Incommunicado – Violation
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Violation
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Mar 12, 2012 @ 6:50am
Location   Selen'ai
Timeline   SD 50, aprox. 1000

Prince "watched" as the man wandered about his corridors, sticking his nose in every nook and cranny it didn't belong. It had been a day since the engineering team had left, and still, this damnable security officer had found an excuse to keep hanging around. Finally, as the man approached Akamu's personal quarters, Prince decided to intervene.

"Can I help you?" He said politely, his voice emanating from every speaker in the corridor.

Kel'tor stopped as he searched for the source of the voice. He looked for several moments before realizing that it wast he ship's computer addressing him.

"Yes, Security officer Kel'tor. Where is the owner of this vessel located?" He asked in a more serious tone.

"He is asleep," Prince replied. The statement wasn't entirely true. Ka'er had just woken up and was groggily ordering a mug of coffee from the replicator. When one of his subprocessors hurried to fulfill the order, Prince made sure to add an extra stimulant to the drink.

Kel'tor raised an eyebrow. If the owner was sleep, then he wouldn't have to worry about explanations or needless discussions.

"Very well, I'll have to conduct the survey myself." He responded to nobody in particular. "Computer, give me the location of the Engineering Station on this vessel." He commanded as he strode to what appeared to be a panel.

Prince considered not giving into the security officer's demand. However, that wouldn't provide him with any information as to Kel'tor's motives or intentions.

"Deck four, section 4." He responded. He was careful to mask any emotion in his voice. Better that the officer thought of him as a simple computer, like the ones aboard his Federation ships. It would make the ride Prince was about to take Kel'tor on a lot funner.

Kel'tor entered the nearest lift and pressed the button indicating his desire to travel to the fourth deck. As the lift traveled towards its intended destination, Kel'tor studied the padd in his hand. It contained the external scans he had compiled during his flyby of the vessel.

Kel'tor knew that this vessel was different than any other ship that had cross through the wormhole and into the Alpha quadrant in the past 15 years. The power proficiency of the vessel alone were enough to make it a valuable prize to the organization that Kel'tor had found himself roped into assisting.

As the doors opened, Kel'tor stepped off and began to walk down the corridor towards the entrance of the Engineering station.

Enjoying his little game, Prince stubbornly refused to open the doors to the engineering deck for all of six seconds. Then, just before Kel'tor got truly frustrated, the hatch slid open with a hiss.

Kel'tor examined the door as he walked through.

~Perhaps this ship ain't that fancy~ He thought to himself as he continued to observe the immediate area.

"Computer, lights, 88%" he ordered as he adjusted to the area.

Prince complied to the order, rather curious as to why the man wanted the lights dimmed. As Kel'tor approached the engineering station, Prince put the primary mechanical functions into a full diagnostic run, basically shutting down the system for two hours. Kel'tor would be able to poke and prod, but unable to influence the system.

"Computer, bring up a schematic of the ship's internal power distribution during tactical engagements." He said as he placed a small device he had next to the console.

Hurriedly, Prince rearranged a few pixels in the required diagnostic image. When the screen lit up, for some some inexplicable reason, his power conduits were spelling out the words "GO AWAY". Prince contained a chuckle, savoring the moment.

Keltor became annoyed with the system's sudden sense of humor. Evidently, the ship was able to detect when the user was not an original member of the crew. "Computer, performed previously requested task." he repeated in an annoyed tone.

The next image to appear on screen was purely text.


Prince wondered how persistent Kel'tor would be.

"I don't have time for this. . .this. . .Bk'shu!" Kel'tor said in his native tongue. He reached into a pocket and withdrew a small rectangular object. He placed it on the computer console and waited several seconds before it activated. The only indication that it gave was the pulsating green light, showing that it was doing its job.

"Computer, how many people are currently within this room?" He asked.

"There are... I am unsure... scanning..." Prince was confused, a moment ago, there had been just the one officer, now... "I am reading six lifesigns on this deck."

Kel'tor nodded in a satisfactory manner at the response. The inaccurate response let him know that the device had begun to disrupt the feedback between the ship and the. . . .computer, for lack of a better term. This would definitely give him enough time to gather the information he needed.

Prince struggled to get a handle on what was happening to him. His internal systems felt unaffected, but the lesser functions of his programming, the sensors and local security net in that area of himself; they felt disjointed, like they weren't there. This Starfleet officer was... intruding him in some way.

While the computer performed the task, he began to access system schematics, particularly those on the ship's tactical layout. It wasn't as much information as he would have preferred, but it was certainly more than he was able to ascertain during his fly-by with the Engineering Officer Kramer.

Now, he just needed that ominous figure to be satisfied or else he wouldn't live long enough to try again.

As Kel'tor left him, alone, and strangely violated, Prince knew this wasn't going to be the last rock thrown. This was now war.


Dark Prince (NPC)
Selen'ai AI computer

Ens Kel'tor (NPC)
Security Officer