Cascade – Angels in a War
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Angels in a War
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Nov 05, 2012 @ 7:09pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD70. 14:30
As Rene watched Karl walk off he turned back to the younger girl. "Yes, you were telling me about Ambassador Getal and your acquaintance with him?" he said as he and the girl began to walk from the bar.


Pip paused and took a deep breath slaking the thick atmosphere of the bar from her lungs and trying to get her head back on to a stable level. "If it is him, an' I don't know it is, I didn't know he was an ambassador, at least he wasn't when I saw him, if it was him."

Rene stopped once he was certain they were out of earshot. "And if this Ambassador is in fact the same Getal that you are seeking? What then?" He asked her.

Pip blinked then looked to the ground. She found no inspiration in the dully sheened floor but kept her eyes there for a moment longer. "He killed my family, my colony," she said, her eyes finally flicking back up, it might have been the drink talking, or thirteen years of being shipped from foster care to foster care, or just pure desire for revenge, "I want to kill him," she said with ferocity.

"Oh? And how exactly did you plan on doing that?" He asked even further.

She couldn't say that she hadn't thought about it, Pip had, and often, but she felt very childish here and now. Slowly she slipped a hand beneath her tunic and drew out a knife, one that had been with her for most of her short life. "If needs be," she said, before slipping it away again.

Rene laughed slightly. However, he was impressed with the determination that the child displayed. "Trust me little one, while your guile is admirable, I do not believe that Getal would have much trouble disarming you." He said as he withdrew a padd and showed it to her.

"I'm certain you are familiar with the station's cargo bay level?" He asked rhetorically. "Recently a Klingon vessel transported material to the station. Within the containment lockers was a shipment designated for Klingon re-enforcement in the Denv'hwr sector. However. . ." he said as he pressed several buttons.

"If an entrepreneur spirit were to gain access to the container, then they might find themselves infantry explosive devices, specifically devices that would be very effective in dealing with a particular Cardassian onboard this station." he said to her.

Pip could feel the warmth creeping up her neck and colouring her cheeks – he was right, how could she expect to get away with it? She recognized the container pictured on the Padd, it was close to where she had been living, but with the sudden activity she had pulled together her things and found a new place to stay in another bay.

"I don’t know anything about explosives,” she said, thinking that Rene probably did if he knew this. “And what about others? My grudge is with the Cardy, I don’t want to hurt others.”

"You foolish girl!" Rene rebuffed "Do you think he cared about 'others' when he wiped out your colony!?!" he antagonized. He grabbed the girl's shoulders and he looked directly into her eyes. "There are people in this universe that are a part of the solution, and then there are others. . ."

"What side are you going to be on, child?" He asked. "Us. . .or those that would wish to protect that Cardy?" He asked, his eyes never wavering from her own.

"Must I become a monster to fight one!" she snarled through clenched teeth, rolling her shoulders to try and loosen the man's grip. "God, I'll do it, but anyone caught up will be on his head, not mine."

He released the young girl's shoulders, but maintain his eyes on hers. "My child, we are soldiers in this war. We do not have the luxury of being angels. It is our job to protect them from people like Getal." He said as he pressed several more buttons on the padd and placed it in her hand.

"That will give you the necessary directions for activating the explosives. Be sure to not draw attention to yourself. The Cardassian is evil, but not stupid." He said.

Pip hid her resentment with a nod; He was right, but she didn't have to like it. At the same time she absently rubbed her shoulder where his fingers had bit hardest. She could make her life mean something, it certainly meant nothing so far.

Her fingers curled around the padd, "Who'd see me as a threat, eh?" she said flatly.

"Hopefully no one, my dear." Rene said. "Now, I'll leave you to prepare for your mission. I will meet with you afterwards. Until then, everything you will need will be within the container." he said as he prepared to leave.

"Do you have any further questions?" He asked.

A hundred Pip thought, but she said, "None."

Rene Babeu
Concerned Human

Pip Sullivan
NPC by Louise