Unity – Preoccupied
by Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Preoccupied
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon Jan 18, 2010 @ 6:33pm
Location   JAG Office. Deck 56
Timeline   Overlapping with 'Things that go Bang ...'
"Don't underestimate the situation," Karen retorted, "the CAG is part Romulan and somehow related to this damn ambassador who has been sent back to prosecute one of our people. Add to that her parents, including a Romulan father have turned up. I don’t trust her.”

Back on Earth Admiral Brailsford paced away from the screen; “There’s an old saying, isn’t there, Karen, ‘you can’t choose your relatives’?”

“Maybe, but I don’t believe in coincidence – they’re converging on this station, and in that ‘they’ I include the Cardassians and Klingons as well as the Romulans. Something is happening, and Gabriel is the least of it.”

“You have no evidence, only an instinct,” Brailsford replied, “I’ve kept you up to date with the moves the Romulans have been making. If, as you say they have made no move yet, then you must wait. It will come.”

Karen’s instinct hinted at something else, though given Brailsford’s unusually terse attitude she kept it to herself. “There are the Cardassians,” she said instead, wondering what he stood to gain if the case the Romulans were to bring against Gabriel were to succeed.

“There are always Cardassians,” Brailsford said as the channel flickered.

“This one is named Tharek Getal, a Vi’kar Gul, probably with connections to the now defunct Obsidian Order.”

“Is it defunct?” Brailsford questioned, but continued before Karen could answer. “How did you come across this Getal?”

“A Lieutenant Dunham took action against a ship of Cardassian origin that was on a collision course with the station, he followed protocol – they failed to answer hails, or alter their course and he rightly fired on the ship. This Getal is crying for Dunham’s blood. I’ve bought some time but he wants something in return.”

Brailsford returned to the screen, his lips tight. “Deep Space Five does seem to be a magnet for trouble,” he said, stating the obvious, “Boaorans, Romulans, and now Cardassians – it’s a wonder any of you get any sleep …”

Haha Karen thought as he continued.

“… what did the Cardassian want?”

“A ship. A Defiant class,” she said, aware of Brailsford’s derisive laughter. “He’ll settle for less, but I have no idea what he wants it for.”

“Is that your instinct talking again?”

Karen released a sharp breath. It was her instinct. As she opened her mouth to reply to Brailsford the station shook and the channel was cut.

Karen hit her comm badge, "Report?" but in that instant, even communications on DS5 were not working.

She gave up trying to restore communications and ventured out of her office into the JAG facility; there appeared to be no damage here apart from the obvious fact that they were running on secondary systems. She swore as she made her way through the offices trying to find out if anyone knew what had hit the station.

=^= "Commander Villiers, are you on your way to Ops?"=^= It was Davies. So comms were back up.

=^=I'm on my way, Commander," Karen replied, the route from the JAG offices on deck 56 was not impaired by the disaster reported below, but the general activity made passage slow. "I'll be there in five."

=^= "Very good Commander, I will contact the doctor shortly." =^=