Intermission – I trust you to fix this problem.
by Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   I trust you to fix this problem.
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Thu Oct 17, 2013 @ 6:54pm
Location   Onboard the Matthias
Timeline   SD 74 - 10:00

"The man in the bar. He told me how I could get a bomb, an' how to use it."

Trellis' brow furrowed. This was news to him. "What man? What bar? How did he get the bomb?" Trellis pressed.

"There was that trouble on the promenade, he was there in the Box. I saw him again later an' we got talking. He reckoned if I was serious about getting the Cardy than I should use whatever method I could. It seemed to make sense at the time."

Trellis leaned back as he took in the information. IF what she said was true, then that means she was a part of a much larger conspiracy. Particularly, a conspiracy involving the anti-human faction that had been developing on the station. She had suddenly gone from being the primary suspect into being the star witness.

"Commander, we need to get this witness to a safe location, immediately." Trellis stated directly to the Commander.

Karen nodded her assent. "Pull all the footage of the promenade around the time of the riot, and any from inside the Box of Delights. I want to see who she's been talking to," she continued with a curt nod towards Pip.

"Oh, and while you're at it I want surveillance on anyone who appeared to be involved in that trouble, freeze their accounts as you find them. Ought to drive them out of the hold. Start with your former colleague Dorian Gabriel," she knew for certain that he had taken centre stage that day and the man was quite unstable enough to make an issue of it. What Karen wanted to know was how deep his involvement went - was he the tool or the hand?


Rene Babeu made his way through the security officers at the docking station and made his way onto the mobile headquarters for the Raddon Corporation known simply as The Matthias. The vessel itself was a modern feat of technology. It self-sustainable, fully capable to engage in long-term missions and to provide medical, logistical, and if necessary limited-military support in times of need. However, for Rene, the vessel seemed to be a never ending series of corridors and hallways that kept him from reach his intended target:

Melvyn Raddon.

He needed to see the man in order to deal with a plan that had started to unravel before his eyes. The plan was simple: Have the little girl plant the bomb in the Cardassian Embassy and kill as many Cardassians as possible. IF she survived, then certainly she would not have stuck around. She HAD to have possessed some escape plan. There is no way she would stay in such a volatile environment. But she did, and now she had managed to get herself captured.

Rene came to the designated doors and showed his identification to the two guards posted ominously at the Executive's Office. The guard spoke softly into his communication device and waited for several moments before he received confirmation and then allowed Rene through the doors.

Before the doors could fully close behind him, Rene had already began to speak. "Mr. Raddon, we have a serious problem. The child that blew up the Embassy decided to turn herself into Starfleet Security, she's prob--" He tried to say, but was silenced.

Melvyn merely raised his hand. It remained suspended in the air for several moments. The room was filled with complete silence as his hand remained in one place. Finally after several deafening moments of silence had passed, the elder man spoke.

"It appears to me, Mr. Babeu, that you have a serious problem." Melvyn replied as he stood with his back towards the visibly nervous Human. "In fact, I believe you have a serious problem that requires a serious solution before certain . . .unfortunate details. . . become public knowledge." He said as he slowly turned from his large viewport and faced the much younger human.

"Wouldn't you agree?" He asked rhetorically.

Rene began to nod slowly as he began to realize the inference from Melvyn. "Y--y--you are absolutely right. I'll definitely need to take care of this. But. .. how? I mean, as soon as she opens her mouth to Starfleet, then she'll be able to name me as the person who helped her obtain the bom---" He said rapidly as the words fell out of his mouth.

"Well, Mr. Babeu, I suggest that you ensure that she does not speak to anymore Starfleet Security officers." Melvyn said in a deliberate and direct manner. In fact, I'm certain that you could find others who could help you with such a design." Melvyn added as he pressed several buttons on his comm unit.

"Mercy, please send a message to my friend, Ms. Melissa DelPrado, I have someone that she would like to meet." He said to his assistant before looking back towards Mr. Babeu. "I believe you have a meeting to attend?" He stated, moreso than asked.

"Yes. . .yes I do." Rene said, recognizing what he was to do next.

Melvyn Raddon
CEO Raddon Corp
Starship Matthias

Rene Babeu
Concerned Human