We All Fall Down – A new ship
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   A new ship
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Mon Nov 10, 2014 @ 11:20am
Location   BII Offices
Wayne sat in his office going over some of the more recent contracts that had come up which his company had been able to grab. The ones he read over were quite lucrative from what he could tell and would see the company make a nice profit again this year. That is until a wild thought came to his mind. It was something that he honestly did not think any other race in the quadrant or even in the galaxy at large would have thought of and he wanted to get it down and designed first. With that in mind he started writing a memo to the head of one of the ship yards to get the ball rolling

Mister Cutler

It has come to my attention that at the current time we have no real way to repair our own ships or other peoples ships aside from our ship yards. Here is what I want from you and this may be expanded at a later date. I would like to see a design for a mobile ship yard large enough to house an excelsior class starship. The yard would need to be capable of a standard cruising speed of warp 4 with a max speed of warp 6. Speed is not the thing I am looking for but rather the safe recovery and repair underway of ship. Repair that would normally require said ship to be towed to the nearest shipyard would now be done on this specialized ship. I need not remind you that this is a classified project and no information is to be shared outside of yourself and the people needed for different aspects of the construction. Asside from yourself no one person should have all the information about what is going on with this design. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project or feel that I am being to far reaching with the intended goal please feel free to contact me and we can arrange a meeting so that I can explain things to you in a way that would put your mind at ease.

Wayne Bradshaw

Wayne looked over the letter and knew that he was opening a can of worms with this one if starfleet found out or any of the other powers that be got wind of this they would try to either stop him cold or take over the project for their own goals and that was not something he planned to allow not when there was several areas he could already think of that he could use this kind of ship in.

Normally he would not have done what he was considering but it had the potential to be such a gold mine that he was honestly shocked no one had ever thought of it before and hoped that he would be able to get enough of a jump on the others as to be able to corner the market at least on this one design.

OOC" Just a little post to show that Wayne while a loyal citizen of the federation and a strong believer in the fleet is still not above a little quiet dealings to make money or enlarge his own position when and where possible.