Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reporting for Duty
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Reporting for Duty
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Feb 07, 2009 @ 11:03am
Location   Captain's Ready Room
Timeline   SD8 - 06:17
The ship rocked back and forth as it cruised on and on. Near the stern Kortar guided the vessel through the sea of blood. The barge of the dead....but why was he here? Walking the fore deck several faces looked up at him only to turn away or drop back down to hide the dishonor of the mark the now carried. Moving into the interior of the barge he continue to wander among the various souls.

After what seemed an eternity he saw someone huddled in a corner....fair haired...small human hands. Kneeling he lifted the head to see how it was.

His eyes widened with surprise and shock as he looked into his wifes face.

"Help me..."

Da`nal woke with a start. Immediately realizing he was in his new quarters. Throwing the covers back he swung his feet down and padded into the head, activating the sink and splashed water on his face. "Computer, time?"

"Station time is Zero Six hundred hours and seventeen minutes."

It was just past his time to be up anyway. After taking a shower he dressed and grabbing a PADD he headed into the children's room. Da`nal found that Akhil was already the feeding Garath, and Ariella was beginning to wake. "I may be back late tonight."

Waving off the warning. "You will return when you are able. See to your duties, we will be fine."

Nodding he turned and head off to get feel for the station.

[Later that Morning - 0802]

Stepping off the lift Da`nal walked into the station's Main Operations Center. He had never served on a station of this size. Except for his time at San Francisco the vast majority of his career had been aboard starships. Thinking to himself, ~Well a life without change is a life without challenge.~

Glancing around the large room he spotted the Captain's ready room and headed over to the entrance. He was about to activate the chime when the door opened and a young Lieutenant walked out.

Startled by the large Klingon that he had nearly run into. "Oh! Excuse me Commander."

"Not to worry Lieutenant, carry on."

"Aye sir." And with that he headed off to whatever task he had originally set out for.

While the door was still open Da`nal looked in expecting to see Captain Tahir only to see a Commander behind the desk. Stepping into the doorway, "Excuse me Commander, I was looking for Captain Tahir."

David had been sat at the desk, feeling quite alone and lost on the station. He had a whistle stop tour of the gargantuan Celestial Class station, one of only 2 in the sector and he had secretly prayed that he was not assigned to Starbase 182. He was shattered by the time he had gotten bed, around 3 and now he was here just a few hours later, already chest high in PADDs.

The door was open, allowing the Commander to see those who approached before they saw him, but his head was already into signing off the PADDs and getting around the crew when the voice broke his concentration.

"Enter, please." He said, rising from the chair. "Now then," His strong Welsh accent coming out lilting, "Captain Tahir has been called away, so forgive me if I don't have your details to hand Lieutenant Commander..." He didn't finish the sentence, hoping the Klingon would.

"Da`nal sir. When will she be returning." Da'nal eyed the Commander with a hint of suspicion. "I have orders to report for duty this morning and with all due respect Commander I don't recall a full commander in the listing of the stations command staff."

Davies shook his head. "When she returns, she will return. I am not at liberty to say and to be blunt Da'nal, as I am in temporary command, my rank is irrespective. To all intents and purposes, I am the Commander of Deep Space 5 until Captain Tahir returns." David retorted, not expecting his position to be questioned by the newest recruit to DS5, even if David was the newer member. He lifted the stacked PADDs somewhere approximating halfway and laid them next to the first, then pushed them across the desk allowing a clearer view of the Lieutenant Commander who was still standing as David sat back into the Captains chair.

Glancing at the PADDs at the went from the desk to the floor then back to the commander, Da`nal remained stoic. "I meant no disrespect Commander, nor would I question the authority of a superior officer. I was merely pointing out my unfamiliarity with your posting or position here."

David waved his hand as a sign of retreat. "I should be a little more relaxed Commander, it's not the easiest thing to step into a Captains shoes, even with new staff coming aboard and older ones leaving. Lets start again." He explained but offered no apology. "Captain Tahir has been recalled to Earth as a witness in a court martial. I do not know how long she will be gone for, but with 3 weeks travel to and from Earth, I would imagine 8 to 9 weeks. I am Commander David Davies."

Stepping forward he offered his hand. "Lt. Commander Da`nal of the House of Varal. Change can be stressful, is there anything I do to assist? I'm sure she would appreciate if her desk was cleared by the time she returned."

David took Da'nals hand and shook it, reciprocating the firm grip and responded with a half smirk at the commanders quip.
"I am sure she would and I hope to have it that way in less than an hour. If your offering assistance, I don't know what have of these are for. What position have you been offered aboard this station?" He asked as he started to rummage through the pile, looking for the PADD named 'Transfers'.

Letting his rummage of a moment Da`nal came to his rescue with his personal PADD containing his orders. "Here you are sir." Holding out the PADD. "My primary post is as Chief of Strategic Operations. Though I am familiar with wearing multiple hats as it were."

David's head popped back up to accept the PADD. "Thanks. It seems more than one hat is needed for most crew here. I have never seen so many of these in one place." He pointed in the general direction of the PADDS in front of him. "On a ship, I would be lucky if I saw two, let lone this many." He scratched his head as he began to read Da'nals personnel file.

Nodding in agreement. "Well the administrative requirements of running a station of this size definitely generates a lot of paper work....much more so than any Starship." As Davies looked over the files he mentally reviewed the tasks he wanted to accomplish in the next few days as he got into the swing of things here on the station.

David read his file and was inwardly impressed at the Klingons courage, stamina and pride. He would have thought an intelligence role would have suited better, especially as he had covertly watched the Tempests XO without being discovered.

"Are your family aboard?" David asked, not mentioning Da'nals deceased wife.

Nodding, taking note that he showed respect for his privacy by not mentioning Anita or saying he was sorry of his recent loss. "Yes, my father also sent out a nurse to care for my children. She arrived before me and told me that the stations Diplomatic officer was most helpful in making sure everything was in order prior to our arrival. She also met my transport when I arrived."

David nearly dropped the pad in his hand. "When you arrived. When did you get here then?" He asked, near a choke. "I thought you had just arrived." He added, "I have not even been assigned my own quarters yet, let alone unpacked."

Being the son of the head of a Klingon House apparently had its privileges. Until now he had never been treated any different than any other office. Da`nal chuckled slightly. "I arrived two days ago. The privileges of Diplomatic status I would assume, though my 'reception' was unexpected."

David sighed. "A diplomat as well. I know you said you can wear many hats. I read that you are heir to the house of Varal, is that what grants you diplomatic status, and if so, how will it affect your role here on this station?" He enquired, "purely out of interest?" He added.

Da`nal stood there briefly. Was this man questioning his loyalty? No...just his curiosity. "I have sworn an oath to serve the Federation and to obey the orders of the officers appointed over me. The matters of the Empire and my House are my fathers to deal with for the time being. Should that change and he needs me." He paused briefly. "I will request the needed leave, leave of absence or should the need arise I will resign my commission."

David pursed his lips. "That's very interesting. I am sure that Starfleet would not wish you to resign your commission." He said in honesty as he rose from his seat, contemplating on whether to order a drink or not. He wasn't hungry but he felt he should eat something, or at least partake in something to drink. He glanced at the time, which was now approaching 08:25. The department heads meeting was scheduled for later that morning, giving each member time to present them selves to the temporary commander.
"Would you care for a hot drink Commander, or do you need to familiarise yourself with your station?" David bridged the gap between himself and the replicator in just a few steps.

"No thank you. I have yet to meet with my staff, and as to familiarizing my self with the station...that'll take some time." He said grinning. "Plus I need to look over the over the sector status reports before the meeting later this morning. I would recommend the Lieutenant Bennett be included in that meeting."

David didn't know if he was sharing a joke or had made a genuine misinterpretation. Nevertheless, he let it go. "Carry on Lieutenant Commander." He paused. "Computer, list Lieutenant Commander Da'nal as active. Grant him access with protocols to be set at his earliest convenience. Commander David Davies, commanding officer, deep space 5." His tone level and clear, he waited for the computer to confirm, which it duly complied with a chirp.

"Thank you commander, if you could help me out, if you know Lieutenant Bennett, please invite him or her."

"Consider it done." With that he turned and head out. As the door closed behind him he glanced around the Operations Center.


CO: Commander David Davies

Chief of Strategic Operations: Da`nal of the House of Varal