We All Fall Down – Good News Travels Fast
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Good News Travels Fast
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Wed Jul 02, 2014 @ 12:57am
Location   Wyman's quarters
Timeline   WAFD Day 1 1200 hours

Just as Steve had suspected, Ceridwen and Gwen had been absolutely ecstatic when he got home and nonchalantly pointed them to the new addition to his collar.

Actually, he wasn't exactly subtle. It was something along the lines pointing at his neck and coughing. Welshy thought he was choking on something for a minute.

But after getting his ears to stop ringing from the screeching and then getting Gwen to her guitar lesson, Steve had someone else he felt the need to contact. The best engineer he knew.

His mother.

Lieutenant Commander Laura Wyman had been the chief engineer of Outpost 57 for twenty years. She had passed over more promotions that Steve could count for the sake of her family. She probably could have been commanding the Corps of Engineers if she had been so inclined. But she cared more about being close to her husband (attached to the Federation embassy to Alpha Centauri) and her eldest son (a captain in the Centauran Defense Force) than she did about her own advancement.

Being a mother, a grandmother, and a Starfleet officer, Laura naturally assumed the worst when her youngest son contacted her out of the blue. +"Steven - please tell me Gwen and Ceridwen are all right!"+ she barked, her voice trembling the moment the comm link activated.

"They're fine, Mom. We're all more than fixed up after the bombing." Steve reassured, brushing off her concerns.


"Uh... oh right - I didn't tell you about the station being bombed. We're fine though; Gwen got some cuts and bruises. Welshy and I got the worst of it, but nothing a dermal regenerator couldn't fix." he answered, not mentioning that Gwen still had trouble sleeping and that he would probably be haunted by Sharas' death for the rest of his days. "I'm sorry, Mom - in all the insanity I forgot to contact you and Dad. But, the station was a wreck and I was on Andor for a couple weeks for a funeral. Commander P'Trell was caught in one of the blasts..."

Laura's hand instantly went to her mouth as she gasped, her face going white as a sheet. +"The headmaster of AMI? What was he doing there?"+

"It's a long story, Mom. He'd been back in Starfleet for awhile and he was serving with Drakt on the Cavalry. He brought some mission critical supplies to me on DS5 and when he was on his way to his transport - the attack happened." Steve knew he had to gloss over a lot of the facts, namely the things that he knew his mother wouldn't have clearance for (and which he only knew because he lived them).

"Anyway, that's not why I'm calling. I wanted you to know... I got promoted. Starfleet has two Lieutenant Commander Wymans now." He smirked knowingly, waiting for his mother's inevitable response.

Sure enough, the shock and horror on Laura's face melted away and was replaced by the proud smile of a mother. +"That's just wonderful news, Steven. I'm so proud of you! But I DO have to ask..."+

"No, Mom; I haven't told Drakt yet."

+"I'm so happy for you! Now - you go celebrate with Ceridwen, I'm going to go tell your father the good news!"+ Steve knew full well that his mother would have been miffed (but not at all surprised) if her son had told his best friend before her. He'd intentionally waited to tell Drakt for that very reason. +"I'll let you tell your father the other news..."+ she added, narrowing her eyes in consternation.

"I'll give Dad a call tomorrow. I've got to go on duty in a few minutes. The chief's work is never done, you know."

+"I know better than anyone. I love you, dear."+

"Love you too, Mom."

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5


Lt. Cmdr. Laura Wyman (NPC)
Chief Engineering Officer
Outpost 57