Judgement – Dodgy Business
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Dodgy Business
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Wed Jan 05, 2011 @ 10:33pm
Location   Kasikova's quarters
Timeline   SD35 2300

Booth walked past Jana's apartment twice to make sure that it was empty. The CSO was away on a mission, but he wanted to be sure that there was no-one left behind. Now he was sure, and slid the security breaker from his sleeve into his palm.

Checking the corridor both ways, he stepped up to the door and held the breaker against the lock panel for a moment, as if reaching for the annuciator.

Helena snuck up behind booth with a devious smile on her face. She tapped him on the shoulder, "and what are you doing?" She whispered in his ear.

He controlled his surprise well, only a miniscule shudder to indicate she'd got the drop on him. "I'm being a very naughty boy." He replied. The door to Jana's berth slid open and he stood aside to let her go first. "Shall we?"

"There are a few things I would like to do with you...especially if you are naughty." She entered and nearly gagged at how feminine the quarters were. "Apparently she thinks she lives in a doll's house." Jana's quarters looked like a doll's house, at least it wasn't decorated in pink. "How couldn anyone live like this?" Helena asked as she walked to the vase of pink tulips on the coffee table. She picked it up and smashed it to the floor. "Oops..." She looked back at Booth innocently.

"It is rather, isn't it." He pulled open a drawer, found it contained underwear, and pushed it closed again. "Mmmm, must save that one for later." Then he applied himself properly. "Alrighty then: books, papers, music, jewelery, anything that can give us an insight into her current interests and priorities. We're building a back story that will push every button she has." He began with a set of shelves over the bed, and began to sift the detritus of Jana's life, looking for something he could use.

"She has a new boyfriend...look at this Booth." She walked up to him with a PADD in her hand. "Looks like someone is expecting...won't that impress the boss lady!"

"I'm sure she'll send something for the shower." He took the padd and examined the photo montage, one of en Kingstone, the other two of a tiny dot floating up a fallopian tube. "Probably a grenade." He put the padd back where Helena had found it. "But this is good. How do you feel about a bump suit and putting on about twenty pounds?"

"What ever do you mean?" Helena looked up at him.

Booth gave her a patronising look. "Poppet," he began, "We're trying to insinuate you into her trust circle at an accelerated rate. And trust me. Nothing bonds two women like sproglets on the way. We make you look pregnant, and you can do no wrong."

"And 'ruin' my beautiful figure?" She laughed. Helena was secretly jealous of Jana, she had always wanted a baby and now this 'woman' was having one of her own. Helena was good at masking her emotions. Did Jana get everything? "I suppose that is an option..." She said turning her attention away from the pregnancy and went about surveying the room again.

"Then get hunting, or I'll be serving you a post-coital hamburger when we're done."

"Alright! Alright!" Helena looked hard around Jana's quarters. She even managed to hack into the woman's personal logs, lucky for her she had an algorythm that allowed her to snoop without being detected. "Didn't the boss and Jana love the same man?" She asked out loud.

Distracted by a box marked 'samples', Booth answered without looking up. "Back in the day. So the story goes. Before my time of course. Luesha says the little minx stole him out from under her."

"So she basically replaced Damon with you right?" She asked coldly.

"Actually, I believe she replaced Damon with Stefan, Michael, Ian, Sligo and Sarmek, and Goran of the House of Krull."

~And she makes Jana sound like a slut.~ She thought to herself. "Really? How interesting...Hey...looks like she found more than just that necklace at that temple..."

Booth put the box of samples down and came to peer over Helena's shoulder.

"The Dagger of Nobius. According to her records the statues of the gods stand opposite from each other. After the 'accident' Jana went back and found it. She credits the explosion...although she doesn't mention that Luesha caused the explosion."

Booth frowned. "Thats going to make our fearless leader very unhappy." He scanned the notes, hie eyes picking up words like 'unidentified compound', 'minerlised deposits', and 'iconian?'. "Helena. I think we've found some more of your cover story. You're here to compare the composition of a find of yours to the iconian samples in the labs. Mystery item found on a dig, not sure what its made of, blah, blah blah." He put a hand on her shoulder and looked down at her, "Think you can pull that off?"

"Of course I can pull it off!" She smiled. "I fooled you into thinking I was your long lost sister didn't I?" Helena joked.

"For which deception I'm eternally grateful you corrected me before I needed years of counselling." For a moment he was lost in the past. Then he straightened his hair. "I think we've got what we need." Glancing over his shoulder to Jana's frilled bed, he raised an eyebrow. "Want some fun before we go?"

"As long as there is no more talk of Luesha...or of Jana. I can be awfully jealous." She replied wrapping her arms around his neck, her lips nearly touching his.

Booth scooped her up and carried her over to the lace monstrosity that Jana slept in. "Who?"


Spy for the Evil One

A man with no appreciable moral centre