Beg, Steal or Borrow – Testing Times
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Testing Times
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jan 11, 2009 @ 11:54pm
Location   En route to DS5
Timeline   1 week Prior to Tasha's Departure.

The Oberth class was a very capable ship. It had managed to maintain a steady velocity of warp 9.7 but David had not pushed it too hard.
Most of the time, he let the ship run its own course whilst he caught up on mission summaries, station reports and the crew manifest.

He was still a week away from DS5 when he had received various reports about increased Lytosian activity in the area and pirate attacks were also on the increase.
He had secretly wished that the supply craft had cloaking tech, but alas, what he had read about this impressive craft, did not portray any devices that would render the ship invisible.

He was looking forward to getting aboard the station, his loathing had been put aside as he had read crew reports about the battle that DS5 had taken upon herself and the Boaorans.
The guardian platforms had performed beyond expectation, but what had really intrigued him, was the AHDA capability of the station. This was new and he was looking forward to seeing it in action and also if it would be possible to transfer the technology to Starships.

He had read Tashas profile and he knew if they met, they would certainly clash. They were both headstrong and stubborn and once their minds were set a task, they saw it through.
He wondered if she had some part to play in the destruction of Sorensens ship, the evidence against her was a little overwhelming. She obviously didn't like the man, but then again, neither did he. It clearly stated on record her refusing to back down from an order, but would he have done something similar in the heat of battle.

As he poured over the crews files, he was further intrigued by the Intelligence officer aboard, whose reports were sketchy to say the least but he seemed to be getting results, even if he was not exactly a team player.
It was then he began to find files on Isha t'Khellian, the Romulan journalist. When he saw the file photo, there was something familiar about her, but he could not quite figure out how he knew her.

He laid the PADD down, next to his now cold cup of strong unsweetened tea, but chose to drink it anyhow. He emptied its contents quickly, feeling relaxed, decided it was time to get some sleep. The crew reports would still be there in a few hours.


Commander David Davies
Played by Tasha