Incommunicado – Reflect
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Reflect
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jan 26, 2012 @ 10:34pm
Location   Deck near operations
Timeline   SD49 (backpost) 09:25 - 12:30
Tasha had rushed out of her office for some lone time. What was supposed to have been a joyous and easy morning had gone south faster than a trans-warp engined shuttle. She had not thought for one moment, not a single second that Trellis would have assumed that the role of CSO would rightfully befall him and then have the audacity to make it look as though it were her fault.
Yes, it was her fault, after all, she was Starfleet as far as everyone on this station was concerned. If they spat a pea, then she would have to have the napkin and mop to wipe up after them. If they said jump, she kept on going until they said it was high enough. So much for being the friendlier face.

Her head was in turmoil and she knew that she had responsibilities, but she also had responsibilities to Gabriel and if Trellis didn't like it, then he could lump it. Many a person would have been grateful to have on their resume that they had served as the "Chief of Security" on this gigantic waste of space that was Deep Space Five.
If there were a can or a trash can to kick, she would have kicked it. Alas, there was an Ensign that was heading her way and if she thought she could get away with it, she would have kicked him just for being there.

"Ma'am" He said in passing.

"Ensign" She replied, keeping her feet firmly on the ground and forcing her teeth to remain close together.

She fell back against the bulkhead, feeling its coldness and thinking that she could always become more metallic, less human, that would certainly satisfy some people, especially those that thought being Captain was all about being 'Up there'.

She took a deep breath and released it as a very loud sigh then checked left and right to make sure nobody heard her before pushing herself from the wall and striding to the personal transporter pad.

"Computer, deck 65, secondary Operations." She ordered and was immediately whisked away in a shimmer of twinkling lights.

She stepped from the pad and marched towards the door of secondary operations which remained sealed.
She placed her hand on the entry pad don the right hand side of the door.
"Captain Tasha Ingredia Tahir." She annunciated her name for the computers verification before it would unseal the secondary Operations room, after all, if anybody could waltz ion here, they would practically have full control of the station.

The door slipped apart and Tasha entered.
"Lights and Captains control privileges." She ordered as she ventured deeper inwards, into self imposed solitary and made her way to the central rostrum. "Redirect all messages for me to this station." She tapped at the console as she drew up a chair and sat. "Reduce lighting by seventy five percent and close entry doors." She ordered as the lights dimmed, allowing the room to be bathed in just the starlight from outside.

She sat for a number of minutes, thinking to herself, contemplating different things before she rose from the stool and headed to the replicator, ordering a hot sweet tea before returning to her seat.
"Computer, display current location of Dorian Gabriel." She requested.

The computer took a few seconds to give her the required information, but it didn't surprise her when the display honed in on the Promenade deck and a second after, the holosuites on the second level.

She sat in silence, occasionally running her fingers through her hair as she continued to watch the display, or more precisely, Dorians movements.

Nearly an hour had passed before a call came through for her, as expected, it was a Starfleet transmission and the orders for the following day as well as the expected arrivals and departures. The message was unusually degraded, parts were missing and some of the data had become corrupted.
Tasha didn't pay too much attention, she had other things on her mind as her attention as brought back to the monitor. Gabriel was on the move and she was planning to intercept at some point this morning. He had now moved down to the third level. Tahir tapped at the screen, bringing up the section in more detail as Gabriel entered the King Export & Import. Her fingers moved to her lips and began to tap with a rhythm on her lower lip.
"What are you up to Mr Gabriel?" She said aloud, also watching the clock as he exited. "Less than three minutes, that was a quick conversation or transaction." She began to speculate what he was doing but she was also very much aware that he was out there now, without the safety of his uniform or the force of Starfleet to protect him.
As he disappeared from Level three, Tasha started upwards, finishing the now cold tea as she watched him head back up to level two and the infamous Box of Delights.

She took this as a sign of what was to become Dorians timetable and headed back to her own office, ensuring Secondary Operations was securely sealed.


Captain Tasha Tahir