Things Past – Back to Work.

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Title   Back to Work.
Mission   Things Past
Posted   Tue Jun 05, 2012 @ 3:08pm
Location   Cavendish Hall, Surrey, England.
Timeline   Present

The dawn chorus flowed brilliantly into Rose's bedroom and the usual three knocks tapped against her bedroom door.

"Wakey wakey or is your ladyship planning to spend all day in bed?" Came the ever so familiar voice of Branson, who knocked three times once again. The door creaked open as Branson strided in with the breakfast tray and the morning data padd.

"Morning Branson, is it that time already?" Rose croaked as she sat up and awaited her breakfast. Branson scurried over placing the tray onto her lap and then set about opening the curtains. The light flooded into the room as Rose adjusted her eyes and began buttering her toast.

"Afraid so Ma'am, however today is a special day, time to go back to work!" Branson declared as he picked out her ladyships clothes and placed a white towel at the end of her bed.

Rose sighed as she read through the morning news on the small data padd. Once breakfast was finished she proceeded to shower and change and made her way to her fathers study. Branson greeted her at the door to the study, following her in he awaited for her to take a seat behind the large oak desk.

"Right then, back to work!" He said with his usual chipper tone. "French galleon? Ruins of T'neer on Vulcan? Egypt...?"

Before he could finish Rose glanced towards her loyal butler, "Egypt again, nothing but sand!" she sighed.

"Well there was one other thing, it's been a year since you enlisted with Starfleet as a civilian and you are still yet to choose an assignment, seeing as Starfleet gave you a choice due to ones status one might want to think about returning the favour?" Branson said knowing he might be over stepping the mark.

"Do you know what today is Branson?" Rose asked glaring at Branson.

"June 5th 2385?" He spoke quickly, almost stopping mid sentence in realisation.

"June 5th, the day my father dissappeared, today is never a good day, especially not to join Starfleet!" She spoke with a stern tone, she knew Branson was right. Taking the data padd clearly labelled as Starfleet from Bransons hands she skimmed the text quickly.

"Branson!" She called out, "Pack my belongings for Deep Space 5 and saddle Thunder for me I intend to ride this morning!"

"Yes Ma'am, excellent choice!" Branson said smiling and then proceeeded to leave the room, as Rose made her way towards the large window over looking the gardens.

"Well daddy, maybe I will find the answers out in deep space!" Rose said gazing out onto the estate grounds.


Rose Corrigan
Reports Officer