Unity – Runabout Request
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Runabout Request
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Jan 07, 2010 @ 11:07pm
Location   Operations - XOs Office
Timeline   SD 16 - 18:30

Greo walked the hallway PADD in hand, pleased with his proposal and fairly confident the commander would approve his request. He had decided not to bother Davies with such a task as it was pretty common for Lieutenant Commanders to take shuttles and runabouts as they needed. Tovon however was still new in his pips and wanted to run it by a friendly face. So he walked the hallway to Villiers office, figuring she was probably still hard at work. As he approached the door he played with his collar, the new pip was right on the slight neck ridge he was plagued with. He pressed the door panel and he heard the chime beyond faintly.

"Come in," Karen said glad of the excuse to put down her reading. "Why Lieutenant Commander Tovon," she said, "what can I do for you?"

"Sorry to disturb you." He stepped into the room noting that Lieutenant Trellis was also present. Greo hadn't had a chance to get to know Gabriel's replacement. He simply nodded at him. "I was just hoping to get you to sign off on this request for a runabout." He slid the PADD onto the desk, but Trellis stepped forward a serious look on his face.

"Commander, the Romulans have arrived. It would probably be in the best interest of peace and tranquility to turn over Commander Gabriel to their custody. From there, they will proceed with his prosecution and the entire matter would be resolved more efficiently." Trellis stated as he stood in front of Commander Villiers' desk.

"I have ordered that he remains where he is for his own safety."

"I recognize that, but his unprovoked attack against Lieutenant Tan, as well as his harassment of the Romulan Embassy, he has presented himself as a threat to both Starfleet as well as the Federation's attempts at peaceful co-existence with other races." He replied.

"Your recommendation is noted." Karen raised a padd and held it out to him. "The Romulans are sending someone specifically to deal with the prosecution and have agreed that he may stay where he is until their counsel arrives, on the proviso that no attempt is made to remove him from Deep Space Five. I have agreed to these terms and any representative of the Romulan Empire who requests his removal, with the exception of the Counsel named in that padd directly contravenes a Praetorian Edict."

"Sorry to interrupt," Greo interrupted, "but has anyone looked into the concerns of Mr Gabriel? There have been some strange things going on around the station lately." He turned to Trellis. "He has done a lot for DS5. You might not want to be so quick to hand him over to the Romulans. Unless his office is that comfortable?"

"Let's not lose focus, Commander Tovon," Karen interjected. "Gabriel is not going anywhere and due process will be followed. We will not interfere with the Romulan Counsel's attempt to prosecute Gabriel, but we will aim first to prevent extradition, which will be her first line of attack - that will buy us time - I hope enough to make a case to clear him. Trellis, tell me now if there is something pertinent to this case that I need to know."

He thought for several moments before responding. "There is not much else I can add, Commander. All the information I have been provided shows that recently-discovered DNA evidence shows Gabriel had contact with the Romulan shortly before his death." He said as he stepped towards the desk and placed a padd on her desk.


"More importantly, we have Commander Gabriel explaining to the Romulan Doctor how he planned on killing him in explicit detail. The man practically bragged about what he was about to do!" Trellis said as he could feel himself growing more and more irritated at the thought of Gabriel not being convicted during the first investigation, considering the evidence against him.

"I believe the evidence speaks clearly." He added.

Karen did not need to read it now, she had already been through the reports, "Thank you. Its abundantly clear," she said in agreement, "and had the DNA evidence been available then there could well have been a different verdict," what she did not understand was how the Federation investigation had missed it all those years ago, and why it was only just being made available now. After a brief pause for thought, Karen hit her comm badge.

=^=Commander Davies, have the Romulans made any formal move yet on the matter of Lieutenant Commander Gabriel?" She was a little perturbed about Trellis' enthusiasm for handing Gabriel over, no matter how unpersonable their few meetings had been.

David didn't raise his head from the report he was reading and tapped the console ahead of him.

=^= "No Commander, not yet, but I am sure that we will hear something soon. Have you heard anything from your own contacts?" He asked in return. =^=

=^=Nothing," Karen said, "Their silence is unusual. Thanks, Commander Davies."

David nodded to himself, knowing that it would not be long before one of their representatives approached him or Commander Villiers.

Greo realized that things were getting a bit beyond him, venturing into politics was not really his forte. Yet. He tried to get Villiers attention and gestured at his PADD on the desk.

"Sorry to have interrupted Lieutenant Trellis' promotion, I was just hoping to get clearance on taking out a runabout in the morning?"

Trellis' face turned red with embarrassment for several moments before he attempted to respond. "Commander, you do not understand, Gabriel's tenure as Chief of Security has done nothing but provoke and agitate the delicate balance of peace onboard this station. He has harassed ambassadors, spied on private civilians, and a host of other actions that have finally culminated to the chaos that we are experiencing now." He explained.

Karen smiled, her lips thin and her eyes cold. "I understand, Mister Trellis. Why is it that you are so eager to condemn your superior?" Karen paused briefly, "I also understand something of human nature. Ask yourself what you would hope from your colleagues if you found yourself in a similar position, having acted only to do what you considered to be necessary to do your duty."

Greo looked Trellis in the eye.

"As long as you're ready Lieutenant. It would be a shame if Gabriel was locked away when he was really needed." He picked up the PADD. "Anyway, I hope my request is ok?"

"That should not be a problem, the Docking Bay reported that we shouldn't be expecting another arrival until at least 07:00 tomorrow." he responded.

"In that case I shall take my leave." Greo nodded at the others. "Commander, Lieutenant." He slid out the door before he could be entangled in any more discussions about Gabriel. No matter how much Trellis wanted to beat down the difficult security chief. He tucked the PADD under his arm, happy that he had approval for his mission.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Si'lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security