Beg, Steal or Borrow – Strangers and Spies
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero

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Title   Strangers and Spies
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
Posted   Tue Feb 10, 2009 @ 12:25pm
Location   Enroute to Earth - USS Castor
Timeline   SD8 11:00

Zorana sat fidgeting. She didn't know what was waiting for her on Earth, except for a visit from the 'Quartermaster'. ~ Ok, cool, calm and collected. ~ She thought and breathed. She held her body still and focused. There was one person that Zorana didn't want to run into but she wouldn't let her mind wander that far, she wouldn't allow herself to.

Tasha had been dozing in the reclined seat behind Zorana. The oddity of the box had been playing on her mind and at one stage, she had come dangerously close to opening it and prayed that she could resist the urge to open it before it was passed onto the next owner on Earth.

"Counsellor, what is it they say about a person who fidgets. Find something to occupy your mind. Try a puzzle, a word game or anything, just STOP fidgeting!" She remarked, keeping her eyes closed tight.

~That's the problem...I have to much to occupy my mind.~ She thought to herself. "Yes Captain, sorry captain." She said quietly. Zorana got up from her seat and found her stowed bag and silently rummaged through her bags. She grabbed a copy of Pride and Prejudice and returned to her seat.

Zorana tried reading the book from the PADD but she kept reading the same three paragraphs over and over. The covert mission had her worried, her mind wandered back to the USS Legacy.

Tasha listened to her searching in what she assumed to be her bag as she imagined what the panel of her peers would be using against Patrick when the ship began to rock.
Tasha opened her eyes, blinking them into focus as she pushed herself up from the comfort of the chair and headed forward to Jayfe.

"Mr Devero, you awake?" She asked, placing her hand on his right shoulder and with a gentle push, roused him from his own doze.

Jayfe's eyes sprung open at the 'gentle' push. "I am now," he said groggily, sitting up. He ran a hand through his hair before instinctively checking the flight controls and sensors. "What?" He asked, looking at Tahir.

Tasha's grin widened at the science officers look of confusion and she held back the chuckle.

"Nothing." She replied, shaking her head. "The ship just rocked and I came to make sure you were alright. Can I get you a drink or something to eat." She offered.

"No, no... Thanks." Jayfe rubbed some sleep from his eyes and looked around the cabin still slightly dishevelled. He exhaled deeply upon a second inspection of his console. "This thing literally flies itself in Federation space. Auto-nav corrections are regularly uploaded. It totally takes the fun out of it. Maybe we should take a detour somewhere... I've heard there's an interesting binary pulsar system that'd only take us a few days off course..."

Tasha's eyes lit up. Should they? Could they? How late would it make them? Would Rakka still be able to catch up?
She grinned. "OK Jayfe, I'm game." She turned her head towards the crew area. "Doctor, you up for a slight detour?" She called to Zorana, who was trying to look as though she was interested in the novel padd she was holding up.

"Absolutely!" She smiled and put down the novel. Mr. Darcey and Miss. Bennett would have to wait.

"We're unanimous. Go for it Jayfe, but drop a marker for Rakka, so she knows where we heading." Tasha urged, her inner child rising. It had been a while since she had been away from the station and it was an opportunity which she didn't really need to think twice of.

Jayfe smiled deeply and returned his concentration to the console, keying in commands.

Tasha slipped into the second seat and fastened her restraints as she watched Jayfe prepare a buoy.

Zorana sat up straight in her seat excited now instead of worrying about what was waiting for her. A smile crept across her face.

"Ready?" Tasha asked, the grin on her face widening as their little adventure was about to begin.

"I'm always up for something new!" Zorana replied.

"Launching buoy," Jayfe announced as a small drone was ejected from the ventral section of the Castor, blinking lights no protection from the abyss of space. "See you soon, Rakka..." he whispered.

"Altering course." The ships heading trimmed slightly to port before the Castor streaked into warp. Adventures on the bow.


Captain Tasha Tahir

LT. (JG) Zorana Kasikova

Lt. JG Jayfe Devero (Trouble maker..)