We All Fall Down – A Unique Solution
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas (NPC)

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Title   A Unique Solution
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas (NPC)
Posted   Sun Nov 30, 2014 @ 7:50am
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   MD3 1300 hours

Poking her head around a corner, Welshy cleared her throat. "Ensign, could I speak to you in the Commander's office? It'll just take a moment." With that she disappeared behind the console again.

Noticing that Kivan hadn't instantly fallen into step behind her (since he was an officer and she couldn't give him orders), she returned to where he was working and once more popped her auburn tressed head around the edge of the console. "I asked the CO to join us and I don't think we should keep her waiting."

Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas was focused on the matter in front of him to the point that he did not even hear Welshy call for him. He immediately closed his oscillator feed and began to follow.

"I'm sorry, I've just been so wrapped in all the EXTRA work lately," He said apologetically.

Isha was unsure why the Engineer's Mate had requested a meeting, but with so many of the crew under the weather she was not surprised by unusual requests from unusual origins. She instructed her yeoman to make the requested appointment and to move back her original plans. SO where was she?

Seeing Isha over near Steve's office, Ceridwen quickened her pace. "Ah, Commander! Thank you for seeing me on such short notice; I'll try to make this quick. Let's step in here..." she said quickly, tapping the panel and gesturing for the two officers to enter before her.

Once they were all inside, she leaned slightly against her husband's currently unused desk. "So, as you're both aware, a large portion of the crew is laid up with this illness - Commander Wyman and Lieutenant Dell included. Since Dell is the acting chief of operations and there's no assistant under her, the department is effectively rudderless at the moment. No offense to the Lieutenant, but her people were already overwhelmed before all of this started."

"What I suggest, is that either Ensign Kivan or I temporarily assume the duties of chief of operations - just until Dell is back up and on her feet. The other stays put and runs engineering. Obviously it isn't an ideal plan, but it's better than the current, increasingly untenable, situation."

Isha nodded as she mulled the idea - both Operations and Engineering were crucial in investigating and repairing the damage as well as getting things back to what passed for normal on DS5. "How much of the activities in each department is classified as non-essential and can be put on hold?" she asked.

"That's hard to determine at this point, ma'am" Kivan replied. "With the Guardian accident, we aren't totally sure what caused it and whether it could happen again." The young Cardassian added. "Not to mention the various other problems that are affecting the station now."

"Indeed," Isha said to the Cardassian. "We're very short handed, so if there is a way we can make this work the solution has my backing. Those that are healthy enough to take on the extra workload will be compensated for their time once the immediate situation is resolved," she added - what for that compensation would take - leave, funds, holodeck privileges could be discussed later.

"Ma'am, I would recommend that we conserve our resources to focus on only essential services." Kivan started. "I suggest we temporarily suspend holodeck services on the promenade. With the virus rapidly spreading, it is possible that high-traffic public venues will put a strain on our Engineering and Operations services." The Engineer stated.

"It might be prudent to shut down all public areas. As much as I hate to say it, confining the civilians to their quarters isn't a bad idea - both from a maintenance standpoint, and in slowing the spread of the illness. With the Promenade closed down, we can power down the majority of the systems in that area. Heck, not having all of the stuff in Box of Delights running may be enough to at least limit the processing slowdowns with the computer system." Wyman thought aloud. Indeed - she abhorred the thought of locking down the civilians, even if it was, ultimately, for their own safety.

"There are plans that will be enacted later today," Isha replied. She could see the value of reducing the drain on resources and focusing on essentials. "You have my permission," she told them.

Approval in hand, Ceridwen turned her attention to Kivan. "OK, Ensign; you're my superior, so you get first choice - acting chief engineer or acting chief of operations?" Before he could respond, she shot a glance at Isha, "And may Lieutenant Dell and my husband make speedy recoveries. And maybe we can twist some arms at Starfleet and get a Boatswain assigned to knock the rank and file in ops back into shape."

"Begging the Captain's pardon, of course, ma'am." she added with a smirk.

A smile twitched at the corners of Isha's lips, Wyman was perhaps the first officer who hadn't seem her as a Romulan first and instead engaged her sense of humour, "I'm sure we can raise one from somewhere," she replied with a slight lift of her brow, "between you you seem to have things in hand."

"Thank you, Commander. The Ensign and I can hash things out from here." Welshy said with an almost predatory smile.

Cmdr. Isha t'Vaurek
Commanding Officer

Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate