Interlude – Liaisons
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Liaisons
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Sat Feb 05, 2011 @ 8:25am
Location   XO's Office
Timeline   SD34, 13:50 (Backpost)

Karen had one last appointment before she went off duty at 14:00, with the Chief Counselor, though it was not an appointment of a professional nature. She sipped her espresso as she waited for the Lieutenant to arrive, and hoped that she would be agreeable to the proposal.

Kreallia tried to crack her neck as she continued walking towards Commander Villiers' office. The multitude of 'Priority' cases on her workload were nothing short of exhausting and rather....... pointless. But then again a 'Priority' stamp got you everything these days, and for some reason Kreallia was all too happy to go along with it. Giving a sigh as she approached the reception desk she leaned against it and peered down at the person below her. "She's expecting me." Kreallia stated.

"Ah, Lieutenant t'Jay," Karen said as the counselor entered her office, "take a seat," she invited, "and grab something from the replicator if you want."

Kreallia nodded. "Thank you Commander, I need something with high doses of caffeine." She said with a light exhale, while Kreallia mostly brushed off these requests of refreshment, that was a long time ago, back when she was 'newbie newbie' as someone had put it. Now she was far too tired most of the time to turn it down, ordering a very heavy Moca, coffee was also something she didn't like 'back then'. "So commander, if you could make this as dragged out as possible so I may rest for the next stardate and then just leave me here over night it would be much appreciated." Kreallia continued as she sat down.

"There's a saying Lieutenant, that a change is as good as a rest," Karen said, "So how would you feel about a change? We've had a very interesting request and the captain and me think you're the perfect candidate," she said not giving details just yet. Karen wanted to see how the counselor reacted first.

"What kind of request?" Kreallia said as she looked up with bloodshot eyes from her coffee. "I can assure you I'm not that popular to be the 'perfect' candidate." She muttered with a sip of the liquid.

"The interesting kind," Karen said, her tone bland. "I'm sure you're aware of the Romulan diplomatic presence on this station," she said. "Well, it seems the ambassador is willing to go a little beyond the norm in showing how committed to peace and negotiation she is. She has offered to make her operation as regards the ship she has stationed here transparent and to do that she has suggested that Starfleet provide a Liaison Officer to go aboard that ship. There are a lot of officers we could have chosen, but someone of vulcanoid descent is likely to have a better chance of fitting in, and with your training as a counselor we think they'll have a much harder job pulling the wool over your eyes if this is one big deception," Karen explained getting straight to the point.

Damn, she came through. Kreallia thought silently through her self. Of course Isha had said she would but then again when did any of the Romulans she knew make good on their promises, besides her mother's mother once or twice. Once, she almost yelled at her self to remind her that woman had an agenda.

"It's a very interesting offer Commander, and though I'm just as counter-paranoid as Romulans are and have no problem seeing through their plots, I don't know if a psychiatrist is .... best for this role." Kreallia explained with a few moments of false caution, why shouldn't she make the 'yes' sound more convincing. "However I would be honored to take the position."

"Good," Karen said though she knew fine well it was a boast to claim to be able to see through the plots without trouble, but this was the way it was going to be. "The officer in command of the ship used to be one of us, she's new in her position, and to 'her' people; you might be able to use that in our favour," Karen suggested.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counselor
Federation Liaison Officer IRW Dhelan