Beg, Steal or Borrow – Departure of N'shara of the House of Torath
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Departure of N'shara of the House of Torath
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Sat Jun 27, 2009 @ 9:22am
Location   USS Dunham
Timeline   SD9 0900
As the USS Dunham slowly circled Starbase 47 the entire senior staff, Captain Jessup, Commander Soqar, Lt Commanders Fellows and Barouk, and Lieutenant Welch all awaited N'shara's arrival in the transporter room.

"It's going to be odd with out her aboard isn't it Commander?"

"N'shara's assignment was only temporary in nature, he eventual departure was to be expected, Captain. However I do believe the number of crew in sickbay will begin to diminish." Jested the Vulcan

Several chuckled at the comment, but most recalled that many of them had been in sickbay from one time or another. Most of those injuries had been from sparring with her on the holodeck. Although a few had been the unfortunate souls to have crossed her when had had yet to acclimateto Starfleet procedures.

N'shara had come to respect the crew she had the honor of working with the last two years, many of which had become...friends. She strode towards the tranporter room, carrying her bat'leth and a duffle bag. The rest of her belongings and weaponry had been transported to SB47 already. She was slightly surprised to see no one after the previous night's party, perhaps they all had hangovers, or whatever the hell the humans called the little headache after too much alcohol. Her imperial uniform gave the tall woman a regal appearance, her hair hanging loose over her shoulders.

As she walked into the transporter room, she slowed immediately in surprise seeing the people she was closest to, there. "Hu'teQ! And I thought you were all lying like babies in a cot after last night,' she laughed.

Rubbing the back of his head Fellows, the Chief Engineer, replied. "The thought had occurred, believe you me."

"Two years and you still couldn't hold your bloodwine......" she mocked them goodheartedly. "So.... are you going to sing me a farewell song...? Although... on second thought.. I 'd rather not hear that .. again," she said wincing. She turned towards the Captain, a man she deeply respected. "It was an honor, Sir," she said and meant it. As a Klingon, those words were no cliche, it carried deep meaning.

Extending his arm the two clasped forearms. "Thank you N'shara, but the honor has been ours. I know I speak for the entire crew when I saw that the last two years has been a privilege."

"Indeed." The Vulcan raised his hand, parting his fingers in his peoples salute, however the words were Klingon. "batlh Daqawlu'tah" {You will be remembered with Honor}.

"Live long and prosper," she responded in Vulcan, still struggling to pronounce the almost liquid words, but at least it didn't souns like *eat you stomach over" anymore. "You were a worthy oponent," she said
him being the only one who didn't end up in sickbay. With a grin she turned to Fellows. "You don't look so good.....not that you look better otherwise... ugly is ugly," she said to the good looking human man,
most woman would swoon over. "But I will miss you," she said as she stepped over to him.

Fellows nodded, extending his hand. His firm grip met by hers as he grinned, "You know it wasn't the was that third bottle of Chechtlhutlh that made the rounds last night. Best of luck to ya."

"Believe what you want, but I am not the one who sang an Andorian love song to the captain's dog last night...." she joked with a straight face. She sobered as she turned to Welch.

Welch stood at the end of the line of officers, silent his eyes never leaving her. He had had to earn her respect and trust though in the last six months for their relation ship had gone further than that. They
both knew this was going to happen. He knew that her new assignment was not only a promotion, but would be a serious step up for her. However that knowledge didn't make things any easier.

What had started out as a platonic friendship between two unlikely commorades had become more. In uncharacteristic show of affection she hugged the slightly shorter man. What they had hidden from the others, she had now made plain, especially in the kiss she gave him, letting them wonder what the hell he had to draw the Klingon woman. "Now... you can for Linda... I have trained you well," she said close to his ear. I will never forget you," she whispered with a smile in her voice.

Grinning at her comment as she pulled away. "I'll be sure to put your training to good use."

She gave him a sweet smile, meant for him only and he was also the only person who ever saw that side of her. Still looking at him she moved to Barouk and grinned. "I am honoured to have known you," she said as they clasped each other's forearms. Please extend my greetings to your mate."

Stepping back from him she nodded to them and stepped onto the transporter padd. "ghIj qet jaghmeyjaj (may your enemies run in fear)" she said to them and placed her right fist across the left side of her chest "Qapla' Balth je'!"

Jessup nodded and looked to the transporter operator. "Energize."

After she was gone everyone, including the transporter operator, glanced at Welch and all but one had wry grin to their questioning faces.

Welch merely shook his head slightly and shrugged innocently...."What?"


The first office raised an eyebrow. "His 'training' would explain his unusually frequent visits to sick bay and the resulting periods of light duty."

Barouk smiled and placed hand on Welch's shoulder. "Not to worry...medical records are confidential." But as they filed out of the transporter room he turned, walking backward for a moment. "However I
do take bribes."

The Klingon warrior materialized on the starbase, feeling strangely empty. She was going to miss them, It felt like yesterday when she boarded the USS Dunham. She was certainly leaving it enriched and matured. It was worth it.

Now there was someone she needed to see her brother, Kretorg, XO of teh USS Rapier


USS Dunham Crew
(NPC by Chris/Toran)

N'shara of the Housse of Torath
IKV Hed'not
(NPC by Sharon/Ayren)