Judgement – Gotta be interesting
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Gotta be interesting
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 1:13pm
Location   Box of delights Holodeck
Timeline   MD 37: 10h00
For the last hour, T'Pal had been carefully going through the findings of her unauthorized *visit* to the Box of Delights. Some further investigation of the names on the list of undesirable bookies turned out to be members of a known syndicate specializing in betting involving outlawed fighting, including fighting of sentients with non-sentients, non-sentient fighting, and of course sentients fighting each other in various formats, no rules, cage fighting and many more.

And Ibalin was betting on this. Suddenly the realization came, the weapons on her walls were not collecters' items, but trophies. She was fighting in these duals herself..... There was far more to the woman than T'Pal had imagined.

Her eyes travelled to the shirt and blood she stole and she moved over to scan them. The results surprised her..... She double checked...... two sets of DNA..... Cardassian and Bokai.... She found a tiny spot of blood on it too, also Bokai. There was only one Bokai on the station and T'Pal quickly veryfied that it did indeed belong to Yolanthe.

She leaned back and scanned the shirt again. Along the sides, the fabric had time micro tears in it, slightly stretched so to speak. , Here was also the place where the most Bokai epithilial cells were found. T'Pal held the shirt up and placed her hands on the position of the tears, grpipping it. "A struggle..." she said softly.

She confirmed the Cardassian DNA as well. Gul Tharek Getal.

It would be illogical to make conclusions at this point, but the Klingon part didn't mind to extrapolate. "Was Yolathe raped...?"

She picked up the copies she had made from the holodeck programmes and made her way to the holodeck to run them.

They were in a few categories, running, or exercize, arena, retirement and Reshi. She frowned, wondering what that was about. Curiousity should not dictate the order, so she activated the running programme first. It just made perfect sense to warm up before activating one of the others first. Not that T'Pal really needed warm up excersizes, her Klingon physiology allowed her to be ready for battle at any time.

Options appeared in lights in front of her, Industrial, Medieval, Forest, Horror.

Her finger was poised over the options, Vulcan logic would simply choose the first one, but Medieval attracted her and she selected it.

Melting into view around her was a long stone built tunnel, some 200 feet in every direction. Poking out of the walls and ceilings were mossy ledges, columns and pillars. between them others hung cobwebbed nets and musty looking ropes. Overhead there were iron rigns and chains, and intermittantly there was wall hangings, flags and penants draped from metal poles. The whole place was badly lit, either by burning torches in sconce placed at all angles, or huge candles that left runnels the size of T'Pal's arm down the sides of whatever ole or pillar they sat on or the occasional wagon-wheel style chandalier.

She was herself standing on a flag stoned platform built out from one wall. Looking down, the floor was strewn with iron spikes pointing up. Now she was looking for it, there was also other dangers scattered about. Bear-traps on convenient landing pads, Barely attached nets; ropes on weighted pivots that would suddenly swing you into a blade studded wall.

"Set for 5k in 15 minutes. in Three..." said the computer voice. The platform T'Pal was standing on suddenly began to rumble and retract back towards the wall, revealing a huge pit or spikes waiting for her below. "Two..." and suddenly a long river of flame errupted around the bottom of the tunnel. All the save landing spots down there had suddenly dissapeared. "One."

T'Pal had one choice. Jump or burn.

She jumped down, grabbing a heavy chain and swung forward. Of course the chain started slipping as it was not fastened. The thrill of the adrenalin forced a yell from T'Pal's mouth. Using her momentum and teh weight of teh chain, she managed to land on a platform on the other side. It nearly immediately broke and the agile hybrid had to jump again, this time to the floor.

"Computer, disable the safety protocol..." she instructed

"Your instruction will result i..."


"The safety protocols are now disabled."

Running, jumping and ducking T'Pal made her way through the obstacles and dangers. 8 minutes of hard running brought her to what the vulcan knew to be just past the half way point. Resting on the top of a narrow pillar that was free from booby traps, she suddenly became aware of a skittering screeching sound, and then suddenly she was engulfed by a cloud of screaming bats, swarming between the stalatctites and pillars and iron bars that surrounded T'Pal

She had never encountered bats before and she ducked trying to avoid them. Her nose told her that they were warm blooded mammals of some kind. What bothered her more were the noises they made. Using her hands to close her ears, she squatted. A few landed on her and tried to bite her, only to immediately leave. "Bloodsuckers," she said to herself. Obviously her blood was rather unappetizing and she looked up to see them disappear in the direction she was going in.

A rare shiver of disgust ran down T'Pal's spine as she got up to prepare to jump to a ledge to her left and then onto a rope which immediately started to give way. T'Pal used the momentum to fling herself onto another pillar, spotting the booby trap too late. A rope snaked around her ankle, swing her up side down, letting her hang on her one leg, suspended four meters above the floor. She writhed her body to look in all possible directions as she was still swinging from the momentum. There was only one way out and that was for her to bend her body up and free herself.
It was uncomfortable, but it was not the first time T’Pal had been in this position, so she quickly maneuvered her self into an upright position, where she was able to loosen her ankle. She climbed up higher on the rope and found herself near the roof. Getting herself to the wall, she used her fingers and toes to climb towards some sort of balcony.

Rolling onto the balcony she could see the best path spread out infront of her, all jumps and swings and leaps and rolls without a moment to pause or even think. The next step was a short spring to a checkerboarded platform of black and white marble some 10 feet below, run across that, then along the wall to the next landing spot, a rough hewn pillar with a series of iron rings set into it. Then leap from there to the flag pole, slide down to another ledge, from there scramble over a net covered chasm and hope the hold thing would hold. It was close the the fiery floor. A miss step would pitch her into the flames.

She replayed the sequence of moves in her mind once more and then she leapt forward, like an arrow released by a taught bow. The Vulcan still wanted to calculate pricely what the best course of action would be regarding the most likely obstacle that would cause her to get injured, but the Klingon never gave her the chance.

It went farely according to plan, but for a near slip as she jumped to the pole. The ledge took balance to manouver along, but the Vulcan was right. The net posed a problem. It didn't look as if it would carry her weight. That would not change whether she would have to cross it or not, she still needed to get to the other side. she could either jump as far as she could and hope for the best, or climb over and hope for the best.


The net tore and flung T'Pal violently against the opposite wall, the lower parts of her legs lapped by the flames. With her superior upper body strengh she was able to climb the rest of the way to the top. The burns were not serious at all and T'Pal ignored them. Her body would take care of itself. Now perhaps it was time to try the next program. "Computer load *Arena*," she instructed.


A JP Between

Security Consultant


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of The Box of Delights