Beg, Steal or Borrow – White lies
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   White lies
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 12:44am
Location   DS5 / USS Freedom
Timeline   SD10 - 18.15
Still unable to sleep Isha decided to make good on her promise to Dunham - they had not yet left SB47 and so the establishment of a comm channel to DS5 was not a challenge, once they left and headed into the Neutral Zone it might not be so easy.

Everything had seemed to be going so well when she left them together in the restaurant, she mused as she waited for Chelsea to reply, hoping that it wasn't the middle of the night back there.

=^= ISHA! =^= Chelsea squeaked, not knowing if she was more overcome with worry for her friend's welfare or more with joy to hear from her.

=^= By the PROPHETS! Isha! Are you ok? I've been so worried about you....well, we both have! Are you harmed? =^= She asked, not really making a lot of sense in her mixed emotions at hearing Isha's voice again.

Who had been worrying Chelsea and Richard? she wondered, "I'm fine, Chelsea," Isha said, she did not need to know about the crushing interviews with her husband's brother and her run-in with the Klingon. "What could possibly harm me here?" Isha laughed, not thinking of any answers she could give to that.

=^= Isha =^= Chelsea's tone was serious. =^= Rh'vaurek has told me of your dilemma. =^= she was frank and to the point.

"Rh'vaurek should keep his nose out of other people's business - I can never get him to reveal a thing to me and yet he's happy to blurt out secrets to you," Isha said ... but that meant that he was no longer in Romulan space which meant that there was no chance that she could see him before ... "Was he awfully grumpy when he got back?" she asked suddenly aware of how much she had hoped that he would be waiting for her when she reached ch'Rihan, "He just got a promotion, you know ... paperwork really is not his thing."

=^= Oh, Isha! =^= Chelsea's tone was imploring. =^= I'm convinced you're too hard on him, surely? I didn't get the impression he was too thrilled with his promotion and I found it strange to see him in a uniform. And yes, dreadfully grumpy. Is this a secure communication by the way? =^=

"As secure as it can be given that I am transmitting from a Federation vessel. I spoke with him, briefly, and in public ... he did seem a little tense and, well, I'm not really that fond of his uniform, I'll tell you about that sometime ... but he has been ordered to wear it."

=^= Thank the Prophets for at least a modicum of whatever *secure* is! Isha I don't want to speak out of turn, but I know Rh'vaurek would never tell me anything you don't or shouldn't know too, and he's very unhappy about not being able to be with you right now. PLEASE be careful, lovely friend, it all sounds so convoluted and treacherous! I'm so glad I'm not Romulan, I wouldn't last 5minutes! =^= she admitted.

"Rh'vaurek gossips like an old woman, given the chance," Isha said with a smile. "He likes you, Chelsea, he can be a good, if frustrating friend, but please, and I will not repeat this ever again whether I have the chance to or not. Accept him for what he is, he will not change. Rh'vaurek is a very hard man, a despicable one in many ways, given his origins its a surprise he turned out as well as he did. He will manipulate you ... why would you want to be one of us?" she added.

=^= I wouldn't. I couldn't. That's my point. =^= she replied. =^= I'm not sure there would be much point in Rh'vaurek manipulating me, I don't see what use I could possibly be to him. =^=

"One never knows ... just keep him in his place and he'll behave himself. His ears are probably burning now," she said with a wicked smile. "I did want to talk to you about someone else."

=^= Ryan? =^= Chelsea's guilty conscience cut in. =^= I'm going to see his show tonight, I feel I must. He wasn't very nice to me last night but perhaps he was under pressure as the big day was approaching. I'm sure he'll be back to his old self when it's over. =^= she explained with the same old reassurances she'd been repeating to herself 'ad nauseum'.

Isha coughed, loudly and falsely, "Richard," she said, "Lieutenant Dunham."

=^= Did Richard say something to you? =^= Chelsea's voice sounded wobbly, mirroring the confusion in her heart. =^= Oh Isha, if only you were here. It's so selfish of me to want you here for my own comfort and my *first* reason to wish for it, is truly for your safe return above all else, I can assure you, but I could really do with your wisdom right now.

Richard's so lovely, I can't wait to see him again and when I do, I feel alive and powerful, like nothing in the universe can ever hurt me again. But..... I'm so afraid I'm being unfair to him. If Ryan were to click his fingers and tell me he still loves me, would I just run back to his side like a puppy? =^= In typical 'Chelsea-unleashed' style, she went on without stopping to take a breath.

Isha bit her lower lip, she knew who she thought Chelsea should choose, she had pushed them together after all, but she was not going to say it, "I'm sorry I can't be there, truly I am," indeed Isha wished she could be anywhere but where she was, she was surprised they were even allowing her to make communications given that they had restricted her from doing almost anything else. "Will he be content to be your friend? If he is anything of a man he will be prepared to step back once your decision is made - he might not like it, and it will tear his heart in two each time he sees you together, but he will put that aside if he can," it was advice that could be applied to either of them.

=^= Rh'vaurek says he wants to meet Richard to see if he approves and if he doesn't then he says I'll be sorry he's adopted me as his v'Rhinam and I don't know what that means.... I mean I know what a v'Rhinam is... at least I *think* its an adopted sister... but I meant that I don't know what Rh'vaurek means when he says I'll regret it. But if anything bad happened to Richard I think I'd curl up and die, especially if it was all because of me! I couldn't stand losing him now..... =^= Chelsea stopped, realising the full extent of what she'd just blurted out. She could *hear* her heart pounding in her chest and echoing in her inner ears.

=^= Oh Isha! =^= she gasped, her voice barely audible but the misery in it, clearer than the words.

Isha could barely keep up with all this news, “Calm down, Chelsea, the power of the Tal’Shiar may be both ubiquitous and arbitrary but believe it or not Rh’vaurek does not spend his time wandering around eliminating people just because he dislikes them. You mustn’t take everything he says so seriously, if you weren’t just a little bit afraid of him he wouldn’t be able to make you worry like this,” Isha shook her head, even she was a little bit afraid of him so she could hardly expect Chelsea not to be.

“Rh’vaurek does tend to be a little overprotective,” Isha admitted, “If he has asked to meet Dunham I am quite sure that he will behave himself.

Chelsea shook her head without a thought for the fact that her friend couldn't see this. Her main problem wasn't the possibility that Raedheol might be over-protective, even though she couldn't really imagine that she could mean *that* much to him, despite his nice comments about adopting her as his sister.

The big revelation in that admission she had just made was how much feeling she had developed for Richard already.

Leaning forward on the desk, her head in her hands, Chelsea didn't realise she hadn't actually answered in words.

"Chelsea," Isha said, "are you going to talk to me?"

=^= "Uh?" =^= Chelsea started. =^= I am.. i mean.... oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I was so lost in thought. =^= She dragged her confused mind back into focus. =^= Richard meeting with Rh'vaurek isn't my idea of a picnic but I think it's the least of my worries right now. I've got to go to see Ryan's show later.... she looked at the chronometer... quite soon actually.... and then I'm sure, once that's over, things will fall into place and I'll know what's going on. =^=

Changing the subject from herself as she realised she wasn't making much sense and her concern for Isha's safety was far more important, Chelsea's thoughts went back to Raedheol for a different reason.

=^= Isha? =^= she began thoughtfully. =^= Rh'vaurek came to ask me, immediately he returned today, about how it all went down and how you were when you left. He was really cut up about the way Nniol had hurt you but he said something about being forced away *or you wouldn't get a fair trial if he didn't comply and leave* - I don't want to even *try* to get my head around whatever you're facing there, but he assures me you have other friends and... well, the important impression I got was a glimpse of a side to him that I've never seen..... Isha I think he loves you very much. Am I allowed to think that? I know you'll tell me off and I'm too ignorant of so much of your lives to be able to tell, in truth, but that's the feeling I was left with. =^=

As soon as the words were out, Chelsea began to doubt if she should have said that but she had never been anything less than totally open and honest with Isha.

=^= I hope I haven't been unfeeling or indiscreet in saying that. I wouldn't hurt either of you for all the universe. =^= she added a little anxiously.

"I know, Chelsea," Isha said softly, "We have tried to stay apart ... we are so bad for each other, I cannot be the woman he wants me to be, and a man in his position should not allow himself to become attached to people ... of course he had to leave, it makes sense. "

=^= Isha, he didn't leave because it made sense =^= Chelsea noted the softness in Isha's tone and replied gently with compassion. =^= He left because someone threatened to deny you a fair trial if he didn't. And he can't just *not allow himself to become attached*, it's too late... a whole lifetime too late!

It's not true that you can't be the woman he wants you to be, because you already *ARE* the woman he wants, and always have been! You two are kindred souls, no matter how incompatible your backgrounds are and whilst you *are* bad for each other sometimes, you're good together too! I really believe you'd be such a formidable team if you were ever to ally yourselves and focus all that cleverness and energy you both have. =^=

"I will bring you to Romulus one day, and then you can see me as he remembers me. Anyway," she said, changing the subject, "I will stop boring you."

=^= My dearest, lovely friend, who would have known when we met how much of an influence you would have on my life? Rh'vaurek could say the same if he weren't so proud! =^= Chelsea smiled to herself fondly at the thought of Rh'vaurek being romantic and admitting his feelings.

~A cold spell in Hell is more likely to happen!~ she thought, pondering for a brief second on how open he had been with herself when she couldn't imagine him being that relaxed with the one woman he would die for - but of course, that was exactly why - the intensity of his feelings for Isha. Love was something Chelsea could understand only too well in anyone but her own self.

=^= I wish you knew how much love and respect you command all over the quadrant, Isha. This is the time for your true friends to step up for you and do whatever they can. I wish *I* had some way I could do something that would actually help. =^= Chelsea felt very small and ineffectual in the universe right now.

=^= By the way, is that regenerator I gave you doing any good? I hope you're using it twice a day! =^= She asked suddenly, the doctor emerging from within, to make her feel a little less helpless.

Isha bit her lip. Nniol's words had caused her to collapse and compress her chest and Da'nal had dragged her from his bridge, practically wrenching her arm from its socket and it had not occurred to her to use the device ... "When I remember," she said absently, "Its so difficult to find time ..."

=^= Isha! =^= Chelsea's tone was maternal which was quite a turn round in their relationship. =^= If I tell you that machine is my only way of feeling of any use to you at all, will that make you feel guilty and force you to take *some* small care of yourself for me? =^= she asked.

Before Isha could reply to this and as there was no answer that wasn't along the lines of *yes mum* which would embarrass them both, Chelsea added thoughtfully. =^= Incidentally, I meant to ask you, and please excuse the language if it's rude or the pronunciation if it's 'butchery' of the dialect... but what does *ee-MEER-hul-huhserh* mean? =^= Once again Chelsea mastered the beginning of the word but fluffed the ending.

Isha raised an eyebrow. "Screw you," she replied, "That's what it means," she added to clarify that was an explanation not her reaction to Chelsea's question. Isha began to laugh "... you've no idea how funny this is! I don't know when I last had such an amusing image - the khrein of the Tal'Shiar are reputed to be among the most secretive, influential and dangerous people in the Empire and it seems that their latest obscure plot is to overthrow Starfleet Medical by teaching doctors to swear badly! Really, I'll be surprised if anyone takes them seriously ever again!"

Chelsea looked hurt, not that Isha could see the look but her tone might have betrayed a little of it to someone who knew her so well.

=^= "Swear badly? =^= she said, deflated. =^= I thought I was doing a bit better with the pronunciation. =^=

~I'm not going to even *think* about the physics or genetics of tongues again, let alone *mention* them!~ She thought firmly, blushing again at the thought of the amusement in Rh'vaurek's eyes at her discomfiture earlier.

=^= And as for attempting to *overthrow* Starfleet Medical, I think it's fair to say that on this particular starbase, all it seems to have taken is one lady-dancer to have felled the Senior Medical Staff like dominoes. The Tal'Shiar were hardly even challenged to break out in a sweat simply to pick off the wreckage and infiltrate my confidence with a moment's kind distraction, even if it was to teach me to say offensive things in the language of a race that are likely to assassinate anyone who looks at them sideways, let alone tells them to do something like *that*. =^= Chelsea replied with a sense of the irony of it all.

She stopped short of finishing that thought with the natural conclusion with would have been: *Offending Romulans is actually more liable result in untimely death than a joke about swearwords might sound* The whole subject of Romulans dishing out violence in retribution for any given or imagined offence was one that made Chelsea's heart lurch with anxiety for her friend.

=^= Isha, you *will* promise me that you'll take more care of yourself won't you? PLEASE? Your lack of attention to your physical injuries, lovely friend, is demonstrative of how strong you are but I know you suppress your emotional pain and keep up a façade at all times, so that really doesn't make it easy for me to read the actual symptoms. I need to know that your *other* survival reflexes are not being pushed aside too? =^=

"You have such a terrible opinion of us it is rather a wonder you can stand to spend any time with me at all," Isha said. "He probably found it amusing to teach you words you could mutter and that your translators, and subsequently your target would not understand. I am quite alright, I assure you, it really does take more than a bump or two to deter me from my purpose," she said it with a smile, partly for herself and partly so that it might leach into her voice and help to convince her friend that she was not almost ready to give up.

=^= Oh, I know *that*! You're quite determined enough for a whole race all by yourself! =^= Chelsea laughed. =^= and I don't have such a terrible opinion of *you*, nor Rh'vaurek, despite his protestations of *not being a nice man* - I adore you both!

I don't mean to prejudge or generalise about all Romulans, it's just your enemies and treacherous relations that frighten me, with their ruthless attempts to destroy you. Even Rh'vaurek with all his rank and position has been muscled out of the way. I find the conspiracy element of all that very worrying, not to mention this abominable *trial* that you're being forced to return for with it's sinister possible outcomes. You told me yourself you might be in peril of your life! It's all so out of my league!=^= she admitted.

"I suppose you wouldn't believe me if I claimed I was just being melodramatic ..." Isha mused aloud. "Try not to worry too much, there are all sorts of possible outcomes ... I haven't given up on me, so why should you."

=^= I haven't given up, Isha, far from it, it would hurt less if I'd done that! I'm just anxious that you should protect yourself better than you look after yourself as a patient! I'll lay odds that regenerator hasn't seen the light of day, has it? Come on now! =^= Chelsea smiled.

"Oh, every now and then," Isha lied.

=^= What did you do with the red sticker that was over the working end? =^= It was a trick question, but she was confident of it getting the response she expected.

"Did I need to keep it?" Isha said glancing around her room still not quite sure where she had left it.

=^= No =^= Chelsea sighed. There had been no sticker and that told her that Isha hadn't even used the regenerator once or she would know that. Smiling to herself, Chelsea wasn't the least surprised. However she did have to acknowledge she was becoming devious and was amused to wonder jokingly to herself if it was her association with the Tal'Shiar that had brought this change about.

=^= Anyway, you do have it there somewhere if you decide you want it. Do you think you'll be incommunicado once you get to ch'Rihan? =^= Chelsea asked.

"Until everything is resolved I would imagine so," Isha replied, "I don't expect to be back in contact once we pass into the Neutral Zone - there's far too much traffic and we don't wish to draw attention to ourselves."

=^= Then I'll wish you safe journey and a good result for your endeavours, lovely one. Come back safely and soon! =^= Tears were welling in Chelsea's eyes again but she was making a superhuman effort not to let them affect her cheerful tone. It would be unthinkable to let Isha go with sadness the last thing that passed between them.

"I will ..." Isha said. She just was not yet certain how.

As the channel closed, Chelsea's experienced a deep sadness that she couldn't shake off. She took herself into the shower to contemplate but could find no peace. There was only one person who could lighten her mood but it seemed an imposition to call for him.

~Still~ she justified the selfishness. ~This isn't just any old sadness, this could well turn into the loss of a dear and mutual friend!~

Giving in, she picked up her comm badge again.

=^= Adams to Lt. Dunham, Richard are you busy? Can you talk? =^=

At least the intention of Isha's call had been achieved, even if in a roundabout way.


Isha t'Khellian


Lt. Cmdr Chelsea Adams