Unity – The Trojan Horse
by Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The Trojan Horse
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 5:15am
Location   Deep Space 5
Timeline   SD 16 - 2040 - Directly after "Never Forgotten" (Backpost)

Captain Flynn exited the conference room, followed by Lieutenant Wallace. They began to walk down the hall in silence towards the turbo-lift, and after a few uncomfortable moments, Flynn spoke up, “Mr. Wallace, I just wanted to apologize for the unpleasantness in there.”

"I'm under a lot of pressure from Admiral Morgan, the last thing he wants is a repeat of the defeat at DS9, the Chief is going in alone, the last thing we need is more assets on the ground especially if there aren't any cardies there and its Breen only, plus we now have Maquis on the station this is getting more and more complicated." Jarred said

“If you say so Mr. Wallace though I think that you’re making a big mistake. But hey, when have you ever listened to a Marine’s advice?” she said in a tone that feigned passive-aggressive defeat. She had already made a mental note to have a SpecOps team shadow the Master Chief, as well as gather their own intelligence on the base. These were Marines that had had much combat experience, and had been handpicked by the Colonel. There weren’t many better than them at their jobs.

She frowned as she picked up on the other thing that Jarred has said, “Wait…the Maqui? On the station? Since when?” Obviously not as big a fan of spying on the station as the Colonel was, she was a bit uninformed and this little tidbit of information came as a bit of a surprise to her.

"Four former Maquis operatives came through on a transport eight-teen hours ago, two hours after their arrival we had our second bar brawl of the day, five hours after that a known arms smuggler named Rorak was aboard, met with the four Maquis then departed, Ensign Perth is working that matter at the moment."

“Wow…” Flynn said after a moment of speechlessness, “That’s…pretty surprising to say the least. I mean…the Maquis? It’s been a long time since they were a threat…or so I thought.”

“But,” she said suddenly as they exited the turbo lift and began walking through the corridors of the Marine Complex, towards the restricted area, “For the moment, we must put that and our differences aside. There is a different matter. One that quite honestly I am at a bit of a loss as to how to proceed.

A few minutes later, they were in the MTAC, and headed back towards the secure Cage at the rear of the room. They entered and she shut the door with a hiss. They were alone in the room besides the two technicians assigned to man this post at all times. She turned to Wallace, “Lieutenant, approximately 30 minutes ago, we received a communication from one of our patrols a few sectors out. They had apparently received a distress call from some Cardassian ships.

"Let me take a look at the call information."

She handed the PADD containing the distress call on it, “Apparently, they claimed to be under attack by Federation ships,” As Wallace examined the distress call log, she looked at her chronometer again, “I diverted the patrol to investigate. They should be arriving at the scene in 25 seconds, and establish communications with us.”

"This signal pattern isn't Cardassian, it looks familiar though." Jarred knew it was of some importance, but what was the question.

“I didn’t have time to run it through the database yet, so I wouldn’t be able to tell you. And I want to keep this off the computer for as long as possible,” Flynn said.

Suddenly the technician raised her hand, signaling the incoming transmission. Flynn nodded for her to put it through. One manipulation of the controls later, and a voice came through speckled with static owing to the interference and the distance, =^= “Delta-Sierra-5, this is Hunter-Romeo-1. We have arrived at the location of the distress call.” =^=

=^= “Hunter-Romeo, this is Delta-Sierra-5-Actual. We have you. What is the situation?” =^=

=^= “Ma’am, we have a flotilla of three ships, two freighters, and what appears to be the remains of a Galor class ship. The Galor is floating in pieces, but the other ones appear to be mostly intact, just dead in space.” =^=

=^= “Any contact or life signs?” =^= Flynn queried as she gave Wallace a sidelong look.

=^= “Negative. However, we are detecting residual discharges consistent with Federation and Cardassian weaponry. There was definitively a battle here. We’re going to go in for a closer look, make a fly-by on each of the freighters.” =^=

=^= “Roger. Stay alert.” =^= Flynn turned to the Intelligence Chief, “Well Mr. Wallace, what do you think about this?”

He knew this was too easy, "check the ships for reactor activity."

Flynn relayed the order, and there was an acknowledgement, followed by a minute or two of silence. Suddenly the pilot came back on, =^= “Delta-Sierra-5, we read no reactor activity. Their Warp Cores are offline, probably to prevent a core breach, and the rest of the ships as far as we can scan are as cold as space. Please Advise.” =^=

"Something doesn't add up, how then hell does a bunch of smaller ships take out a Cardassian freighter?" Jarred was puzzled, "what about the auxiliary reactors?"

Again, Flynn transmitted the order to the distant pilots, and had to wait for a moment for a response, =^= “Auxiliary reactors are also offline sir, though the ones that we can find show residual energy readings. =^=

Flynn turned towards Jarred again, “Who said they were little ships? A capital ship could have done this as well. So, what do you think we should do? In the wake of the incident with the Cardassian freighter and Lt. Dunham, I think that we should tread very carefully. Possibly tractor the freighters back here so that you and your intelligence teams could run some investigations on them?”

She turned to the communications operator, “Sergeant, how far out is Hunter-Romeo’s carrier?”

“E.T.A. is 46 Minutes sir. The U.S.S. Cunningham…Galaxy-class.”

“And approximately how long would it take for them to tow the two freighters back here?”

“With both of them? They would be limited to about Warp 1, maybe 2, so at least 16 hours.”

Jarred looked at the display, "Pull-up the weapon resonance, and then compare with record SR-433-Alpha Blackstar." Jarred said, as the marine did so the computer file overlaid Jarred looked at the marine captain, "We have a match."

Flynn looked at Jarred with a confused expression on her face, “What do you mean? What matched?”

"Alpha zero access captain Flynn," he paused reached over the marine comms officer and keyed in a command "different protocols are now in effect, get the CO of the Cunningham on the horn."

"Not until you tell me what's going on!" She growled in a perturbed tone, as she motioned for the Comm officer to belay the order from Jarred.

"The attack was conducted by federation citizens acting on their own, we are bound to take all measures to determine the reason for the attack and take action that is appropriate." Jarred said

Miranda continued staring at him with a confused and annoyed expression on her face and said, "And just towing the ships back here for investigation isn't enough? What exactly are you talking about Lt.?"

"This is similar to the beginning of the Maquis ten years ago, only now things have changed." Jarred said not totally sure if this was the actions of old members or new ones.

“Lieutenant,” Flynn said with a pained expression, “Are you telling me that the Maquis are responsible for this action? If that is the case, then we should have the ships towed back here for a proper investigation, correct?”

"Odds are its been made to look like them, there is only one way to find out."

Flynn shook her head, this intelligence officer wasn't making too much sense but, he was right in that the only way to find out what was going on was to bring the ships back here. She gave the order to the communications officer, and then cut the link. "That'll be all, Mr. Wallace," she said in as calm a tone as she could muster, wanting nothing more now than to get him out of her complex.

Jarred looked at the Marine Captain and just walked away, he made a mental note to stop trusting the marines again, as he walked back out onto the main concourse he decided to head back to his quarters.


Marine Captain Miranda Flynn (NPC)
Played by: James Darson

Jarred Wallace