Judgement – Moving up the ladder
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Moving up the ladder
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun May 29, 2011 @ 9:21pm
Location   Outside Main Engineering
Timeline   SD37 17:30
Tasha breathed a sigh of relief, as the doors to engineering whooshed to a close.
"Thank you for your support in there Bruce." She said with a pleasantness to her now that the argumentative atmosphere was behind them. She gave a slight shrug of her shoulders as they began to amble the quieter corridor.
"What make you laugh in there just now?" She enquired, but did not let him respond, putting forth her own theory first. "I can only think it was something that Ambassador Lurn said, rather than Isha." She stated without looking at him.

"I was going to run a level 1 diagnostic on the Reactor's. They would have been down all night and everyone would suffer having to use emergency power for the night. But its far to late to do it now, so your solution works." Bruce grinned. It was true, rules dictated he had to give notice before doing any level 1 diagnostic.

"There's always tomorrow!" Remarked Tasha with a reciprocal grin.

She glanced around, momentarily unsure of where they were but it did not take her long to get her bearings. She had to go down a few decks to the Romulan Ambassadorial level, "Talking of tomorrow, I have a citation for you in my office, but Commander Villiers is busying herself on this level." She stopped midstep and turned and took a step backwards looking towards the Chief Engineer. "There is also a promotion due for you, a long overdue one." The grin on her face had not subsided, "If you're not snowed under for five minutes, can I borrow you?" She pleaded, wanting nothing more to cheer both of them up.

"I think I can spare some time. Go ahead and lead the way." Bruce replied. "It will make for a better transmission back to my family." He replied following the Captain.

She nodded along with her now fixed smile as she tapped her comm.

=^= "Commander Villiers, are you still in the senate room?"=^= Tasha enquired as she turned back to face up the corridor and also glanced over her shoulder to ensure Bruce was following her as she began to stride with a little more pace toward the third door to the right.

=^= "I seem to be," Karen replied, "What can I do for you, Captain?"

=^= "Good, care to release the door." =^= Tasha replied as she faced the brown door that was sealed to all and sundry and waited for it to open.

As it opened, Tasha stood aside, allowing Bruce to enter the chamber ahead of her.

"Commander," Tahir began as she followed Bruce through, "I know this was scheduled for tomorrow, but as I have Lieutenant Freeman here, perhaps you can provide him with an extra rank pip to go with his promotion." She winked along with her smile.

Karen thought that Tasha got a kick out of doing promotions this way. She probably did as there were precious few highlights among the day to day responsibilities. Karen was prepared, and happy to oblige.

"I should just about be able to manage it," she said as she got to her feet and held out her hand to the engineer as if for a handshake.

"Thank you ma'am's" Bruce said accepting the pip. "I only hope I can remain worthy of this extra weight on my colllar." He added putting it onto his uniform. He couldn't help but play with them for a little bit as if the pips were a new toy. With only barely finding out his dad was the new engineering advisor in the corps he knew this would for sure make the message back home an eventful one.

There was always a highlight to any promotion and this was no different.
"I don't think it will make think it will make the slightest bit of difference to your performance, Commander," Tasha said emphasising the Commander with a great amount of pleasure, "it is a deserved promotion." She smiled also extending her hand in congratulations.

"Just doing my job ma'am." He replied grasping the Captains hand. "Commander will take a little bit of getting used to though. Its been lieutenant for a good while." He added with a smile. "Oh and while I have both of you here. I plan on taking tomorrow and using it for myself. Mostly to recuperate unless you absolutely need me for something." He didn't really want to have to visit sickbay due to exhaustion.

"You're entitled to leave, Commander," Karen observed, "I'm not sure that you have to apologise for using it from time to time."

"I'm just not one to have been away from the station on an away mission not being able to fix anything. Then to return and have to take a day for myself, feel bad doing it." Bruce replied figitting a little, knowing if he ended up breaking something during his shift it would look worse than this.

"Lieutenant Kramer can handle an extra shift I'm sure." Tasha stated with the smile now seeming oddly fixed to her face. "And if he can't, there are plenty who can help. You take the day, I know if the tables were reversed, I'd jump at the chance." She added with a whimsical lilt and an glance to Karen, wondering how she would feel if left to run the station for a day, not that Tasha didn't think that she would not be able to.

"I agree," Karen said. "Enjoy your day off."

Bruce nodded and made his way to his quarters.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Karen Villiers

Lt. Cmdr. Bruce Freeman