Judgement – More questions than answers.
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   More questions than answers.
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Jan 17, 2011 @ 2:09am
Location   Tahir's office
Timeline   SD36 08:30

Yolanthe had left a message with the captain's yeoman that she was free at Tahir's convenience. The yeoman had called back less than an hour later with an appointment. Now, grey but sober and dignified, Yolanthe sat opposite the small woman and waited to hear what the captain wanted.

Tasha had not expected to see the bar owner in her office as it was not usual for civilian staff to come to her, but after all, Tasha had left a message for Yolanthe to call her even if she had meant via voice channels and had offered the attractive woman a chair. "Can I get you anything?" Tasha enquired and added, "Tea, coffee or something to eat?" It was meant to put Yolanthe at ease and also made Tasha feel a better host.

"Thank you captain, but I'm fine." The bokkai shook her head as she kept her hands folded in her lap.

"Very well." She replied at the declination. "I'll get to the point." Tasha said as she intertwined her fingers and lay her clasped hands on the desk ahead of her. "Yesterday, I could not help but notice the bruises to your face, though you have done well to disguise them. Are you under any undue pressure from someone?" She asked, trying to be diplomatic.

Yolanthe's jaw dropped for a moment. Then she burst out laughing. "This?" she tapped the last black marks of the fading bruise that t'Merek had given her. "A disagreement with a now ex patron. Its nothing. I've had worse." But the back of her mind was thinking over the series of events since she opened, and wondered if the captain was onto something. But if she was right, then Yolanthe had received no warnings, no threats, no way of identifying the source, or what they wanted.

Tasha wanted to wince when Yolanthe tapped the bruises, they appeared to be more painful than perhaps they were.

"An ex patron? If they are aboard this station, then that is assault." Her fingers untwined. "Nobody should be happy to display bruises like that unless they had been in a battle and a member of Darson's marines corps." Tasha remarked as she leant back in her chair. "I know a lot more about what goes on around here than most give me credit for," Tasha admitted, referring to the opening night of the Box of Delights, "and I am not completely oblivious to the dealings that go on in your bar and the others." She stated recalling the last holosuite bar that was on the promenade and had been found to be engaged in pleasuring those that utilised them.

"Don't worry. It wasn't starfleet." Yolanthe reassured her. "In fact, technically, it didn't even take place in federation space." She waved a hand breezily, dismissing it as the nothing it was. "As I said, I've had far worse." She laced her fingers together in her lap. "As for dealings in my bar, I hope you'll partake of some of your own in future, and not let the recent sombre atmosphere put you off?"

Tahir nearly laughed at her brazeness, advertising her bar and its little dens of iniquity, but holding back the chuckle and also knowing that people enjoyed the holosuites with little else to do so far from home. She would be the last person to deny them their pleasures.

However, she could not contain the mirth she felt fully as a smile crept across her lips.
"One day, maybe, if you are referring to the holosuites, but I must admit, that chocolate boat that your waiter served up last night was a delight of its own." Her statement came easy, as she licked at her teeth, in an effort to taste it once again.

Her smile faded a little. "I know you are not one of my staff, but you are a civilian on my station and as such, I would like you to call into one of the medical centres and get that face checked, it is far too beautiful to be marred by such bruises, but only if you want to, I won't force you." She held her breath in check for a moment before continuing. "If you don't wish to have this matter escalated, then it will remain so," She eased back into her chair, watching the dancing colours in Yolanthes eyes. "I will not interfere with anyone's private life, so long as they keep it that way." Tasha stated with such a melancholic lilt, she made it sound like an promise, instead of a warning.

At the compliment, blue tones lifted Yolanthe's skin from murky smog to a delicate smoke. "I don't think its worth burdening your medical stuff with a bruise that was practically self-inflicted. And it will remind me to duck next time a romulan tries to hit me." She leaned forward to match Tahir's movement back. "As for my private life. I keep it as private as others let me. Conflict is bad for business."

~A Romulan ~ Tasha thought to herself as her smile re-appeared. "Conflict is bad for everyone!" She remarked in reply and stood, edging herself around the desk, settling on the corner as her hands fell into her lap "As long as your sure about the bruises, then I'm happy. Now, while you're here, my bill. How much do I owe you so far?" She enquired.

"Captain!" Yolanthe protested in mock reproach. But her skin stayed blue, the grey even receded slightly. "I wouldn't dream of it. What is it you humans say? Me casa es su casa?" She paused, thinking about it, "Well technically I think its the other way round, but whatever."

Tasha chuckled. "Never a truer word spoken. Nevertheless, your bar is your property, be it upon DS5 or not and I must settle my bill. I owe you that much." Tasha stated.

"Captain, The Box is my life, I want to make it a great success, and I couldn't possibly do that without the generosity of the staff of DS5. Consider this my payment to you for use of your station if you must, but I can't take a single slip from you. I insist."

Her smile held its place on her lips as she pushed herself from the desk.
"If you insist," She shrugged her shoulders as she made her way back to her side of the desk and sat back into her chair, "but if you need me, you know where to find me." She advised thinking that she would repay her debt somehow and somehow, it would be legally.

Yolanthe stood, "Thank you. Sincerely. And its been an honour. I trust I will see you in the Box again soon."

The Captain nodded her agreement. "Definitely, it's the best place for a chocolate boat on the station. Thank you for coming up to see me."

Tasha watched as the female left and could not help but shake her head as Yolanthe glided out of her office and even felt a touch of jealousy that her gait was far more impressive than her own.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box Of Delights