Interlude – Engineer Interview
by Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Engineer Interview
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Sun Nov 07, 2010 @ 11:23pm
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   SD35
Thomas wandered through the base and tried to remember the layout he'd looked at earlier. He wasn't sure where he was and he was getting a bit concerned. He knew he could stop and ask the computer but that seemed to be the cowardly thing to do. What was the point of exploring if you couldn't get lost. He smiled to himself and stepped through one of the doors, pausing to look around.

The room was full of crewmen wearing the color of the support division. This far into the base, he assumed they were engineers and that made him feel better. He wasn't lost anymore. He smiled again and moved further into the room, watching the engineers work.

Bruce was finishing up some routine maintenance on the computer core. He was just finishing up closing the panel where he was working when he heard the door open. He turned and looked down from the second level of Engineering wonder who this was that walked in. "Can I help you?" He yelled down to the man. "Civilians usually aren't allowed in this section of Engineering."

"Thomas Whitlock," he said, looking up at the man. "I was hoping to have a nice chat with the Chief Engineer. Is he around?"

"I'm not sure, but you can wait in his office over there." Bruce responded. Though he was the Chief Engineer he wanted a few minutes to finish up one last thing.

Thomas looked at the man and nodded. He walked to the office and looked around for a moment before sitting in the chair in front of the man's desk.

After finishing up the last thing he was doing and delegated some other things, Bruce walked into the Office and walked behind the desk. "Bruce Freeman Chief Engineer." He said extending his hand towards Thomas.

Thomas looked surprised at the man then chuckled. "I should have known. Am I disturbing you?"

"If you were, we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we." Bruce responded honestly.

Thomas looked at him and smiled. "How are things going in your department? Your people must have a lot to do on a base this size."

"Of course, nothing like on a star ship. There is always something that needs fixing. The moment I think we are finally caught up there was something we missed. Luckily there are enough of us that we can get things done in a timely manner."

"How are you liking your time here?" Thomas asked, looking around the room.

"Its been fun. I've had the pleasure of installing new tech for the station and that makes up for the constant work load."

"What type of new tech?" Thomas asked, sitting up straighter in the chair.

"That my friend I don't think the captain wants handed out Willy nilly." Bruce answered with a stern face. He wasnt too sure if it was ok for him to indulge the reporter with details on the stations defense technology. "If she gives the ok ill tell you more but I don't want to end up getting in trouble."

"That's understandable," Thomas replied with a nod. "Is there anything you can tell me about it?"

"Other than its new and only just starting to be installed on star bases. No." Bruce replied.

Thomas looked at him for a moment and nodded. "I should really let you get back to work," he said as he stood up and extended his hand. "Thank you for your time."

"No problem." He said shaking his hand.

Thomas smiled at the man then turned and walked out of the office.


Bruce Freeman

Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter