Unity – Replacing Petro
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester

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Title   Replacing Petro
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Posted   Sun Jul 25, 2010 @ 9:20pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD27 11:45
"Captain," Bill spoke turning around to Tasha, "the Chief of the Boat has been logged aboard. Did you want to me to induct the chief to DS5?" He inquired.

Tasha glanced up from the PADD in her hand to the clock. "How long has he been aboard?" She asked.

"Forty five minutes." Bill replied without hesitation.

"More than enough time to acclimatise himself." She responded. "Computer, location of Chief Jester?" She inquired, her eyes darted to Bill and then to Ensign Bradfield and then back to flight control.

"Chief Jester is on deck 154, room 5439." The computer responded.

She tapped her comm.
=^= "Tahir to Jester" =^= She called.

Jackson shot his head up from the introductory paperwork he was filling out, "Yes sir, Jester here."

=^= "Meet me on deck 72, Boatswains office and do not go in until I get there." =^= She ordered tapping her comm closing the channel, tipping her head to Harris as she stepped down from the raised deck and made her way to the internal transporter.

"Deck 72." She requested and swirled away.

She wondered if the Chief would be ready for the difference in role the Chief had been expecting. As well as being her support staff when in time of battle, the chief also had the responsibility of Boatswain in normal operations and she was sure he would be totally unprepared.
As she headed along the straight corridor, she could see the Boatswains office and as yet, there was no sign of Jester.

Jester rushed around the corner, moving with haste, yet with sturdiness. He saw the Captain arriving at nearly the same time. When he came upon the door he stood parallel to the Captain at a strict attention.

"Sir!" he called, holding his chin up high.

Her neck hurt a little as she looked upwards to the man mountain, muscles bulging in both the right and wrong places. "Ma'am." She retorted sharply as she nodded his attention, "Sir is for men and Chief, do I look like a man?" She questioned, not waiting for a reply as she began to place her hand on her comm.

Jackson contemplated for a mere instant disputing her on the meaning of Sir, as it is an abbreviation of Officer. However he assumed it was a preference, and merely obeyed orders, "Yes Ma'am, Sorry Ma'am."

"No need to apologize Chief." She said with a dismissive wave as she turned to the plain dull red door
=^= "Computer, unseal Boatswains office, Captains access."=^= She stated and at once, the door eased apart.

It had been only a few weeks since Petro had left to rejoin Rakka, but the mustiness had already began to fester within the office. "Lights and air." She ordered a she breezed into the sparsely furnitured office. On the desk still sat the PADD that Petro had offered Tasha with her transfer request and behind that, the simple high wooden stool that Petro preferred, rather than a comfortable chair especially as this gave her height. On her left, the replicator and the rest were blank grey walls.
Her fingers danced across the table top as she reminisced on Petro, making her way around the desk. She tapped at the desk console and the screen rose from within the confines of the slot.

"Come in." She beckoned to Jester, who had stood diligently at the door. "This is your office." She advised as he ducked to miss the top of the door and she resisted chuckling. "Control console with a direct link to stores and Ops. When your at Ops, you can transfer this station." She was already ahead of herself as she moved back to the side of the desk, affording Jackson the privilege of standing behind his desk.

Jackson nodded as he moved briskly behind his desk. At first he was slightly annoyed by the seemingly customized small size of the office, he also eyes the stool wonderingly, knowing it was unnecessarily large.

"Yes Ma'am." he responded, moving the stool out of his way, "Understood." he pressed down several buttons on the desk's panel and waited as a viewscreen arose. He quickly typed in his personal access codes and was logged in to the base's systems.

She watched him and the ease with how he operated the desk computer, which took her more than 20 minutes to master. "I am sure you can get that changed easily, as your duties also put in charge of requisitions." She turned to look at the dust imprint of the tiny hand of the J'Naii who had preferred to spend her time here rather than Ops.
She looked up, directly into the sparkling green eyes of the tall man and her breath froze for a moment, caught slightly off guard by his expectant stare. She turned away, not wanting him to see his captain flush with girlish emotion.
"Have you seen Operations yet?" She asked, moving towards to the door with her sight fixed firmly on the exit.

Jackson moved around the desk and let a slight smirk out behind the Captain's back, immediately dropping any emotion as he got closer, "Yes Ma'am." he said again, "It was merely a quick run through though." he commented, not elaborating without cause, as was his manner. He merely answered and detailed briefly as he believed was expected of him. Jackson stood to the left rear of the Captain in a sturdy pose, his hands behind his back, awaiting a response.

Tasha knew he was behind her and she held her breath for a moment longer than she should, but she felt a little embarrassed now that she had succumbed to revealing a blush.
Allowing her breath to release, she moved closer to the door and it parted.
"Well chief, next stop should be Ops. Settle in here, get used to your new surroundings then meet me on Ops at 13:00." She stated, already partially through the exit as her mind now cast back to her 2 former chiefs, Marmak & Nerull, but what she didn't know, was that during her time on Earth the USS Sarek had deposited Marmak and several dozen crew back on DS5. As far as she knew, Garena had perished in the explosion on the Wallace. Her thoughts rushed back to Jackson and she stopped and slowly turned, now assured that she had sufficient time to regain her composure.
"That is, of course, if you wish." She added.

Jackson shrugged as he looked around, "I believe I'm as settled in as I'm going to get here Ma'am." he said simply, "I'd prefer to proceed to Ops right away." Jackson again awaited a response, hoping his ability to quickly adapt and memorize the outline of a room wouldn't be confused with impatience or dislike for his surroundings, "If that's okay with you Captain."

She nodded her ascent. "By all means Follow me." She said with a gaiety in her tone, not in the least phased by his response.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester