Judgement – Paperwork
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Paperwork
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Nov 09, 2010 @ 7:18am
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Suite
Timeline   SD35. 23:22
"I want the proof and the report in my hands as soon as possible."

That was what he had asked for but Getal was just going to have to settle for the report, because the only way Isha could give him proof was to show him t'Merek. Isha had caused the woman quite enough pain without adding that humiliation on top.

"Absurd," she muttered as she transferred a copy to her other computer, "I can write the bloody report but because it contains the name of a foreign diplomat I can't officially 'know' to whom it refers," a quirk that occurred because of the particular clearance level that applied causing the file to be automatically redacted.

With a lot more consideration than she ought to show she had it translated it for him then transmitted the two copies, the original and the translation to the Cardassian Embassy for Getal's attention, albeit by a circuitous route that bypassed the central database on ch'Rihan. No matter how seemingly innocuous the document, Isha was not going to leave herself being caught passing on official transcripts because someone happened to be running a routine communications sweep.

It read:


Office of the Ambassador of the Romulan Senate


Name: Arrienye ir-Elehu t'Merek
Rank: Arrain
Position: Head of Consulate Security

Charge: Professional Misconduct


Distribution: Restricted Circulation. Under subsection 8 paragraph 4 (the treatment of Individuals of Interest), Gal Ruta Classification Applies. Redaction is in full force and effect.

COPIED: Office of the Director of the Galae
COPIED: Office of the Director of the Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi
COPIED: Office of the Chairman of the Continuing Committee

Report Submitted: Stardate 63480.62


An allegation was received c. 21:00 from a member of the public [REDACTED] who stated that Arrain Ariennye t'Merek, Embassy's Head of Security, while on duty was involved in an altercation with an external visitor to the facility (Yolanthe Ibalin, a bar owner). Said visitor was recently employed directly by the Ambassador relating to a private function and neither before nor since has posed any threat to either premises or personell. The incident(1) took place three days before [REDACTED] brought it to the attention of the Ambassador. A complaint of such nature from an ordinary member of the public might pass without comment but given that the source was [REDACTED] the reputation of the sitting Ambassador, her Embassy, and the Empire itself has been put at risk.

(1) The Ambassador notes that the altercation, though the accused was on duty went unrecorded and did not appear in any security report covering the time period in question.


Following complaint detailed above:

Arrain t'Merek interviewed about the allegation. t'Merek confirmed that the altercation had taken place and that she hit Ibalin. She confirmed that with or without provocation, her loss of control was unacceptable as was the personal embarrassment the incident caused the Ambassador, and the damage to her reputation within the interstellar diplomatic community. As t'Merek admitted her wrongdoing rather than attempt to establish her innocence, further interview with the victim and witnesses (if any) not required to procede.

Note: though less severe options were available, the nature of the incident, its potential impact and the fact that it went unreported a verbal reprimand was considered insufficient. In view of good service and no other incidents the caning (to be carried out immediately) was limited to twenty five (25) strikes.

Signed: I t'Kh
Identity verifed.
Timestamp: 21:15


As ranking Galae officer in place EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian instructed to carry out t'Merek's punishment.

Note: tr'Khellian raised a protest over the severity of disciplinary action. Said protest registered here for the sake of completion. Despite his position as ranking Galae officer tr'Khellian's objection was overruled by virtue of the authority delegated to the Ambassador by the Senate of the Stelam Shiar.

Signed: I t'Kh
Identity verifed.
Timestamp: 21:34


Order carried out as requested.

Signed: R tr"Kh
Identity verifed.
Timestamp: 21:50


I acknowledge that my orders have been carried out as instructed.
t'Merek released at 23:15.

Signed: I t'Kh
Identity verifed.
Timestamp: 23:20


Record signed off: Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae
Identity verifed.
Timestamp: 23:20:32




Ambassador Isha t'Khellian