Interlude – Arrival
by Romulan Diplomat D'Vaeban tr'Dharvanek

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Title   Arrival
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Romulan Diplomat D'Vaeban tr'Dharvanek
Posted   Mon Jul 05, 2010 @ 9:13am
Location   Docking Bay
Romulan Diplomat D'Vaeban tr'Dharvanek had recently left his family in Austria, Earth to accept a new job as Senior Ambassador on Deep Space 5. When he was offered the job by the Romulan Star Empire it had been a long and hard decison and it was his Human wife who finally twisted his arm enough to leave her and his young daughter and advance his carrer. In his personal Romulan Shuttle, similar in size to the Federation Danube-Class runabout, he docked into the Star Base wondering how long he would be here before his family where able to join him. Wearing the civilian clothes of a Romulan he stepped of the Runabout and was met by a security officer. "Greetings Ambassador." He handed him a datapad and continued. "This has all of the information you need, including but not limited to your quaters, security clearance and a plan of the space station as it is hard to find your way around at first." He smiled at the young officer from the look of his D'Vaeban could tell it was his first commison straight out of the accademy. "Thank you Ensign, if it is all the same to you I will be off now."

He left the docking bay and headed for the first lift he could find stepping in he spoke. "Deck 60." Even getting to Deck 60 did not take very long and as he stepped into the Romulan Consultate he saw two Romulan Guards. They were sure he was a Vulcan and ordered him to tell them why he was here. "I am the Romulan Senior Ambassador to Depp Space 5. Here are my credentials." One of the guards took the data pad of him and looked over it for a second before stepping aside. He could tell by looking at him he was not very happy that the new Ambassador was a Half Vulcan but as far as D'Vaeban saw if he would simply have to get used to it.

Following the Datapad he got to his quaters. They were spacious and well decorated in Romulan style. He looked around and saw it was much larger than the average Federation quater and he was sure they only person in the Consultate with better accomodation would be Ambassador Isha t'Khellian. From the out look people may expect him to out rank her, she was an Ambassador and he was the Senior Ambassador but that would not be the case. In these parts she WAS the Empire and she carried it's authority with her. He had never met her but made a mental note to make an appointment.

He carried a bag with some of his personal objects. Clothes and the like. He decided he would unpack latter but opened the bag and removed the photograph of his wife and daughter.