Lieutenant Vincent Tan’s Personal Log - Admiral's Log 1

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Title   Admiral's Log 1
Author   Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Sun May 10, 2009 @ 12:19pm
SD 9 0130

"Computer, commence recording. This is the log of Vice Admiral Xelec Uhlan, commanding officer of the USS Thor-A.

"Much has passed since we departed Earth a few weeks ago. My engines have seemed to have done well, for the most part. They've taken us this far at speeds far exceeding expectations. We managed to hold at warp 9.8 for the majority of the journey, with only short stops to test the sensor and weapons systems. I am pleased with the sublight capabilities of the new drive also.

"It appears that the tesla containment field is able to allow the anti-matter to expand more easily whilst giving greater control over the rate and limit of expansion. This has been critical in manipulating the warp field to such a fine degree as to allow rapid acceleration to the next warp factor. It is believed that when combined with other technologies, transwarp may be a possibility.

"However, the tesla containment field may be *too* effective. Unlike a normal drive where plasma is allowed to heat and then lose its energy via cooling, this experimental system has, unfortunately, lead to a rather unfortunate consequence of having plasma superheat and become superpressurised. We have worked for over a day, but have finally shut down the coils and ejected some of the circulating plasma to reduce the pressure and heat. This is not an ideal outcome, but I'm sure it is one that could be easily rectified. At least I hope it is...

"Oh, yes... As to my current mission... My agent, Commander Vincent Tan, was sent via shuttle yesterday. I have confirmation that he reached Deep Space 5 and I believe he is currently working on his investigation.

"This is all quite fortunate. Upon arrival at DS5 I was informed that the station was attacked! The nerve of these thugs! Whilst I was assured that minimal damage was done, it still shocks me that the Romulans were game enough to attack such a large and well-armed structure. Reports that the station's shields were sabotaged also shock me. This suggests some collusion between personnel on the starbase and the Romulans. It appears that those rumours may have foundation and I am glad that I was given the task of chasing down these allegations.

"All this has occurred whilst Captain Tahir was offbase. It is my hope that the treachery is limited to those beneath her and does not extend to or beyond the CO of DS5. This Davies fellow is worth investigating, as is the Chief of Security. Apparently this Lieutenant Gabriel is "interrogating" the suspects. Let us hope that he actually questions them and does not assist them in fabricating a story or worse still, intimidate them to omit his name from their confessions.

"I have told Davies that the Thor will patrol the area, carefully neglecting to tell him that the engines are experimental and troublesome. I believe that the threat of a fully armed "experimental" starship in the area, commanded by an Admiral will scare off any Romulans as well as any of their potential agents onboard Deep Space 5.

"It is now late and I must sleep. Tomorrow, promises to be challenging day as I MUST address the issue of the superheated and superpressurised plasma if I hope to ever get this ship back to Earth...

"Computer, end log."