Beg, Steal or Borrow – Chance Meetings
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Chance Meetings
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Jun 05, 2009 @ 8:04am
Location   Romulan Consulate. Deck 60
Timeline   SD9 morning 08.30

The most notable thing about the consulate was the lack of damage, Isha thought as for the first time since her return to DS5 she found herself stepping between its doors - that, and the almost total absence of staff.

She did not bother to enquire whether the facility was secure, or damaged or anything really; if she were to go to Romulus she needed to pick up a few things and as far as she was concerned anyone who might wish to hinder her could stick his chief-of-intelligence nose up his chief-of-security arse.

Isha lingered on the spot in her office where the Vrelnec’s transporter beam had snatched she and Opaka away – nobody had expected that, not she, not Rh’vaurek, not Opaka. The equipment on her desk seemed undisturbed as she crossed to the little stand that bore her husband’s Kaleh - Opaka’s eyes had almost popped out of his head when he held it, much like hers had when he had indicated the stand that Nniol had prepared on the Vrelnec.

“Still,” she muttered as she wrapped her fingers around the hilt, gave the tiny jerk away that released it and withdrew the blade from the scabbard, “I am still here, a little bruised perhaps, while you, Nniol are entertaining our Klingon friend on the Freedom,” she moved in a wide, slow arc ignoring the strain she caused in her injured side. “All you will have of my House, Nniol is the tip of this sword in your guts,” she said. “Who’s there?” Isha demanded, her ears picking up a footfall.

Dunham was on the search for Rianni his wing commander and CAG. He was hoping for a chance meeting or a chat with his new xo. But had not been able to find her since the space battle with the Romulans. He had been avoiding getting her on the Comms as he did not want to seem pushy or needy on his second day on the station but he was gettng a little worried about her.. A couple of the other pilots under her command had mentioned to him that she was part Romulan. Not something he had noticed when meeting her he had assumed she was part Vulcan.

Seeing that there was a Romulan consulate on board the station he had decided to pop by to see if she may be there. He had his head down deep in his own thoughts. With out releasing it he stepped through the open door to the consulate and upon looking up came face to face with a Romulan brandishing a sword. "Ummmmm....Hi" he said a little uncertain

Isha lowered her arm, the tip of the kaleh levelled in the newcomer’s direction; her other hand, hidden by her body, tightened into a fist in her skirts, “What do you want?” she asked evenly.

"Ur. Hello." said Dunham with a small wave and a naive smile that indicated he had no clue as to the trouble he maybe in and the to the tenseness of the situation. "I'm Richard Dunham" He offered his hand for a shake. "Pardon me do you know a Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian?"

Isha stared at his hand for a moment and returned her own, palm up, though her grip on the sword did not slacken, "In a round about way Rianni Monteros is my niece, Richard Dunham. Pass me that," she waved her hand toward the scabbard which had fallen to the floor. "Perhaps you would like to tell me how you are acquainted with Rianni." she suggested.

Dunham turned his back on the Romulan; something they taught never to do in the academy and picked up the scabbard. He turned around with the scabbard in his hand and a smile on his face. "Niece, that sounds nice" in a friendly making conversation tone. "Well Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian...did I pronounce that right? Is my boss." He scratched the unkempt stubble on his beard. "I'm a fighter pilot Just got here an hour or two before the attack."

"Thank you. My movement is a little - restricted right now," she said as she took it and slotted the weapon back into place. "I find that Khellian is impossible to mispronounce, I cannot say the same for Monteros," she added with the barest hint of a smile.

Isha lowered herself onto the sofa, laying the sword beside her before smoothing her skirts over her knees, "If you would like something from the replicator, please help yourself," she said. "I think perhaps, Lieutenant that your arrival at deep space five has been a little more exciting than would normally be expected."

Dunham chuckled a bit. "Thank you, you're very kind." he said as he walked over to the replicator. "If I may ask. Why are your movements so restricted? You look ok to me." he said with another smile." It has been very exciting in the last 24 odd hours must admit my movements are a bit restricted also, muscle ache from sitting in the bloody cockpit for so long. Not the longest I have sat in one of those mind you. I remember once I had to sit in one of those Razor Interceptors for twenty six hours." he laughed to himself "That was an uncomfortable situation" He turned to the replicator to order a drink. "Lunar Skater with Ice" Their was a slight pause "Can I get you anything Ms.....Sorry I didn't catch your name?"

"What a nice boy you are," Isha said quite aware that half of her face was still bruised, or maybe he thought it always looked that way. "I had some medical treatment, I think that if I bend too quickly I might just rupture. I don't require anything, Lieutenant Dunham. My name is Ambassador e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Ilialhlae, you may call me t'Khellian as everyone else does."

"Thank you Ms t'Khellian. I hope you feel better soon." Dunham continued talking embarrassingly trying to dig himself out of the hole he had made. "Don't worry you can hardly notice the bruise. I had a bit of a shina like that once. I walked into a wall and by wall I actually mean ex-girlfriend's fist. Never date someone who knows thirty different ways to kill you just with her left hand. Bloody Starfleet security types. They can never take a joke." Dunham sat down on the sofa also and took a sip of his drink. "So an ambassador, hey. I think that means I suppose to salute you? You Know I have never met a Romulan before."

Isha blinked several times before she spoke, "I’m afraid that I was not clumsy enough to walk into a wall, but I think that what you say about Starfleet security types may be true. You clearly have not met that many ambassadors either, I was a little surprised to find you in my office.”

"Yeah sorry about that, I kinda talk before I think or leap before I look if you get my meaning. It does make life very interesting though. But it has got my into trouble on more than one occasion. As well as the first Romulan I have ever met. You are the first ambassador I have ever met. Didn't get out much on my last gig. Akira class vessel, war ship basically. Never spent time entertaining. It wasn't a security type that did that to you was it?"

"No, it wasn't," Isha said. "I believe I'm now supposed to say something like 'you should see the other guy', yes?"

Dunham gave wry smile. "That's correct. You must of been studying your earth phrases. Here's another one I find helpfull; water overcomes the stone, without substance it requires no opening, this is the benefit of taking no action. Yet benefit without action, and experience without abstraction, are practiced by very few."

"I didn't expect you to be a philosopher, Mister Dunham," Isha said, "Of course one should not hesitate to take action when it is called for, the trick is to know when to act and when to wait - we have a saying of our own Hnakhe ja astev ireari caehh'aigre aelhe'er. caehh'kre aelhe'er llilla'hu. I'll translate, because I doubt your translator will catch the nuance - in short, there is no need to think several times before acting, to think twice is enough. If one waits too long, like your rock, one will find oneself worn away by external forces."

"Sometimes I find that those external forces that have worn are away. Can even be our loved ones." Dunham let out a small sigh and took a sip of his drink and gave another smile. "Why did you decide to become a Diplomat?"

"Decide?" Isha chuckled, "There are not that many ways in which I can work off-world, given my background and connections it was the only possible calling for me," she said. True, when she had arrived at DS5 she had been using the guise of a journalist, but that was to avoid upsetting the incumbent ambassador who had long been in denial about his retirement. "I also happen to be very good at it," she added with smirk that from anyone else might have been interpreted as smug.

"Cool. I imagine you're a very important person around here. Get allot of respect from your people and Star Fleet personnel alike?"

If only it were so simple!

"Yes, I'm quite the living centre of my own world," Isha replied, a little cynically, "The respect that comes with a title or a job is only one part of the equation, something that not everyone realises until they see that instead of listening in awe their staff are hiding smirks and making derisive remarks behind their own hands. I've seen that happen to a lot of people who overestimated themselves ... And what is your story, Mister Dunham? Becoming a pilot is almost certainly a choice, not a matter of birth."

"I have never liked it planet side," said Dunham openly "I was born on a starship. Spent most of my life in space. I dunno there's just something majestic about flying through the void. Only a thin bit of cockpit between you and the black. It's what I am."

"I think that many of us seek something beyond the stability offered by the ground beneath our feet, but when it comes to your majestic void I think that I will have to take your word for it."

"Some people say it takes a Kinda crazy to be a fighter pilot"

Isha raised an eyebrow, her smirk emphasising the fact that she was not serious in her next question, "Are you implying that my niece is - kinda crazy?"

Dunham smiled. "We're all a little kinda crazy for being out here in the first place. But yeah I would say as a fellow pilot that my boss is kinda crazy". He winked.

"Don't let her hear you sat that, Mister Dunham. My niece is a very single minded young - woman," the term lady, Isha thought was not one that Rianni would appreciate, "I am very fond of her. I think you both did well against the attacking ships yesterday."

"Thank you. It was a bit of a hell storm their for a moment but we did kick some ass. Not meaning to be rude though talking about other Romulans like that, sorry. I think they may still be out there you know."

Isha's brow creased, "Two ships and their entire crews were destroyed, Lieutenant, a third departed; I ordered it back to Romulan space myself." She leaned forward, "Why would you think that was still a ship out there?"

"I dunno maybe I being paranoid but in the early hours of this morning me and the rest of my squad were on deep space recognisance just out of the system. We got some odd radiation spike readings on the sensors, plus two of my team confirmed visual sightings of a small blurred patch in space. Then it was gone. It was too small to be a war bird. Hell it could of just been the fatigue talking. None of us have had any sleep in the last 24 plus hours."

Isha nodded, relaxing, just a little. "How curious ... before we transported to the Freedom the Vrelnec registered an unusual signature, one heading in this direction. I believe that the Freedom may also have noted it, though I can't be quite sure; concussion," she waved her hand in the region of her own head. "It was not one of our ships."

"Hmmmm" Said Dunham thoughtfully as he scratched the stubble on his chin. "That makes me feel a bit better. Might have to have a word with the some of personnel on the Freedom."

"Ask Ensign Opaka too, he saw it," Isha said, "indeed, he is the one who enquired to the Freedom about it."

Dunham frowned thoughtfully trying to remember they duty roster for Deep Space five. "Opaka. Yeah he is in security. That's very handy info. Thanks. Anything I can do to help you?"

"Even if you could, Lieutenant, I would have no grounds to ask for it," Isha said, not that he would understand that reasoning.

"Hey that doesn't matter. Ask away." he said with a grin.

"Just like turning your back on a Romulan, it is inadvisable to in debt yourself to one either, Mister Dunham," Isha said with a sly grin.

Richard held up his hands with a smile "Hey mate. Sorry I mean ambassador. All I want to do is help if I can."

Isha laughed as she leaned back on the sofa, "Where were all you delightful Federation boys when I was young and adventurous!" she joked, she had never been that adventurous - her mother's outrage at her liaison with a promising officer of the Tal'Shiar hindered by having no admissible family connection was calm and reasonable compared with what would have happened if she had started cavorting with aliens. "There is one thing you could do, but it has to be our secret ... my dear friend Doctor Adams ... have you met her?"

"Its part of our new Academy training to be this delightful" He said with a smirk. Dunham then smiled to himself fondly remembering his encounter with the Doctor. "Yeah I met her last night. She was really cool."

Isha nodded. She hadn't pressed Chelsea to reveal what was on her mind the previous evening, but she could guess - her remote Doctor Milarno becoming increasingly remote. Chelsea would probably kill her for this, but then Isha had more formidable enemies than the good doctor, and, she reasoned, Chelsea would come round and forgive her even for an attempt at matchmaking.

"Richard," she said, quite presumptuously using his given name, "I am inordinately fond of Chelsea, and I am not convinced that she is entirely happy ... I can't guarantee that she would appreciate it, but given how lovely a person she is at the very least she will radiate friendship. You would be doing me a favour if you could find time to distract her ..."

Dunham smiled and nodded with a twinkle in his eye. "It would be my pleasure. The good Doctor did mention flying perhaps I should take her out in one of the fighters?"

"Well, she has not mentioned suffering from motion sickness ... and if she does you could always sit with her until she feels better," Isha said. Chelsea had specifically asked Isha if she had time for another night out before she travelled to Romulus and she now knew that the Freedom would not depart for another day.

A plan was forming in her mind, "If I were to invite our doctor for dinner, and you were to wander into the same establishment this evening ..." she suggested.

"Cool. I'm happy to just go with the flow what ever you to fancy for food is fine." Said Dunham.

"Of course you must let me know with a signal how the flying lesson went - and if it went badly you could use the opportunity to join us for a polite and cordial evening where you can emphasise to my friend that there are no hard feelings between you, and if it went well you could join us and I could be interrupted by an urgent call, or some such ..."

Dunham's brow creased in thought. "I heard Romulan plots can get complicated.....Why don't I just ask her out? Or would that be pushy?"

Isha wrapped her hands over her knees and linked her fingers together, "It would be inappropriate. She currently has a .. what is the current term? A significant other? I believe that he is neglecting her, and he and my own particular friend really do not get on. This is a campaign, Richard, you will know when it is right to be pushy - didn't you tell me you were a fighter pilot?"

"Yeah, I'm a fighter pilot but nobody told me that I would have to get all tactical with trying to get a date with a nice girl. If she has got another half then should we even be doing this? I mean I like her but I'm not getting in the way of another guy?"

Isha's smile widened, "I warned you about conspiring with Romulans, Richard. It is Chelsea's choice entirely, I am not suggesting that you seduce her, just get to know her. She is quite capable of making her own decisions without my interference, and," she continued, "quite capable of telling you what is what, I'm sure."

"You did indeed. You did indeed." Said Dunham to himself thoughtfully. "Ok. Lets do this."

Isha thought of Rh'vaurek, with whom Chelsea seemed to get on adequately, and perhaps, in Isha's own opinion a little more so - "Be direct," she suggested, "she'll appreciate that ... but perhaps not too direct -" she bit her teeth together - again, charming though he could be, Rh'vaurek was inclined to be overbearing; Isha hoped that Dunham might find an opportune midway.

Dunham took a sip of his drink and brushed his hand trough his hair. "So don't take her out and say. Oh by the way your friend the Romulan Ambassador is trying to set us up on a date." He said jokingly. "How about I just be myself"

"That would be precisely the thing you did not want to say - be yourself, you're perfectly nice," Isha said adding no embellishment though personally she found the term 'nice' to lack any true meaning.

"So what kind of things does Ms Adams like. What are her hobbies?"

Quite suddenly Isha felt as though she had been kicked in the ribs again.

She swallowed, she had to before she could speak; an excessively wealthy and self centred girl again for a brief moment.

Isha's fingers linked more tightly around her knees. "I am the worst of friends," the ambassador confessed, "I've never taken the time to ask her - we always seemed to be enjoying ourselves and ... Richard, I am the worst annali'netha - any skilled matchmaker would tell you everything you needed to know before you even looked on her."

Dunham massaged his forehead and sighed a little. "You know what, cool. I'll take care of it. Just get her out to dinner. I will play this by ear."

"Do that if you wish," Isha said with a gentle cough. "I am not accustomed to taking orders from anyone, particularly not flight lieutenants. I will do what I think best - and you should consider that Chelsea would not take kindly to being bossed around either," not by someone who had not earned or could not command such a right, anyway, she thought somewhat hypocritically. "Trust me, I have her best interests at heart ... now!" Isha changed her tone even as she spoke, "What would suit you best - the smartest restaurant on the station or a coffee shop? My task will be to get her there, so it has to fit my personality, but as our goal is for her to see you as you wish to be seen where would fit you best?"

Dunham smiled. "Sorry, I'm not trying to boss anybody about, I'm just worried very everybody involved that if you, her interests and stuff then maybe lets ask her?" Said Dunham with sincerity. "I'm happy to go with what ever food establishment is best. Lets do whats good for her."

"Somewhere she'll feel comfortable, then ... how about Benito's, very cosy - earth food - Italian, and if I don't say goodbye to the proprietor before I leave he may never forgive me," Isha suggested somewhat overdramatically. "I'll make sure we have a table outside or at the window then you can walk by and come and join us. Its as simple as insulting a Klingon's intelligence."

Dunham rubbed his chin. Remembering the last time he insulted a Klingon, who then went and broke his jaw in two places. "Cool."

Isha rose, picking up her sheathed sword as she did so - "Its a date then, Lieutenant Dunham - I will let you know the exact time. Unless you wish to spend the next hour fetching things and helping me to pack I suggest that you run along and get to doing whatever it is that pilots do outside a cockpit."

Dunham Gave another grin. He left as he walked aup the corridor he smiled to himself thinking what a nice person the Romulan was.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Lt Richard Dunham
Squad Leader