Judgement – Unsure
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Unsure
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Jul 08, 2011 @ 5:00pm
Location   Bradshaw offices
Timeline   SD38 08.45
Wayne had finally found himself in an area he was not exactly certain about. True he had some diplomatic skills from his past experiences both in the marines and in the board room, on the battlefield it was at the end of a phaser rifle and the choices were simple either surrender or death. In the board room it was a little more subtle but still the basis was the same just that instead of phasers and battle armour it was high price suits, lawyers and contracts. This was the reason he was getting ready to meet with some of the stations diplomats both to learn something new and to maybe show them how things were done outside of the fleet.

Tahir had precious little time. The wedding was in less than two hours, but she had promised Mr Bradshaw help and guidance on diplomatic issues. She now however, had wished that he had come to her, rather than she to him. She pressed the pad on the door frame and waited.

"Come in." said Wayne wandering who it was that could have gotten past his security without him knowing they were even here. At least he did wonder until he remembered who it was that he was supposed to be meeting though he had not expected them to arrive so soon as he knew there was a wedding that this particular diplomat was required to be at.

The room was unusually dim, her eyes had to adjust to the poor light.
"Mr Bradshaw?" Tasha questioned, unable to make out the face in the gloom of the room, thought the lights from the desk gave an ominous glow to a figure sat at the desk and the male voice that had beckoned her.

"Yes captain please come in I was honestly not expecting you just yet hence the lighting." Said Wayne calmly as he brought the room lights up to near normal levels slowly to allow his guest time to adjust and also to take in the details of the large office from the over stuffed leather chairs to the decorations around the room most of which were from his days as a marine he also knew by her reaction that he had caught her off guard and it was an interesting point he should have to remember for later.

Her eyes did not take long to adjust to the brighter lights and the surroundings that to her cluttered the room. The walls adorned with various commendations and pictures from Waynes colourful past.
"Busy day ahead." She said by means of an excuse as she stepped up the chair on the opposing side of the large desk at which Wayne sat.

"How can I help you?" She asked with regards to diplomatic issues.

"Well to be honest captain I am finding out more and more that the style of diplomacy used in the corporate world is vastly different then what I was used to. I mean I can hold my own but what I am used to working with is what some would call shotgun diplomacy. However I find that such does not always hold over well and was wandering if there was a way that you would be able to help me out on this issue." said Wayne flatly as he laid his cards on the table something he was not exactly used to doing.

"I appreciate your candour Mister Bradshaw." She said as she moved around he chair and sat. "We have a few options that may offer you some insight. I could arrange for Lieutenant Totti to give you some pointers, arrange a visit with Ambassador t'Khellian or I can put in a word for you at the station University. I understand that they offer a number of Diplomatic courses." She advised as she wondered exactly what he was hoping to glean from courses.

"Think I would rather go for a one on one approach. There are some things after all that are better kept out of the publics eye if you know what I mean." said Wayne calmly.

Tasha shook her head from side to side. "Sorry, no. What sort of things? Yours or unsavoury clients?" Tasha asked intrigued.

He really did not like letting others know family issues but in this case he felt that an exception would have to be made.
"Captain in my business a person makes enemies mostly they are the harmless type disgruntled partners, former employees and the like. However some of them are actually very dangerous. Now a little thing like a course in diplomatic negotiation could seem harmless enough in and of itself, however if one of those more dangerous types were to learn that there was any conceived weakness in the armor regardless of how small it can lead to complications down the road. I am sure you know that there is at least one confirmed case of this in recent history during the Klingon civil war where a task force of starfleet ships stopped a Romulan convoy from helping out the Durass family. The small weakness in the Romulan cloak that Commander data found was all it took to bring down a great many plans for one admiral Sela and for the Durass family as well. I hope that helps to explain why I would rather not take a class instead of getting private help in my problem." Said Wayne calmly he hoped that she would understand he had made it as clear as he possibly could what his fear was and what the possible problem was.

His explanation enlightened Tasha and she could see he reasons behind his request and she had to admit to herself, the reasons though selfish to an extent, were valid.

"Thank you Mr Bradshaw, you have clarified that for me very nicely indeed." She placed her hands flat and her legs and smiled. "You have several options, a little personal training from our Chief Diplomatic officer, Lieutenant Totti." She eyed his expressionless face for a moment, "or the stations University offers a standard course in diplomacy, but to be honest, my suggestion would be some holodeck time with Lieutenant Totti in some real life scenarios, let him appraise you and see what you need training in. I am sure that whatever you decide, it will give you a grounding in diplomacy and diplomatic situations." Tasha advised and leant back into the chair.

"Thank you captain I think I will take your suggestion and get in touch with the Lt. as soon as possible I hope to be able to correct this short falling as soon as possible and who knows it might even lead to a few more opportunities for me down the road." said Wayne with a chuckle Thanks also for your time and I will not keep you any longer as I am sure you still have to get ready for that wedding later today." he added lightly as he rose for his seat and offered her his hand to help her up from her chair.

Tasha took his hand and shook it. Again, she had that strange feeling that she had the last time they shook hands, a mild static charge that ran up her arm and across her chest, quickening her heart a little.
She took a deep breath and willed her heart to slow down.

"My pleasure." She said as they released the gentle grip, "I am glad that I could be of help. If you need any further assistance, you know where to find me. Have a good morning Mr Bradshaw." She added with a smile and turned on her heel and left the man behind her, restraining herself from turning to see if he was watching her leave.

Wayne had also felt the small charge though it did not have the same effect on him as it did on the captain. ~well that is a feeling I have not felt in many years~ Thought Wayne as he watched her walk out of his office inhis own way he was checking her out and hr had to admit he liked what he was seeing


Captain Tasha Tahir

Wayne Bradshaw
President/ CEO
Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated