Things Past – Ai'lani Elley VS R'Vek tr'Khellian (backpost)
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Ai'lani Elley VS R'Vek tr'Khellian (backpost)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jan 22, 2012 @ 10:44pm
Location   R'Vek's office
Timeline   SD38 -

Ai'lani was surprised to get a message from the Romulan Admiral of all people, a couple of days after arriving on DS5. Finding out he actually had set up a meeting for them to discuss the little 'issue' of him leaving the Dhelan made Ai'lani groan. From his experience with Khelliana's he knew this would be emotionally exhausting just to listen to. So, deciding to get it over with as soon as possible, Ai'lani arrived ten minutes early to the meeting and pressed the chime to the Admiral's temporary office.

"Come in, Mr. Elley." R'Vek called, he had been expecting nobody else and knew from his sources that Ai'lani Elley was punctual at worst, early more often than not. He stood from behind his desk to greet his guest, "I'm glad you could make time in your busy day to see me, Mr. Elley."

"I can't imagine a day so busy that I'd actually blow off a meeting with a Romulan Admiral," Ai'lani said with a laugh, walking inside. He didn't mean it as a suck up, simply as a fact, but he didn't mind if the Admiral decided to take it as such. He knew what he meant. He had a feeling about what this meeting would be about, so kept his pheromone levels at their normal 'setting'.

"Well, I'd hardly think of myself as one to stop the presses for, as it were, but I thank you." R'Vek laughed, unlike most Romulan flag officers he was very sociable with aliens, "Now, what I would like to discuss with you is your brief journey on the Dhelan."

"Oh, that," Ai'lani said, leaning back in the chair he sat.

"Yes, that." R'Vek sighed, "I'd like to get your slant on the events of the day you left."

Ai'lani sighed, "I had a meeting with the Political officer, we went over my biography and my history. Then we spoke about my species. I answered him honestly and he said that, in order for me to stay onboard, I had to take pheromone inhibitors. I refused because it's against my principles, so I chose to leave instead. As I was leaving, I bumped into Rianni, who decided it was a good idea to pick a fight with her Political officer. When I went back to the office again, I found them bickering in such a way that would make my fifteen year old look like a docile little kitten."

"So you feel erie'Riov t'Khellian initiated the fight between them?" R'Vek asked, "That is indeed most disturbing that she would initiate an altercation with her political officer, or any member of her crew."

"Especially considering tr'Tahn seems to be the only person on that ship who actually doesn't outright dislike her. At least, he didn't before she diva'd out on him," Ai'lani explained, then caught himself. "I mean,...Can I be frank and probably overstep?" he asked.

"Little late to worry about it now, isn't it?" R'Vek laughed, though he was more than a little displeased that this person before him, who Rianni had placed so much faith in, was so quick to sell her out the way he was, ~Seems my little girl keeps trusting the wrong people......~ "Please, by all means, be frank, that's what we're here for."

"Rianni has a long way to go before she's accepted on that ship. When I was on the bridge, however briefly that was, you could cut the tension with a knife and there wasn't even a shred of warmth for her. And Rianni was completely oblivious to it. She's thinks everyone will just 'come around'. Don't get me wrong, I like Rianni, but I'm not about to bullshit my way to anyone's good graces. She deserves better than that. What I'm getting at is that, unless she learns to play nice and get along with tr'Tahn for the sake of balance, she is going to have a lot of trouble on that ship." Ai'lani leaned back in his chair again, resting his hands on his lap. Ai'lani could feel that R'Vek wasn't exactly keen on what he was saying, but Ai'lani was really beyond caring. He cared about Rianni, and he certainly didn't want her first mission to backfire, but he was the first to point out the truth of how she was acting, whether she or anyone else liked it or not. He was never a liar, and he wasn't going to start now.

"Did you ever consider that perhaps Rianni was trying to effect a change on the Dhelan?" R'Vek offered, "That she was trying to establish that her command wouldn't tolerate judgement calls based solely on someone's race. I mean, that is what her official report said." ~Go on, throw her under the bloody bus again, I dare you.~ R'Vek thought, he was coming to greatly dislike Mr. Elley, not for telling him what he was, but for the fact that he was so quick to lay all the blame on Rianni when she had done everything she did in his defense.

"Call me naive, Admiral, but I'm under the impression that, in order for one to make any changes like that, one needs to establish themselves. Hell, I was surprised they even let me on the ship. Even though I was thrilled for Rianni inviting me. I mean, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, but even I wasn't expecting for that meeting with tr'Tahn to end with him greeting me with open arms." Ai'lani took a deep breath, trying to calm himself a bit. He dislike conflict but he wasn't about to back down just because it was emotionally upsetting.

"I'm not an expert in behaviour, Admiral. But I do know people in general. I've been a journalist for over twenty years and I've gotten around. No one accepts an outsider easily, no matter how much my idealistic heart would wish that to be true. And from what I hear, Romulans don't exactly have a good track record with outsiders either. So maybe you should consider all that before making me look like some ungrateful jackass," Ai'lani pointed out. "Rianni needs to show herself as a competent leader and one of the crew before attempting to push any changes."

"Yes, you know people, Mr. Elley, but you don't know the Khelliana." R'Vek laughed, he got it now, this poor bastard had no concept of what Isha was like, and therefore wouldn't get Rianni either, "But, how could you, I suppose?"

"Let me explain something to you, my boy." R'Vek continued, uncapping a bottle of Romulan Ale and offering a glass to Ai'lani, "These Khelliana women are hellcats, the lot of them. Especially my beloved cousin, Isha, she is the original Romulan hellcat, two hundred proof, non distilled. And, when my little Rianni went to learn about her Romulan heritage, she found Isha, who taught her her ways. Couple that with my wife's rather.....loud personality and blend in hundreds of generations of Khelliana women with the same 'my way or the I'll splatter you on the highway' attitude, and you're going to get a young woman who can pee napalm."

"I see," Ai'lani nodded. "And that's an excuse?" he asked just to check. "You're blaming this on genetics. Really?"

"Excuse, Hell." R'Vek laughed, "It's just a fact. I mean, right after your friend Mr. Whitlock did his story with Rianni one of Isha's aides took issue with something Rianni had said and how ti would look to the interstellar community. So this poor bugger goes to see Isha about it and talk it over with her. Isha practically beheads him for it! The Khelliana are a fiery bunch, of course she went off on him, he went too far in her eyes and she had to put him back on the other side of the line. No excuses, just a fact."

"Uh huh. So it's just something people should accept?" Ai'lani asked.

"Accept? Well, that's to the individual I suppose." R'Vek mused, "Expect, definitely. I never said she was right to do what she did, nor did I say tr'Than was right, to be honest they were both going about the whole thing the wrong way, but they're both new to their jobs, to their situations. You shouldn't be so hard on her, on either of them."

"As far as Rianni's attitude goes, give her a break." R'Vek laughed again, "She can't help it, she was born this way. I mean, she practically kicked her way out of the womb."

"But not everyone knows that. That's the problem. Your species is complicated. You all insist on utter and complete respect without knowing each other. If Rianni and tr'Tahn were Deltans, they would've settled this feud with sex like adults and everything would be coming up roses by now," Ai'lani said, shaking his head.

"It's always sex with you people, isn't it?" R'Vek chuckled, "I'm not so sure tr'Tahn's girlfriend would appreciate that so much, my friend. As for poor Rianni, well, she's been most unlucky in love."

"Whose talking about love?" Ai'lani asked, then shrugged. "But I know what you mean," he nodded. "She'll find someone."

"I hope you're right, Mr. Elley." R'Vek nodded, "Because she is in danger of letting her work become her life and that's a lonely path to be on."

"She needs to focus on herself right now," Ai'lani commented. "Love will come sooner or later."

"Yes, but Rianni she has.... a wonderfully human passion about her." R'Vek continued, wondering for a second why he was entrusting this man with this sort of information before going on, "She needs to feel connected to someone, to something, aside from herself. I worry so much about her. I suppose that's no state secret, just the concerns of a father who wasn't man enough to do the right thing when the little girl was born."

"Well, you just dragged me in here and got all worked up over her wellbeing enough to try and chew me out. That shows you love her. The past isn't worth dwelling on," Ai'lani supplied. "As for her connecting with someone, that'll come. Connections can't be forced. Deltan relationships sometimes take years of spending time together before they blossom from just friendship to something more," he explained. "Sometimes romance and friendship is difficult for us to separate," he added.

"Well, well, that last statement had some buckshot in it." R'Vek noted, "Something I need to know about?" He knew about the kiss before Ai'lani left the ship, he just wanted to see if he'd get the truth from the Deltan.

"About what?" Ai'lani asked, genuinely confused.

~All right, he's either very deceptive or shy. Maybe confused.~ "Never mind, must have misinterpreted something." R'Vek apologized.

Ai'lani tilted his head, looking intently at R'Vek. Giving him a 'do you mind?' expression, he reached over and lightly placed his hand over R'Vek's. He could feel wariness over the touch, protectiveness Ai'lani could only think was for Rianni. Deciding to have a guess, he said: "Is this about Rianni? Do you know that I kissed her goodbye?" He took his hand back.

"I know everything, Mr. Elley." R'Vek replied, "It's my job to know."

"So, what about it? I've kissed Rianni before. It's not a big deal. I always ask beforehand and I make sure to tone everything down," Ai'lani explained with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Calm down." R'Vek laughed, "No need to get defensive. I know you're a practicing homosexual. Sadly it seems so is my daughter, which pains me. I'd like to see another heir to the name from her."

Hearing what he'd said, Ai'lani promptly burst out laughing. In fact, he looked like he was having some trouble breathing for a few seconds. Once he'd calmed down to just occasionally bursting into giggles, he tried speaking. "Wow! I have never heard myself be so rigidly classified before," he admitted, great humor in his blue eyes, making them shine. "Okay, where do I start? Um...I'm not homosexual," he said simply, the label actually leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

"All right." R'Vek nodded, "I had no intent to offend. And Romulans are nothing else if not rigid when classifying. Though, everything I have seen and observed of you implied the conclusion which I drew. Again, I apologize if I offended you. So, there is interest in my daughter on your end?"

"What? No," Ai'lani said. "I don't pursue non-Deltans, it's dangerous."

"All right then." R'Vek sighed, "But from having been with her mother I can tell you you don't know what you're missing."

"Actually, I know exactly what I'd be missing," Ai'lani told him honestly. He'd had limited experience with romance with non-Deltans, mostly during his years at University when he decided that it would be exciting to experiment. The couple of relationships he'd had left him unsatisfied in every possible way and just the thought of a non-Deltan in a mature relationship made him laugh. He wasn't xenophobic, but as much as he tried to resist, he really couldn't take aliens seriously when they spoke about relationships. Yes, his attitude was condescending and patronizing towards aliens when the subject was spoken about but he was fine with that.

"Hmmm." R'Vek replied, "Suit yourself."

Noting his tone, Ai'lani felt the need to explain. "It's just that, no offense, but relationships with aliens are...unsatisfying for us. I'm not saying there's no chance but it takes more work than it's worth and it's never as fulfilling as being with another Deltan is," he explained.

"No offense was taken, my boy." R'Vek laughed, it seemed he put Ai'lani a bit on edge, "I understand that Deltans function on a different plane romantically than any other species. Besides, I think the Rianni and a man, any man, ship has sailed long ago. Shame to know there'll be no grandchildren from her. We Romulans, we are very concerned with keeping our bloodlines going."

"Well, just because she prefers women doesn't mean you won't have grandchildren," Ai'lani said. "It's wrong to assume that, simply because she would be involved with another woman that they wouldn't want children. I believe there are still methods for her to become pregnant and give birth, if she and her eventual partner decide to add to their numbers," he told him, surprised at how easily R'Vek had written off grandchildren.

"She's more interested in proving she belongs among Romulans now." R'Vek sighed, "And the poor girl has some.... trouble with relationships. I was hoping someone would come along and take care of her for me. Then that Kelan woman ran off with a Klingon of all things, and Rick Dunham fell hard for the doctor......"

"There's no need to rush things. Maybe she's been to eager to jump into a relationship. I think she needs to be alone for a while and get comfortable with herself before running into someone's arms."

"I just don't want her to grow old alone." R'Vek shook his head in dismay, "A father is still allowed to worry about his child in this new era isn't he?"

"Not when she's just thirty and you're already writing her off as dying alone," Ai'lani replied. "You should be more optimistic and believe that she's lovely enough to eventually attract someone worth her time instead of worrying so much. You should worry for her happiness, and you can't find happiness with someone else until you've found it for yourself. And just because she might not one day meet someone she'd like to bond with doesn't mean she'll die alone."

R'Vek smiled and laughed weakly, "All right, Mr. Elley, my intrepid reporter, perhaps my greatest fear is she will die too soon. I failed her......"

"How? She likes what she does."

"But there was so much more for her." R'Vek sighed, "So many things she was denied by my absence. All those wasted years, time that with all my wealth and power and the wealth and power of the entirety of the Khelliana I can never get back a bloody second of......"

"You do spend as much time as you can with your boy, Mr. Elley?" R'Vek questioned, picking up a PADD and scanning it, "Dominic, I believe?"

"Sort of. We have an odd relationship," Ai'lani admitted. It was difficult raising a human child. He had to keep his distance while also being nurturing, which was incredibly trying on both of them. Over the years it's developed into more of a mentor-student/best friend/parent-child kind of relationship, which is way too wordy in itself to be deemed as anything but complicated.

"Umm hmm." R'Vek nodded, now he was getting something from Mr. Elley, "The species difference hinders your parental efforts?"

"Very much so. Deltan parenting isn't much different to others in the basic concepts, but it's difficult not knowing which values and practices to teach your child beyond the basics," Ai'lani explained, crossing his legs. "And the fact that he's susceptible to pheromones since we're not blood related is also an issue, so distance is a requirement as longer exposures aren't good for his mental health."

"And I won't even suggest a pheromone suppressant." R'Vek laughed, even though he suspected Ai'lani would do it for Dominic, "So what's a father to do?"

Ai'lani smiled then, knowingly. "To do you best to make sure your child is happy. As they grow up, you teach them how to make good choices. Once they're grown, it's up to them to choose where their happiness is. You're just there to support them if they make the wrong ones and give advice if they ask."

"Sounds so easy, doesn't it?" The old Romulan laughed, wondering how his father in law did it, "Yet it's so bloody hard. Now, back to the subject that brought us here to begin with. I can only say I hope your experience on the Dhelan won't put you off of further dealings with the Romulan government entirely, hopefully we'll be able to give you a good story in the not too distant future."

"Oh believe me, it takes a lot to put me off something. The Tal Shiar's concerns were valid, I admit that, so there's really no hard feeling," Ai'lani assured the man with a smile.

"That's good." R'Vek nodded, "Maiell tr'Tahn is a good man, has a bright future in front of him. He and Rianni just need to get on the same page and they'll be fine."

"I say you lock them in a room together for 24 hours," Ai'lani suggested jokingly.

"Don't think that idea's not on the table, Ai'lani." R'Vek smirked, even though he knew it probably wouldn't accomplish what he needed.

Ai'lani laughed. "If you go through with it, I want pictures. And video," he told him. A moment of silence overcame them as Ai'lani looked down at his watch. "So, is that all you wished to see me about? I'd love to stay and gossip with the Romulan Upper class, but I actually have to work sometime today."

"As do I." R'Vek nodded, "Thank you for your time, my boy. Feel free to drop in any time, never know when I might have a story for you."

Ai'lani grinned, giving the man a polite nod in gratitude before leaving.


JP by

Ai'lani Elley
Freelance Journalist


En'Riov R'Vek tr'Khellian
Romulan Admiral