Things Past – Aftermath
by Citizen Min Zhao

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Title   Aftermath
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao
Posted   Tue Oct 01, 2013 @ 5:55pm
Location   DS5 - Temporary Quarters
Timeline   SD72 - 1800hrs

[Private Quarters]

Entering his quarters Alarian Thomas dimmed the lights. Making himself a stiff drink he wandered over to the couch and sat down. Taking a sip from the glass he placed it back down and closed his eyes as he leaned back in the couch. After a few seconds he heard the sound of feet on the carpet behind him. With no weapon in reach, he slowly turned to face the intruder. His frown turned to a smile as he saw Leah standing in the doorway with only a towel wrapped around her slim figure.

"You're an unexpected surprise."

She went up to Thomas and sat down on his lap facing him. Running a finger down the bridge of his nose she smiled. "I heard you were in town. I figured you needed to relax." She gave him a peck on the cheek. "And what better way to relax then with me?"

Alarian ran his hand over her leg. "How did you know I was in?"

Leah grinned. "Call it a women's intuition. Besides, you're one of my favorite clients Alarian."

Leah got up and wandered towards James' sleeping quarters. Loosening the towel she let it slip from her fingers, landing in a small pile beside the door. Looking back at James she smiled. "Well. You want an invitation or something?"

[couple hours later]

Alarian lay in bed, Leah beside him , tucked in his arms. That had been the perfect end to what was otherwise a terrible day. She was right, Leah knew just how to make him feel better, the reason he'd kept going back to her time and again.
