really use the services of VIP a bodyguard" she added with a glance to Tasha

Slightly infatuated with this new arrival's beauty and grace, Opaka nodded. "Nice to meet you as well. I would be grateful for any new opportunities you can offer me, ma'am."

"We constantly have important delegates coming for meetings and there are the ones who *think* they are important...." Ayren joked, but it was indeed true. "Some can be trying and a pain, you think you can handle that?"

Opaka smirked with understanding. "To be blunt, Miss Kelan, I spent my childhood in the care of Bajoran women. If that wasn't enough of a test, we had a few real divas on the pitching mound in Pike City. I think I can handle self-importance and arrogance. I think the captain actually made that a prerequisite to serving so close to Romulan space..." Opaka smiled through the crimson hair that slightly obscured the sparkle in his violet eyes, praying silently to the Prophets that his joke would go over well.

The Diplomat smiled and winked at Tasha. "I think he might do." Directing her attention back to the Opaka she grinned. "I am sure that had prepared you well," she said chuckling. "Upside is of course that you will work closely with some very interesting and influencial people as I am sure you know and that is always enriching."

Tasha leant back in her chair, impressed with the young man who sat opposite her. She could see him running around, brandishing his sword and practising lunges. She also felt he would be more than adequate in his role as VIP bodyguard and Master at Arms.

She took a shallow breath, leaning forward, placing her one hand on the desk. "Thank you ensign, for your candour and openess. I am sure that Ayren would be happy to have you as part of her department as well." Tasha glanced across to Ayren.

Ayren nodded. "I will let you know when your services are needed, Ensign."

"Very well." The Captain stood. "Computer, list Ensign Opaka Jo'el as active and allocate quarters. Also note, that the Ensign will be carrying sword as a complementary sidearm. " She smiled at Jo'el.

The computer chirped it's acknowledgement, before responding. "Ensign Opaka Jo'el, active. Quarters allocated 3187."

"Thank you Ensign, your dismissed." Tahir said as she gave a top heavy bow to her junior, "and I hope you enjoy your tour of duty on DS5." She rose from her chair and offered her hand to the Ensign.

'A sword?' Ayren asked herself. 'I wonder why...' For a moment her mind went back when her uncle pressed a katana in her hands when she was very young. Not that she had an aggressive nature at all, but her uncle believed, nothing added grace and poise more than the ancient art of sword fighting. "From me as well, ensign, welcome on board."

Opaka bowed his head somberly, stepping backwards toward the office door. "Thank you ma'am. I look forward to working to contributing in any way I can. Good day, Captain."

Opaka stepped out, heading to his quarters and a fresh start away from all the confusion and heartbreak left behind on Bajor and Cestus III. Tomorrow was truly a new beginning on his walk with the Prophets.


CO: Tasha Tahir
MaA: Ensign Opaka Jo'el
CDO: Ayren Kelan