We All Fall Down – Business as Un-usual - Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Business as Un-usual - Part 2
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Jun 29, 2014 @ 8:31pm
Location   Observation Lounge
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. c. 10:40

Isha nodded, "Let's see how they perform."

There was the first pip at the door.


Once the doors slid open, the slightly jittery, caffeine-deprived Andorian Chief Medical Officer wandered in. Seeing the Commander and a Lieutenant, whom she recognized from her short time on the station, but not enough to know his name, already engaged in conversation she skirted around the table, giving only a respectful nod to them as she made a beeline for the replicator on the far side of the room. "Coffee. Terran Java selection. Triple strength. Extra shot. Extra hot. Extra large." She ordered the replicator, praying that this one unlike everywhere else on the station seemingly would be able to produce drinkable coffee. All of her attention was focused entirely on watching the atoms materialize in the slot on the wall - so much so she was entirely unaware of other officers entering the room.

A steaming mug of Darjeeling in his right hand and a PADD in his left, Wyman entered the observation lounge utterly engrossed in his work. Not even looking up from the PADD he made his way to his usual spot and sat down. It was only then that he realized he wasn't the first to arrive. "My apologies Commander. We've got a lateral array down on the port side of the station and I was going over the preliminary report from the engineering team. We're going to attempt to repair it, but it's looking like we may need to fabricate an entirely new array."

Grabbing a scone from the pile of pastries and setting it on a plate in front of him, he added, "And to make your day even better - we've got scheduled maintenance on the primary computer core at 1300, so there may be some slow downs while we run off the secondary. The whole thing won't take more than two and a half hours, tops."

Melara moved to the table engrossed in the wonderful aroma from her giant mug of coffee. She took a gigantic gulp and looked up. She was dimly aware of what the man had said and, as though a lightbulb suddenly came on in her head she made the connection to the problems in the Infirmary. She leaned forward with purpose and very pointedly asked the Engineer "Would you be able, Lieutenant, to help those blithering idiots in Operations out a little bit? They've managed to knock out most of the systems in the Infirmary and I'd actually like to be able to do my job." With her piece spoken her eyes remained fixed on the man as she took another huge swig from her vat of bean juice.

Having an Andorian suddenly up close and personal caused Steve to choke on his tea. Gagging and punching himself in his sternum to clear out the blockage, it took him a moment to respond. "Eh hem... I'll see what we can do. Engineering is stretched pretty thin with all the transfers going on and the last of the repairs from the bombings. Hell, I lost my assistant, which leaves the missus and I doing double shifts to cover."

Seeing the doctor still eye balling him, Wyman leaned back a bit in his chair to put some space between them. "I'll get a team up there as soon as I can."

Leonora Dell, now on her fourth round as acting head of ops in two years, gave the doctor a dirty look. "That won't be necessary, Lieutenant. The Doctor is mistaken. Those systems aren't 'knocked out', we're overhauling the Emergency Medical Hologram, which involves a lot of patch ins." The inability to keep a head of ops for more than a few months was always creating difficulties. Not to mention the time it took to bring anyone up to speed.

"All due respect, I'll still send a team up to lend a hand. Overhauling an EMH can be rather time consuming; having a few more people can't hurt. And if they're doing more getting under foot and less helping - send them back to me and I'll set them straight." Steve was doing his best to be diplomatic, but he had a sinking feeling that no matter what he did - one of them would be giving him the stink eye by the time it was over.

". . .afterwards, have Specialist Ward focus on calibrating the compressed rifles in the secondary armory. I'm sure that it has been well over 2 quarters since they were last tended to." Trellis said into his comm unit as he read over the daily reports from Security. Lately he appeared to do more multi-tasking than singular-tasking. . .and yet, he still was not the Chief of Security.

It was more than troubling for him. However, Trellis had learned long ago to not be a bother or burden upon others. His job was to simply serve the department to the best of his ability. He took comfort in knowing that someday his hard work and loyalty would be recognized and rewarded by Command.

For the time being, he had more important matters to focus on: primarily the testing of the new orbital defense platforms. Trellis had spent well over a year and a half working to bring that technological feat to reality. When the Cardassians first deployed them at the Battle of Chin'Toka, it was absolutely devastating to the Federation fleet. However, Star Fleet Tactical saw an opportunity to capitalize on the technology and had worked to develop a model that was compatible with Starfleet technology.

Unfortunately, the idea of appropriate Cardassian technology for Starfleet usage had never been a popular topic. The project was mothballed for well over a decade until certain aspects of the fleet had decided to revive the project under the concept of "smarter, more effective weapons" within the fleet. If today's demonstration was successful, it would open the door to deploying more of these devices in lieu of risking the lives of countless Starfleet officers. Moreover, it would be an opportunity for Trellis to demonstrate his skill and talent to the "Powers That Be".

Isha observed the exchanges - several of the officers were new to their roles, others established. That there were many, many empty places concerned her. One of the things Isha had learned over the years was that a rapid change of personnel was rather like cutting an earthworm in half - the trick was to make sure that the new staff were in the front and not the back. She hoped that Tahir and the departed crew were not the front.

Perturbed for a moment that Federation Standard did not have the formal and informal forms of address that would make her status clear in Rihannsu, Isha chose another word to open her communal address.

TBC ...