Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace’s Personal Log - after 26 hours

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Title   after 26 hours
Author   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 12:26am
Stardate: 63596.3

I checked in with My folks back on mars, moms' happy too see me cleaned up, Dad was saying that there laying a new hull for a new Soverign Class ship at the yard; tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary since micheal died, I still regret not being able to make the funeral. I was knee deep in a cardassian swamp when we got the word so there wasn't alot I could've done. Captain Klung sent his condolences on this somber anniversary and said that a package would be coming for me too Acknolege my time on his ship. Klingons as sentimental as they are they sure have a bizzare way of showing it.

We've been up too our necks in pirate activity, this place is full of suspects. I haven't seen this many fingers pointed at so many diferent people, its begining too look like the incident aboard the melborne three years ago. But this time I'm not the fall guy, I'm the one trying too solve the mystery.....I think I need too see a tailor about a new pair of pants.