Judgement – Old History
by Ambassador Cala Lurn & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Old History
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri Mar 04, 2011 @ 5:33pm
Location   Deck 56. Court Complex. JAG Office.
Timeline   SD: 36 15:00hrs

After meeting with the Captain and dealing with Dorian; Cala decided to take a walk. She walked into the transporter and told it to go to Deck 56. Reaching deck 56, Cala walked off and walked through some sliding doors. She slowly walked down the hallway looking at the people as they passed by. She made a good mental note where everything was, for when the time comes for her stand trail with Dorian.

One part of Karen wanted the evidence to provide a loophole that would allow her to delay the trial for further investigation, but re-read after re-read made it increasingly apparent that would not be the case.

The Romulan case was close to watertight, and the Cardassian addition only served to add a double seal - a mis-trial would be a boon, an acquittal a miracle. Karen was finding it hard to see reasonable doubt, and Gabriel's hostile attitude did nothing to help. If she found it a challenge to keep her bias under check, a jury of his peers were going to be on a see-saw.

"Ma'am, a visitor has arrived," Peridot Quirm announced sticking her head around the door. "No appointment. Do you want me to give her the push?"

For all her quirks Quirm was a very promising intern with a very hands on approach to interspecies relations. "Who is it?" Karen ask.

Quirm adjusted the padds in the crook of her arm and shook her head, "Name's Cala Lund or something. We could use a receptionist you know."

"I'll take that under advisement," Karen said. She liked Peridot Quirm, the girl had promise, but her manner was not in the least bit professional. "On your way out, ask her to come in."

Karen had met the Envoy only briefly, so this would be a great opportunity to spend a little more time with her. She pushed back her chair and got to her feet crossing to the replicator. "Nice to see you again," Karen said as the woman entered. "Can I get you anything?"

Cala slowly walked into the room looking at the young woman sitting down. She nodded her head and smiled, "It is. And I was just looking around the Court and stuff. Since I'll be here tomarrow on the Dorian Case." Reaching the table she stood there with her hands in front of her.

"The Stelam Shiar vs Gabriel," Karen said, "Computer, lock doors," she instructed and waited until the doors that usually stood open were sealed. "Its a can of worms hidden in a nest of vipers," she observed. "Don't expect anything to be as you expect it to be."

"True," stated Cala, "But it is are job to vanquish the Vipers. I'm sure tomarrow will quite intresting. But my mind is focused and clear. Perhaps you'll join me in a walk Commander?"

"It'll be interesting alright," Karen was actually looking forward to seeing the Romulan Ambassador in action - t'Khellian's reputation preceded her. "I can walk," she agreed, "a change of scene ... where would you like to go? I haven'e seen half of this station yet."

"Perhaps a little bit of history," smiled Cala turning around and walking towards the door. Reaching the door she stood there waiting for Karen to arrive with her.

Reaching the Turbolift Cala stated Deck 155 and a few seconds later the doors opened to a slightly long hallway with two doors at the end of it. Cala walked off the Turbolift and started walking down the hallway. "I hope you don't mind if we take a wallk down history lane," smiled Cala to Karen who was walking beside her.

"Not in the slightest," Karen replied, "You're more likely to find me clearing my head on a mountain-top than dipping into the past - I prefer the fresh air to gathered dust, still, in case precedent the past counts for a lot," she added putting a legal interpretation on the diversion.

"Good," smiled Cala opening both the doors open. Then she walked through with Karen. The room was full of paintings, sculptures and exhibits placed in a very large area. Cala placed her hands back in front of her and looked around, "Sometime I catch myself always returning to history. Remembering all the things I've done." Then a picture caught her eye, "And things I've lost." Then she paused for a moment looking at a picture of a young woman.

Karen was troubled neither by nostalgia, nor excessive sentiment, a good lawyer could not afford to be. "Long life is a two edged blade," Karen observed, she'd read the woman's file, like she did with those of all of her staff. "and every privilege has its drawbacks."

Cala looked at Karen and stated sadly, "That it does Commander." Then she continued walking, "Why don't you tell me of yourself. Something you don't mind telling a mere stranger. And I'll do the same in return. Hum?"

"With all due respect, we're not strangers, but we're not yet friends. You are a new member of the crew that I have responsibility for. I don't care who you've been before, only for your wellbeing now as part of my crew. That should tell you something about my mindset," Karen replied.

"As you wish," Cala smiled, "As my years of experence has led me to think that Humans like to keep secerts to themselves when meeting new people." She sighed and stated, "What was your childhood like?"

Was this woman listening to a word she said? Karen asked herself. "My childhood is of no relevance, if we become friends and I open up to you, I'll do that in my own time," she said - a clear statement that did not invite further enquiry. "Familiarity is something that is gained over time, not a given."

Cala nodded her head to Karen's statment, "When you feel ready." Changing the subject she continued, "What do you think of history. Your culture in particular?"

That Karen was okay to talk about. "My great ... not sure how many greats, actually, Grandparents travelled from the Carribean to London about four hundred and thirty years ago, that's where my knowledge of the family history started. It was tough for them - moving in the commonwealth to do jobs no-one else wanted to do, she kept a diary which someone put onto a disc, then it was transferred and tranferred as technology evolved to keep that story alive. We all have a good ides of where we came from, and of how far we've come. I think that's why my mum was drawn to exolinguistics - it helps her understand people who are different from us, from humans, and look at the similarities in how we express ourselves."

Cala nodded her head as the Karen spoke. She looked around the place of wonder but keeping her ears hooked on Karen's every word. "How interesting," hummed Cala," Have kept in touch lately with your family? I know when I hear from my children it's always nice to know how they're doing."

Karen shrugged, "Last time I was on Earth. We do meet-ups from time to time as we're all very busy people," she said, it was their version of 'normal'.

Cala thought about her children, one in particular, how she enjoyed being with them when they were younger and now grown up; didn't have much time to spend with her. "I would give anything to spend time with my kids," sighed Cala, "But just like you they're busy or dead." Then she looked at Karen with a fake smile, "Always remember your family. Which I'm sure you do. So are you involved in the Court Case tomorrow?"

"I'm the Head of the JAG Office here," Karen said shortly, this woman and her condescending manner, and transparent attempts to ingratiate herself and to pry were beginning to piss her off. "I'm the Judge, which you will know if you've read your brief, and the case is sub judice and therefore not open for discussion."

Cala stopped and turned to Karen, realizing that she had struck a nerve with the woman. "I mean no offence and I don't wish to disscuse any details. You never know what preying ears lurk. I was just wondering. I haven't been back to my office since my incounter with the Captain. So I haven't had the chance to read the brief. I'll do that tonight. With what ever stuff I need to bring to the trial as well."

"Whether you have read it or not, it still remains that the case is not a matter for public discussion ever, or otherwise unless with the counsel for the defense and or the prosecution are present. Given my position I cannot take a casual view."

"Karen I don't mean to get off on a bad foot with you," Cala confessed, "Forgive me I do not wish to make an enemy nor come off as an irritation. Simple questioning and learning of you as person and maybe hopes of friendship?"

"Cala, friendship is earned. Things might be different with different people, but with me, its a process, not a given," Karen did believe that Lurn had not meant to cause annoyance, but intention did not alter effect. "If you have some formal involvement with the case you should have raised it in my court chambers. That's what they're there for; they provide a separation between judicial life and real life, just as my office in Ops provides a separation from my life as Executive Officer, and real life. Do you understand?"

"Of course. There is no harm asking if you part of the case or not. I don't wish to discuss your idea on the matter or what you think might happen," Cala stated, "As for friendship. It must be established through knowing some and through trust. Two of which I wish to have."

"Well, tell me, when did you arrive?" Karen asked changing the subject to something more neutral.

"O just yesterday," Cala confessed to the woman walking with her, "I guess I felt like being in one place for a while."

"There's a lot to see," Karen said, "I haven't reached half of the station yet and I've been here for weeks."

Cala smiled at Karen statment, "I think most haven't seen the entire station as well. And if you wanted to get away from everything there are many places to hide for a while." She when she said the last sentance it was meant for her and her problem.

"What're you hiding from?"

Cala shook her head and stated, "When your day is over whelming and you need to just get away for a short period of time. The station is the best place."

"I wouldn't view that as hiding."

"Its an expression for a mini vacation or time away," Cala said trying to explain it to her.

"There's a certain level of anonymity in a crowd, but not when your face is known."

"True," stated Cala. Realizing the time Cala hated she had to leave but she had biger fish to get a whole of before tomarrow after noon. She turned and faced Cala and stated, "I must say are time together was quite splended I hope we can do this some other time. But I must get back to work. I have a lot to do in a short amount of time."

Cala bowed her head and walked back to the opening doors and back to her office to make a few messages that need much attention.


Posted By:

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer / JAG

Ambassador Cala Lurn

Tag: If you don't mind ending and posting :)