Incommunicado – Report, Report, Report

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Title   Report, Report, Report
Mission   Incommunicado
Posted   Sat Sep 01, 2012 @ 8:21am
Location   David's Quarters, Deck 32 Room 25
Timeline   SD58, 2200h

David walked into his quarters, he was tired. Trying to figure out this anomaly was more work than he had expected. The last thing on the docket for the day was his official report for Commander Freeman.

"Computer, start recording for Propulsion Specialist Ensign David Straggard report on the recurrence of spatial and subspace anomalies.
At 1300 hours today I had compiled information regarding the anomalies afflicting Deep Space 5 with a textbook "incommunicado" and relayed ideas with Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman, Chief Engineering Officer. I hypothesized the possibility of intelligence behind the anomalies due to the extreme coincidence of 2 specific anomalies occurring in one location at the same time. To test the hypothesis I approached the science department and worked with Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Junior Grade Saria Rex and Computer Specialist Madelyn Williard to further scan and gain clues to the cause of these anomalies.
We then found complex formations of Tetreyon Particles in the anomaly which was a formation of a Metreon Gas Cloud. Another discovery in the scans were trails of Choniton Particles. Suggesting some form of Romulan cloaking technology. Through further calculations, the dispersion patterns showed a course of a small possible scout ship from the Nelvana System. Where the Federation had been fed supposed false intel on a Romulan secret base. From these findings the proper course of action determined by the COS, Ensign Williard, and I (and maybe some marines) to take a runabout to the Nelvana System to investigate. Starting with Nelvana III." David said.

"Computer, end recording and send to Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman." David said. "Also, computer. Send the information regarding the Nelvana System investigation to Commander Villiers and as well as a request for use of one of the runabouts."

David finished up all the loose ends of the day's work. He then changed into more comfortable clothing and fell into bed. Hopefully he'd get to fly out tomorrow and maybe even spend some time with Saria on the way to and from the Nelvana System.


Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist