Cascade – From the depths
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   From the depths
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Feb 14, 2013 @ 2:26am
Location   Tahirs Quarters
Timeline   SD 71 0515
Tasha followed him to the door, more to ensure it was sealed securely behind him and Tashas' hand slipped down the door to her side as she turned to look at her room, her lonely room and felt the tears begin to track down her cheeks, thankfully out of sight of any of the crew.

Pulling the white linen sheet under her chin, Tasha still could not shake the intense feelings of remorse, guilt and sheer sadness she found herself in but it did not stop her falling into a deep slumber.

The room was lit only by the stars outside her picture window which gave a fantastic view to the great expanse of space beyond the station and the daily drudgery that usurped every ounce of energy from those who lives depended on Deep Space five being here. It was the last great Federation outpost before heading into the wilderness of this sector of space and both visitors, guests, traders and envoys would come to this great beacon of light in the darkness.

Her head lay upon the pillow and though her eyes were closed, she was awake, the thoughts of Roman and her father had played on her mind most of the night, giving small snippets of her past in her dreamstate. She swept them away, her eyes still closed as she lay there perusing her life, her goals, ambitions and failures as well as the days troubles that were undoubtedly ahead. She had new transfers coming in, some that were already aboard as well as some that were about to depart to pastures new, such was the circle of life on DS5.

It was then that thoughts of Roman began to enter her conscious mind and she found herself wondering if had he still been alive
would she be here, would he have liked it here? She had these thoughts before, an epoch ago but after talking with the new Chief Engineer, she found herself bringing back those distant memories, both good and bad. She smiled and shook her head on her pillow as she dismissed it on both counts.
'If' was a big word when used in context and IF Roman had been alive, no she would not be here and no, he would have hated it. Roman was a simple man with simple pleasures but he had a passion for Earth or 'Home', being beneath a natural atmosphere with clouds and blue, even grey skies, though the occasional jaunt to some far off world had never been a problem, as long as his home was on Earth.

The sting of her tears forced her eyes open and she decided that it was time to get out the lonely bed and put herself to work. The long hours with a lack of sleep, antagonistic staff, bickering traders, shootings, muggings and explosions as well as all the other baggage that was this station were just a day in its' life and she would not change it for anything... well, maybe one thing. She sighed.

Tasha wiped away the tears in the sheet and then threw it back, swinging her legs out of the bed and standing she made her way with just the starlight as illumination to the shower and tried to fill her head with thoughts of the day ahead, Ivor prime and the mystery ship as others were dismissed while she stepped into the sonic rays, allowing them to shake loose the night's thoughts from inside and the grime from outside.

"Computer, French toast and Morning Breakfast tea, hot." She ordered as she donned her uniform.
"Schedule for the day?" She requested as she retrieved her breakfast and listened as she ate to the never ending list her day was about to bring.

She discarded her empty cup and the dish before taking a glance in the mirror, pulling a bright red hair band from the drawer and tugged her hair as she placed the band over her head, holding her hair in place.
She smiled looking at the reflection of the woman who was fast approaching forty and had resigned herself to her lot, the burden of command in the furthest corner of space with no family ties to call her home, so home to her, was Deep Space Five.
She found herself asking the question that Wyman had posed. 'Was she married to it?'
She shook her head. No, they were just good friends.


Captain Tasha Tahir