Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Picnic : Part 1 - Preliminaries
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Picnic : Part 1 - Preliminaries
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Oct 19, 2008 @ 7:48pm
Location   The Bajoran Gardens
Timeline   Day 3 - 12.30pm
[Station Day 3.. Bajoran gardens Lunchtime]

“Is that everything?” Isha asked as she pressed her thumb to the padd, finalising the transaction, “It doesn't seem like much..”

“Much?” the shopkeeper exclaimed with a shake of his head, “there were times when this would have fed a family for a month, ma'am.

“I'm sure that's fascinating,” Isha replied with extreme disinterest in another Bajoran tale of woe; the man seemed to be a walking tragedy and she was not paying him for a history lesson. Isha glanced again at the two hampers that sat on top of the black and yellow chequered rug, “It should do,” she said, it was a good location; a raised area with shrubs behind and a view down the bank to the lake, “Now, when we are done you will arrange for everything to be cleared, correct?”

“Good,” she said, as the man opened his mouth to speak, “if you should see my friend before I do, kindly direct her up here. That will be all.”

Isha left everything in the baskets but took two of the cushions from the pile and lay down on her side, there was enough activity to occupy her until Chelsea arrived.

Twisting a strand of hair between her fingers Isha considered Raedheol's sudden change of mind; he simply did not behave that way. There was only one reason that Isha could think of for him to want to avoid the doctor and she did not like it.

Chelsea 's morning had been a busy one and by the time it was finally close to the appointed time to meet Isha she was beginning to feel the weight of her two interrupted nights and the lack of sleep they had resulted in..

Nonetheless, she was looking forward to a picnic lunch and set off to the arranged destination happily, still gabbling instructions to Ed as she left, despite the fact that his look said that he knew perfectly well how to handle *his* sickbay while she was away.

Coming out of the turbolift and hurrying along the promenade towards the green area, Chelsea nodded to the shopkeeper who directed her to Isha's chosen venue. Thanking him in Bajoran Chelsea was rewarded with an uncharacteristic smile from him as she set off briskly up the slight rise to meet her friend.

"Isha!" Chelsea waved and approached the chequered blanket, marvelling at the attention to detail that had been so carefully paid. "How wonderful! Cushions and a rug, baskets and a position with a view! I think you have thought of everything!" she enthused, throwing herself onto a corner of the blanket close enough to offer Isha a hug, but on enough of a corner to move tactfully to one side in case it was rebuffed.

Isha smiled. "well, this station seems to be making a fuss today and as you are Bajoran I thought it would be amusing to have a Bajoran themed picnic. The man at the store down the way has been most accomodating, though his stories leave a lot to be desired. What is this festival all about anyway? Chelsea , what is it?"

Chelsea smiled back. "I never know how much or how little of my customary demonstrativeness will be acceptable to you and I have no wish to offend!" she felt the need to offer explanation.. "I think you will be getting used to me by now, though?"

“Very much so, and please, be yourself, I have so many people who would not be able to be themselves if their lives depended on it that it is refreshing. Honestly, I'm glad to be able to speak to you alone, without our men tagging along, that is. I don't know about you, but last night left a slightly unpleasant taste in my throat..."

Chelsea shuddered involuntary at the thought and looked away towards the lake.

"In answer to your question, it's a Bajoran Day of Celebration, declared on Bajor and recognised by Bajorans wherever they are - just a bit of an excuse for a day off or a party!" she smiled. "What a beautiful spot you've chosen! It's idyllic!" she commented on the view and setting, tucking her legs beneath her as she sat on the leading edge of the picnic rug.

Why is she trying to change the subject, Isha asked herself, as she pushed herself up and sat cross legged in the middle of the rug.

"It is nice, isn't it," Isha agreed, "The man at the store recommended the location. I bumped into Raedheol not long ago, I asked him to join us, but unfortunately he had other plans," she said.

When she heard the mention of Raedheol having been invited a moment of sheer panic struck Chelsea , until she heard the rest of the sentence and was relieved to hear he couldn't come.

"Er... how is the Arrain?" she covered quickly, but without waiting for a reply she elaborated on the earlier mention of their men.. "Ryan's been signed off sick today, the Station CO thought he'd need time to adjust to his genetic surprise yesterday. I have to say, he *is* having some trouble adjusting to who his natural father really was. But I'm sure he'll soon have it all sorted out, he's a pretty resiliant type and very strong!"

"Raedheol? As cryptic as ever," Isha replied, not willing to voice her suspicions. "It must have been quite a shock for Ryan to make such a discovery," she said taking the opening Chelsea offered, "I am sure Tahir was most accommodating," she added. "I have heard at least ten different tales of the Bajoran occupation this morning and I can imagine his consternation."

"Yes, it's hard to suddenly realise your history isn't actually accurate and you're really from a totally different background!" Chelsea went on, relieved to think her panic hadn't been visible.. "He tough though, he'll be fine!" she added, reassuringly confident in Ryan's recovery.

"Isha, do you know of someone called..... Verelan Iawaiin?" Chelsea suddenly came out with what was on her mind.

To be continued......

A joint post between

Isha t'Khellian


Lt (jg) Chelsea Adams
Asst. Chief Medical Officer
Chelsea Adams