Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reunion on DS5 part two
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Reunion on DS5 part two
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Tue Jun 09, 2009 @ 9:59pm
Location   CDO's quarters
Timeline   Evening after the Freedom returns
A conspiratory grin formed on X'aedell's lips. "I think she likes him, but won't admit it..." she whispered back, watching Ayren who busied herself with preparing their meal. X'aedell had always thought Ayren would be married before her, but she wasn't even seeing anyone. That was something she couldn't understand. The fact that she herself had struggled with men, that could be understood, but beautiful and feminine Ayren.....? X'aedell knew her cousin's tastes though, maybe that was the problem, but this Da'nal might just fall into that category.....

"Stop that, you two!," she said with a chuckle, but she had mixed feelings. Why was she so disturbed, there was nothing to be embarrassed about...? "In any case he is leaving the station...

"Yes but the Station will be his home port yes.? So he'll be back."

"Yes and that would really work, won't it," she said with some irony. "Besides, he had only recently lost his wife ..." Why was she making so many excuses, she asked herself, but had no answer except two pairs of eyes fixed on her. "What?"

Charg shrugged innocently. "Nothing. But you know Klingons look at death differently than others..."

Ayren just stared at him for a moment, the one side of her mouth pulling slightly. They were right to some extend, he was the type of man she could pursue a relationship with and it was rare for her to find a man she could be interested in. She was more disappointed than she would have wanted to admit that there would not even be a chance to see if it would even work. Both X'aedell and Ayren sensed Da'nal's and his family's approached and locked eyes for a moment before the chime rang. X'aedell would have picked up Ayren't slight increase in heart beat.

Da`nal had everyone in tow. Garath and he led the way as Akhil and Ariella followed and a security guard followed behind. Reaching for the panel he sounded the chime.

Ayren lowered her gaze and pushed her feelings aside as she stepped towards the door to be the perfect hostess and make the evening a pleasant one for all.

As the door Da`nal bowed his head slightly. "Good evening Ayren I...." as his head came up he saw Charg standing from his seat. The look of surprise was obvious.

Charg laughed heartedly. "I put her up to it."

Da`nal turned his gaze back to Ayren to see her wide smile, but there was something behind her eyes...

His intense gaze caught Ayren off guard, but she quickly recovered. "He owes me for the charm I used to get you and the family here," she said jokingly. “Welcome and please make yourselves at home, she said and stood aside for Ahkil and Ariella to come in as well. While Ariella literally climbed on her, she addressed Akhil. "It is so good to see you up and about," she said warmly.

"It take more than a Romulan to keep me down. Though the Station doctor did her best to do so. It's nothing that I can't handle though."

X'aedell got up to greet the guests, her sharp senses not missing a thing, but she stayed in the background to watch the interaction and allow the two men to greet each other.

"Of that I am sure," Ayren said to Ahkil. She was going to miss her too. Why the hell did this happen? Just as she made a friend apart from Tasha who was not there, she was leaving again.

Charg and Da`nal, along with Garath moved off to one side. "Charghwi'IH may I present my son, Garath."

Placing a hand on the boys shoulder and giving his a squeeze feeling the muscle in the little ones arm. "He has strength, and you named him for your brother."

"Yes and he has his uncles spirit. Akhil told me that during the attack on the station he took up a blade and stood his ground to defend his family."

Charg was surprised....shocked really. "That young and already a warrior."

"I couldn't be more proud. I would have told his grandfather thins morning but I didn't get the change. I will tell him when I see him at SB 47."

"Why SB 47?"

"With the attack on the children and the likelyhood of Romulan agents still on the station I am sending them home." Da`nal cast a glance at Aryen then back to his friend. "I have orders to Romulus, and SB 47 is on the way so he will meet us there."

A pang went through her heart, but she kept her face neutral, only a little muscle on teh side of her face betrayed her disturbance at the news. The family whisked into her life and would leave just as fast. ~Romulus?...~ she thought, unable to tear her eyes away from Da'nal's back. Swallowing hard, she lowered her eyes and walked back to the workbench. The sensed X’aedell's presence in her mind, and right now it was comforting.

Charg saw Da`nal's glance...and Aryen's eyes look over after Da`nal had turned away. However before he could speak Da`nal changed the subject as he led them back over.

Da`nal clasped his friend on the shoulder. "Your manners are slipping my friend. Who is this young lady with you?"

X'aedell looked away from Ayren and smiled at Da'nal. ~At least Ayren has good taste~ she thought silently as she stepped forward, studying the man.

"This is my bond-mate, my wife....X'aedell."

X'aedell took the hand offered firmly. "And that is my bond-mate, my husband.... Charg," she said with her dry sense of humour.

It was Da`nal to be surprised, Charg almost laughed at the surpise on his friends face. "Well I can see you've been busy since you left the Alddebaran."

Charg's grin shrank only slightly at the mentioning of the former assignment that had caused him so much trouble. "You have nooo idea..."

"So how did you first meet?"

Looking to Xae then back to Da`nal. "Was cleared and able to return to Star Fleet. We were both assigned to the same ship and it was at our second meeting that things got interesting."

"How so...?"

"I nearly took her arm off...."

"I found that really sexy," X'aedell said, still with a dead pan face.

Charg grinned, "What can I say....some girls like pain."

X'aedell rolled her eyes and shook her head at her husband. "It made him feel he is really good with a bat'leth," she said drily to Da'nal.

Charg laughed heartedly. "Da`nal found out for himself how good I am."

Da'nal was laughing himself. "That I did," he said nodding as he felt his ribs remembering their match. He turned his attentions back to X'ae. "So how do you know Aryen?"

X'aedell turned to glance at Ayren and then looked back at Da'nal. "We are family, she is my cousin, but more like my sister. That is why she is so pretty," she said with a mischievous grin.

Da`nal did agree...well not with the reasoning, but Aryen was attractive and had courage as well. Knowing his tendency to project he changed the subject before he let too much leak out. "Well we should eat before everything gets cold. After all our hostess went to all the trouble...."

"Yes... please," Ayren said smiling, "Otherwise you will stand here and talk nonsense all night long." She was slightly embarrassed, but hid it well, giving X'aedell the *eye*, who simply grinned back, pleased with herself.

Ayren Kelan

Commander Da'nal
CO USS Freedom

Lt ChargwI'IH
USS Merlin
NPC by Chris

Lt X'aedell Kelan
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin
NPC by Sharon