Unity – A Box of Delights
by Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   A Box of Delights
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Jan 17, 2010 @ 9:47pm
Location   Promenade Level 1
Timeline   SD 16 - 18.30

Bravo wing and their flight deck crews made up about a group of 20 or so individuals. They were on the prowl for a good time, hitting the promenade for some drinks and mischief, each pilot, engineer, and deckhand, officer and rating alike wore leather jackets over their starfleet uniforms. The jackets were reminiscent of bomber coats worn by World War Two American bomber pilots. Tomorrow the pilots of bravo wing would go out on mission, but tonight they were looking to forget their woes. The group headed into the first bar they could find. Dunham watched his squad pride, they were some of the best pilots on the station, hell they were some of the best in the sector.

"You're wasting your time in there," Yolanthe murmured to the last of the group before he disappeared inside. "You and your friends would have a much better time at my place," from her height advantage she could look down and see the pips on his uniform collar, "lieutenant." She gestured over the promenade balcony to the Box of Delights on the lower floor. "We've just opened. The Wine and Song are all one hundred percent unreplicated, and until midnight, on the house." She gave him a wicked grin. "The women, however, are unavailable. We're running party games in the holosuites tonight. Karaoke, dom-jot, giant tri-D chess, that sort of thing. Plus Dabo and Tongo, for any of you who are feeling lucky." She raised an purple eyebrow. "Are you feeling lucky?"

Dunham paused for a moment, and reflected on the stranger’s words, he liked it when proprietors made an effort to advertised their establishments, “sounds good” he said with a flash of a smile. He cupped his hand and placed it to the side of his mouth to better amplify his shout to his men, “About turn Lads, New L.Z!” he pointed over the promenade balcony to the Box of Delights on the lower floor, “double time!” he shouted, as the last of the men ran passed him he turned to the stranger offering his hand to shake, “Richard Dunham.”

Yolanthe took it, and shook, slightly hesitant at the alien ritual. "Yolanthe." She glanced at the line of leather jacketed fleet officers streaming down the stairs. A big group like that should get the evening off to a swinging start. As she released his hand, her skin shifted up into the blue spectrum, settling at a low key lavender. "The pleasure is entirely mine."

As they walked and talked on the way back down to Yolanthe’s establishment, Dunham took a moment to get to know the proprietor further “Mrs Yolanthe, pardon me for asking...” said Dunham as politely and charmingly as he possibly could muster while asking his very unsubtle question, “but could you tell me a little bit about your species I am unfamiliar with it," he flashed a grin.

"No reason why you should be. We're called Bokkai, and we come from the arse-edge of the quadrant. About as far from here as its possible to get and still be in the galaxy. And we rarely leave world before we're grandmas, at which point few of us are inclined to travel." She gave him a very direct look, "And its Miss. Most emphatically so."

Dunham nodded to the Bokkai’s words, “Why emphatically so?” said Dunham with smile.

Yolanthe gave him a wicked smile in return. Her skin shifted up from lavender to powder blue. I'd hate for anyone to get the wrong impression."

As they crossed the threshold into the box of delights, Dunham would of been be-dazzled by the sites of the bar, however his curiosity had been tweaked by the changes in skin colour that this Bokkai had exhibited and it was taking all his attention. “If you don’t mind my asking does, your skin change colour with your emotions? If so what do they mean?”

"What makes you so sure its emotions? I could be merely reacting to the presence of latinum itching to be spent?'"

Dunham smiled and gave a light shrug of his shoulders, “might very well be, it was merely based on observation, is it latinum?” they headed over to the bar and he got himself a drink, the rest of the team had already started on the sauce and playing some of the games the bar had to offer, they looked like they were having a good time.

"I'm a little tall for a ferengi, don't you think?" She propped herself against the bar, and watched the Lieutenant's companions practically throw their money at the croupiers with deep satisfaction. "Yes, it's emotions. But as to what they mean... if I tell you all my secrets now, however will I get you and your friends back here in the future?"

Dunham flashed another of his smiles, “Their combat pilots tomorrow they might dead, if you tell them everything they may well come back, if you don’t they may think they can’t afford the mystery before they die.”

"Well. Since its my opening night, and essentially a free taster, I guess I can give you a bit of a head start on me as well." She glanced down at her periwinkle blue hands, just in case they weren't the colour she was expecting. 'You wouldn't like me when I'm yellow.' She thought for a moment. "Working out the rest should give you all something to live for. That and my huge selection of real alcohols and virtual worlds. Including many titles you're just not allowed to play in public holosuites. If secrets aren't enough to live for, I generally find most people are quite keen on booze and sex."

"Well ok then," said Dunham flashing another of his charming, charismatic smiles, he began to open his mouth to say something else but his comm badge went off. =^=Lieutenant Dunham, your needed on the flight deck sir=^= Dunham pressed his comm badge to reply to the quizzical voice. =^=On my way=^=. "Alas duty calls" he said with a bow, he pointed a thumb over his back. “You look after boys now.” He said with smile.

"As if they were my own." She promised. "And do try to live. I'd hate to lose a new customer so soon."

Dunham flashed a wry smile as he waved a goodbye while heading out of the Box of Delights.


LT Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Yolanthe Ibalin, Owner & bartender, The Box of Delights