Unity – Amateur Investigations (Pt 2)
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Amateur Investigations (Pt 2)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Apr 14, 2010 @ 9:20am
Location   Promenade/Security Office
Timeline   SD17 - 13.30 hrs

Yolanthe looked at Mercy, somewhat less blue than she was. It felt like she'd been so close, and now there would be more hoops to jump through. "I'm going to have to drag the pair of them here by the hair, aren't I? Run them down across the grassy expanse of the promenade and bring them back like a pair of wild pigs all trussed for the pot." She turned towards the doors, wondering where the human would have gone from here. "Can I claim blood sports is part of my cultural identity and hunt them down with something sharp and pointy?"

Mercy laughed. "Um.. NO!" she said emphatically. "Not on my watch anyway" she qualified it, wondering what Bryan would say when he found out what they'd been up to.

"Spoilsport." A thought suddenly occurred to Yolanthe. "Is the Bajoran still in sick bay, because he'd be an easy catch if he was."

"oooooh!" Mercy exclaimed and almost went to rush to the door. Suddenly having second thoughts about rushing to sickbay, she remembered that any minute now, Alexia would re-emerge with a security officer, possibly Lt. Duquesne, perhaps even Commander Gabriel.... the more senior they might be, the less thrilled they'd be to find themselves summoned, let alone by two women who had then vanished in the meantime! Alexia would get into so much trouble. Mercy stood her ground.

"We have to wait here for a bit, until Alex gets someone. THEN we can go to Sickbay. Ok?" she asked Yolanthe.

Trellis had stopped by the Security Office to obtain a file that was within the local server. He was still investigating the recent riot on the promenade and trying to figure out what was used to knock out the rioters so quickly, but without affecting the Romulan or Cardassian ambassadors. Not to mention that Gabriel's hastily-imposed temperance had caused multiple potential witnesses to become hostile and uncooperative with the Security department.

If he can just finish this investigation before any other calamity were to befall the station. Before he could fully download the information to his padd he was stopped by two individuals in the office's main lobby.

"May I help you?" he asked, wondering where Alexia had disappeared to.

Yolanthe recognized him as the man who'd been poking around earlier. She gave him a long look up and down, examining him for signs of competence. Had he made any more progress in an entire morning than she'd made in the last fifteen minutes? Not finding a clue either way, she explained what she and Mercy had seen; human and Bajoran lurking on the promenade, the fact that they had appeared to kick things off independently but were in fact working together, and finally, the human's sudden and unexplainable interest in Lt. Commander Tovon. "So, in conclusion, they're the people you want. They aren't going to just hand themselves in because they're up to something. Can I please start selling my full menu before all those souls you've trapped here riot without the help of Agents Provocateur, or do you want me to d-" She bit off her intended words - do your job for you - and changed it to, "drag them down here in person? Because if I have to, I will."

Mercy stood there nodding. She wasn't agreeing to 'drag' any offenders into custody necessarily, but she 'was' confirming that Yolanthe wasn't joking. This fascinating bar owner had more than proved her tenacity to get things done and her capacity for clear thought and logic to work out puzzles. If Mercy ever needed anyone to investigate a mystery for her, this was the lady she was going to look up! She couldn't wait to tell Bryan what a productive afternoon she'd had and how much fun it had been working out all the clues. She was like a kid in a sweet shop... or an Administrator in a security officer's hair.

Trellis didn't have time for this. Where was the secretary, the Administrator, hell, even Gabriel for that matter. It was not his job to deal with community relations on the promenade. He was more focused on investigation the attack, not chasing down drunken patrons.

"Look Ms. Ibalin, I understand that this is a very important matter to you, and I assure you that one of my men will look into the two persons you identified as soon as possible." he replied.

"Perhaps we should wait for Alexia?" Mercy said softly, tugging gently on Yolanthe's hand, pointing towards some chairs with her other hand. It was clear the officer wasn't interested and rather than be ejected so soon, Mercy was hoping to dig in and wait it out.

The bokkai took a deep breath, and let it out, and pinched the bridge of her nose with mustard yellow fingers. Then she put on her best customer-facing smile for the security officer. "Thank you very much. We'll just wait for your assistant. Give her the images." She sat down next to Mercy and waited for Trellis to leave them to it. Once he was safely ignoring them, she leaned over to Mercy. "Where does that cardassian work?" she whispered. "Because if that human isn't hanging around nearby, I'll eat raw tube grubs for a month."

Mercy shuddered at the thought of eating raw grubs for a minute, let alone a month. "The Cardassian Consulate." she recited mechanically. "Level 3 Central Promenade. Deck 143."

Realising that Yolanthe was looking at her intently, Mercy blushed. "The thing about being an Administrator for a living, is you get to know a lot of station data off by heart." she justified herself.

"Its not that," Yolanthe assured her, "Its... well... I'd heard that joining starfleet made you species-blind, i just wasn't sure I believed it till now. I was talking about the cardassian in the blue uniform. The one who came here."

Trellis took the padd and walked into the back office and placed it on the secretary's desk. When we walked back out he saw that the women were still within the office.

"Well ladies, I thank you for your assistance in this matter. If we have any new developments, I'll be sure to inform you." He said in his most plesant voice as he tried to get them to leave the office so he could go back to work.

Yolanthe stood, drawing Mercy up with her and propelling the human towards the door. Even though the man was polite, being dismissed was not helping her mood and she was now the glorious yellow of a tropical sunset. And it was clear. If you wanted something done round here, you did it yourself. She pushed Mercy ahead of her, counting to ten in every language she knew how. As that was two, it didn't take long.

Outside the office, she finally felt free to express her displeasure, letting off a stream of invective in her own language that made unflattering and unhelpful observations about the mating habits of human males. She faded down to a more socially acceptable ochre, and turned to the administrator. "Tell me where to find Lt. Tovon. If security want me to do their jobs for them, so be it."

Trellis watched as the two women exited the office. He was about to pick up the padd they had left with the information when suddenly the comms crackled to life with Davies' voice.

=/= "All hands, civilians and crew. An enemy vessel has just de-cloaked outside Deep Space Five. You are to report to your muster stations. All docking bays are to be sealed." He did not need to order a stationwide lockdown, that was already in progress. "Civilian members are to make their way to their quarters. Do not panic." Commander Davies stated. ==

"Great. . ." What now? Trellis stated himself.



A JP Between:

Si'Lar Trellis
Assistant Chief of Security

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner and Bar tender, the Box of Delights,

CWO(2) Mercedes Denoublier
Administrator - NPC by jools