Interlude – The Tin-Man and the Cardassian
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Colonel James Darson

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Title   The Tin-Man and the Cardassian
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Sat Nov 06, 2010 @ 4:03am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 29 - Backpost Concurrent with "A Plague on Both Your Houses"

The turbolift bank in the center of the promenade dinged, and the hatch opened allowing the cloaked figure of Darson to step out of the turbolift, straight into what appeared to be a ghost town. Stalls and shops were abandoned, walls were scared with weapons fire. Scraps of paper billowed across the deck, hatches were silent, and Darson could have sworn that a tumbleweed was rolling past him. (In reality, it was a child’s ball)

He stepped out of the lift allowing it to close behind him. The sudden evacuation of the promenade was not something that could go unnoticed, nor the request for a perimeter of 500 meters around it. Equally hard to miss was the sensor readings indicating Cardassian Disruptor fire. Darson had nearly collapsed in a fit of joy as they registered and more information came in. This was turning out to be a good day…the gift of an opportunity to pound some sense into the bitch-ass Cardassian punk they called an ambassador.

He had jumped out of his seat and after ordering some of his MP’s to assist in the evacuation, discretely of course, he had moved to the lift and went right down, bypassing the perimeter with ease with his clearance. He wanted to be there, see what was happening…and dispense justice as need be.

As he moved forward, there was a skittering sound off to the right, and he paused to look at it. He discovered that it was actually a group of about five or six vole, attempting to escape the perimeter.

Darson stared at them.

They stared back at Darson.

Darson placed his hand lightly on the butt of his pistol and the Vole scattered. But they weren’t fast enough to escape his wrath. With inhuman blinding speed, the gun was up. The reports echoed as if the pistol was firing on fully-automatic, and when Darson finally laid off the trigger a second or two later; the slide was back, the barrel was smoking slightly, and all of the Vole’s heads had been reduced to a fine read mist.

Darson had a respect for the awesome power of the Vole…ever since he had set an infestation in a Cardassian base on Raxus II in order to cause a distraction that allowed him to infiltrate and escape with valuable documents, he had known of their strength, and how dangerous they were. If they weren’t contained quickly, they could spread to all corners of the station and quickly make themselves a menace.

He looked up at the sound of more weapon fire from further down the promenade as he reloaded and holstered his side-arm once more. With that, he set off at a dead run, heading to the nearest source of the fire, his feet flying him soundlessly, and his cloak furling out behind in his slipstream.

Soon enough, he arrived over a group of people. He jumped and alighted on the railing a couple of decks above them, gazing down.

"Listen Tumar, I want you to find every last one of these stinking rodents in the next half hour, and I want them all dead. Now, get to it!" Tharek's voice echoed down on a considerably smaller Cardassian, who, began to jog off with the rest of Tharek's guard into the opposite direction of Tharek.

Tharek turned to walk, but stopped. Looking up at a higher deck, he layed his eyes upon the dark figure of Darson. "Colonel, what a pleasant surprise."

Darson crouched down on the railing in what was surely a precarious position and gazed down at the armored Cardassian Warrior, “Vikar Gul Therak Getal,” he said in an icy tone purposely mispronouncing the name, “Not really much of a surprise. I hear someone causing Mayhem with firearms on the promenade and a Vole infestation, and you were person that came to mind.”

"That's Tharek." He corrected Darson quickly. "And, what can I say, I just like to lend a helping hand."

“What makes you think,” Darson continued in the frigid tone, “that can just waltz onto the promenade, strutting like you’re the biggest baddest person on the block, open fire in the presence of Federation Civilians, and get away with that?”

"Well, theres a lot of things, mainly my diplomatic immunity, the fact that I am the biggest and baddest person on this block. You know, that sort of thing."

Darson leapt off the railing and fell the three decks, landing gracefully with only the rustle of his cloak, “You have been a thorn in my side since Day one Getal,” Darson said conversationally, “And I know you’re planning something…I don’t know what it is exactly, but I know that it is certifiably not in the best interests of the Federation. So I was thinking…why not bite the bullet…and kill you right now?”

He spread his arms to encompass the surroundings, “And I mean…when will I get a better chance? We’re alone here. The cameras and sensors wouldn’t see a thing. All I would have to say is that you drew a gun on me and I retaliated in self-defense. No one would believe anything different happened, I could go on my way, and this station would be rid of more vermin than just these Vole. What do you think, sound like a good plan to you?”

"Trust me Darson, nobody wants to have a pop at you more than I do. But I'm on a tight schedule and haven't got the time to teach a punk-ass Colonel a little bit about respect." Tharek said, holding his ground against the man.

Darson gave an exaggerated shrug and turned away, “Teach me a lesson about respect? Oh that’s rich. But of course…you haven’t got the time. Such a shame. Of course,” he laughed a little bit, the dark noise echoing out into the promenade, “we both know that you wouldn’t be able to lay a hand on me anyway.”

"You can think that all you like. At the end of the day, I couldn't care less. So don't start fights with people who will smack you down without a second thought."

At this point Darson was goading Getal into throwing the first punch, “Please,” he said with mock exasperation, “You’re not strong enough, smart enough or fast enough to take me on. Even with that gaudy armor you have on,” Darson leered at him, “What is it made of? Tissue-paper? Because that’s what it would break like under my fists.”

"Your judging armour? Being in that tin can has cut off the oxygen to your brain I think." Tharek said with a mock laugh.

Might as well throw some seeds of dissent in there too Darson thought, ignoring the jab at his pride and joy, “You know,” Darson said thoughtfully, “There was one person I considered able to fight me on even ground. Oh who was he…oh yea, the Romulan Embassy’s Chief of Staff, Rh'vaurek Raedheol. Couldn’t stand toe to toe with me of course, no one can, but his tactics were just as good as mine, and he was so much more…conniving. Well people into alliances with him had better watch out. He has a tendency to stab them in the back."

At this point, Darson had traipsed around Getal and ended up around several abandoned carts that had been pockmarked with weapon discharges. He stopped momentarily as a communication came in through his helmet from Marine HQ, requesting his presence back there. He had taken off pretty suddenly, and apparently Captain Flynn was, for lack of a better word, pissed off. He sighed to himself, this would deprive him of more time to toy with the Cardassian warrior here.

But there was still time to prove a point on the way out.

“Well,” he said to Getal as he ran his hand up and down the canopy support of one of the carts, one that apparently dispensed hotdogs and other such things to the masses, “I have other things to attend to besides this ridiculous infestation, why you’re here, or your blatant disregard for Federation protocol. For the time being, I’ll leave you with a little parting gift. This is only a sample…so don’t die, please?”

He moved around behind the cart, disappearing from Getal’s view for a moment. All of a sudden, there was a large sound of screeching metal on metal, and the Cart rose as Darson gripped the sides and picked it up, putting it over his head with ease, an amazing feat considering that the cart must have weighed several hundred kilograms and was full of foodstuffs.

He didn’t even pause as he wound up and with a throaty growl of effort threw the massive improvised projectile at Getal, heaving it through the air where it spun on a ballistic trajectory right to where he was standing. Darson didn’t really think it would hit him, but it seemed like an appropriate move to make at this juncture. And the fact that none of it was captured on camera made it all the sweeter.

As the cart moved through the air, Darson dashed forward, the transporter on his armor engaging and flinging him forward to the coordinates he specified, right behind Getal. He flashed into existence for a moment, right behind him, hands down, in a casual fashion, stepping once cleanly as he looked over Getal at the incoming dispenser of somewhat edible goods.

In one bound, he jumped up, easily alighting on the railing of the walkway above and dashing away into the darkness laughing manically and shouting, “I’ll send you the bill Getal! Bahahahahahhaa!!!!!”

Tharek rolled to the side, and ended up on a knee, looking up at the laughing man... If thats what he really was. "May the next encounter favour the rules of engagement tin-man."


Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator