Incommunicado – Lingering Wounds
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Lingering Wounds
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Jul 04, 2012 @ 11:58pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 58 - 1800

Shi'enna found herself outside the doors of the station's sickbay without really realizing how she got there. She stood looking at the doors a long moment before deciding her hand hurt enough. It couldn't hurt to have a doctor take a look.

She stepped in, looking around silently. "Excuse me," she said, her normally imperious voice coming out just a tad under confident. "Could I get some help here?" She cradled her wounded hand in the other.

Chelsea looked up from a minor wound she was dressing and immediately handed it over to a nurse who was observing. She came quickly over to the young woman with the unusual eyes and scanned her hand straight away.

"How did this happen?" she asked, trying to assess the age of the wound and the nature of how it was damaged.

"I tore a ligament a few months ago," Shi answered. "Rock climbing. I'm trying to contact my fiance, and well... the comm wasn't cooperating." She grimaced. "Fists and metal tables aren't the best of bed fellows, I guess."

"Not usually" Chelsea commented as she scanned the damaged wrist. "But with a little of our medical magic, I think we can put this back the way nature intended it. Come into a cubicle and I'll start re-knitting the bones. Do you want pain control?" she asked, suspecting that this might be one tough cookie who might be reistant to being coddled.

Shi'enna snorted. "It's nothing, really," she said.

"Two bones are fractured and one ligament is twisted." Chelsea told her. "I can fix them but you'll need to give me about an hour to work on it."

"OK," Shi said under her breath. "Not nothing, I guess." She winced slightly in pain, but not nearly so much as she had a right to.

Seeing the wince, Chelsea administered a hypospray of analgesic before starting with the treatment. As predicted it took about an hour but at the end of the regeneration Shi'enna's wrist was repaired.

"Whatever you do, don't damage it again within 24 hours." Chelsea warned. "Rest it as much as you can until tomorrow night at least."

Si'enna sighed. She hated 'taking it easy.' "Anything else?" she said as she slid down off the biobed. "Something like lots of rest and plenty of fluids?"

"If you like." Chelsea replied with a shrug. "I can say what I like but you'll listen if you want to and not if you don't" She knew from experience that most of her advice to patients went in one ear and out the other. Sometimes she wondered if a hearing test shouldn't be standard to all dischages but then again it was rarely the actual ears that were the problem. People just didn't like to be sick and the quicker they could forget they ever were, the better they liked it, so they dropped all reminders as soon as they could.

"You know where we are if you need it looked at further." she added with a knowledgeable smile.

"Thanks," Shi'enna said. "Hey, you know anything about what's going on around here?" She shrugged. "Seems like I"m not the only one with communication troubles." She'd overheard a few other people complaining on her way here.

"No you're not the only one. Everyone is having problems and there are craft out there trying to find out more but it's dangerous in case they get lost too." Chelsea had first hand experience of this from Rick.

Shi shook her head sadly. "My fiance's probably sitting by the comm wringing his hands in worry right now." She giggled softly at the thought.

"Would you like to call him?" Chelsea offered making the assumption that he might want to be reassured.

Shi gaped. "I assume you mean some of the higher up channels are still working? 'Cause if so, I couldn't do that. Those channels are probably really important to the command staff and such right now. Elai'll just have to wait." She grinned good-naturedly. "Serves him right."

"Where is he then?" Chelsea asked, having assumed that he was on the station somewhere.

"Wilderman Sector," Shi said. "He's a Starfleet officer," she added by way of explanation.

"Wow! Interesting work!" Chelsea commented. "So how far away is he right now?"

"Few dozen lightyears, give or take," she said. "I'm not entirely sure. I'm a xenozoologist, not a physicist."

"Good point" Chelsea conceded, finishing off her work on Shi's wrist. "Well, I hope he gets back safely when this is all over. Could you *try* to be in one piece for him when he does?" she added with a pleasant smile, teasing softly. "There, you're done." She stood back a step or two and eyed the perfect lines of the newly regenerated bones and ligaments.

Shi'enna rotated the wrist experimentally. "Thanks," she said, sliding off the bio bed. "And don't worry. I don't see any cliff-faces around here I can go hurting myself on." She smirked.

"Glad to hear it." Chelsea laughed back. "Nice to have met you. I hope you reunite with your partner again soon." she said in parting as the pretty young woman with the Violet eyes left.

Shi'enna stalked from the infirmary, a pleasent smile on her face. Now that her wrist was better, her hunter's walk was back. The Duchess was feeling so much better now. Good enough for a drink, maybe?


A JP between:

Cmdr Chelsea Adams


Shi'enna Oramen - NPC
Telian noblewoman (civilian)