Intermission – The new duties
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   The new duties
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Tue Apr 22, 2014 @ 2:31am
Location   Engineering
Timeline   SD 101 2100

"Lieutenant Straggard? The chief's looking for you."

The man standing over the junior lieutenant was a middle aged petty officer with a bald patch on the crown of his head. He had a surly look about him, but anyone who worked in engineering knew that he was all bluster and no substance. "I reminded him we have a comm system, but apparently he prefers the personal touch."

David looked at the crewman and nodded as he tapped a few keys to save his work on the PADD. David had been quiet today. He realized he had to walk around the generators and avoid running into the maintenance crews. He stepped into the Chief's office. "You wanted to see me, Lieutenant?" He said.

Wyman was seated at his desk, still going through the mountain of reports which had piled up in his absence. Glancing up from his console he waved Straggard in, "Yeah, come in. Have a seat and take a load off." Once the younger man was perched on the only other chair in the small office, Wyman closed out of the open file and turned off the console.

"Listen, Straggard... I just wanted to commend you on the job you've done over the last few weeks. The bombings did a number on this place, and having a certain chief engineer who will remain nameless take off to Andor to bury his inner demons sure couldn't have helped. So, thank you. For doing what I couldn't do myself."

"I'm glad to be of service, sir. Ever since my promotion to assist you as Chief Engineer, I've enjoyed taking on the responsibilities and having the opportunity to solve more complex problems rather than running diagnostics and just working night shifts..." David replied with a smile. "Which brings me to our status of the fusion generators. They are on schedule for being brought to 93% efficiency from the previous 60% after the bombing. Certain non-essential levels on the station will have power back online in no time." David tapped a few keys on his PADD and handed it to Steve for inspection.

Flicking the touch screen to scroll through the data, Wyman gave everything a quick once over. "Hopefully we'll be back up to full operations in the next couple of weeks. Preferably sooner." With that he set the PADD down on the desk. "So, I didn't get the chance to ask this before, but how's the new position treating you? You said you're enjoying the responsibilities, but how about the leadership side of it? I know from experience that it can be hard to suddenly be the boss. Back on the Hyperion I went from being the warp drive specialist to being the chief with no assistant chief step in between."

David hesitated a bit, he looked up towards the ceiling for the words. "I'd say the crew are taking it well and I've stepped into the role alright but I guess everyone was used to me being the Ensign for so long threw them off when calling me sir instead of Ensign. For now I'd say I'm adjusting alright and getting by with my basic Starfleet leadership training, but time and experience will come as it always does." David said. "I can fix pretty much anything, sir. Now I just have to learn to assign and follow through fixing things." David smiled as he looked at the Chief hoping he'd relate.

"Ah the fine art of delegation. I wish I could say it caught on with me. But, if you haven't noticed, I'm just as likely to assign someone to fix a replicator as I am to do it myself. You've got to know when to take matters into your own hands." Steve leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk. "And, when the situation may prove to be a learning experience."

"I sure hope so, sir." David said as he got up. "Is there anything else, sir?" David asked. "I'm about to delegate some engineers to re-calibrate the reaction stabilizers in the fusion reactors."

"No, go ahead. I've got an avalanche of reports to drown under. And if I don't get this done in time and end up late for dinner, one of the women in my life my kill me. And I'd put odds on my daughter." Wyman joked as he put his feet back down on the deck and turned his console back on.

"Thank you sir." David said with a more confident smile. He took his PADD and stepped out of the office.
