Judgement – Arresting History
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Arresting History
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Nov 04, 2011 @ 6:49pm
Location   USS Horatio
Timeline   SD39 11:15

Erikson nodded to himself in agreement as he heard the captain speak over the comm. He sent a request to the USS Horatio to beam over. Getting a confirmation, he straightened his uniform, handed over control of the runabout to his co-pilot and headed to the back of the ship to the transporter pad. He mused that he would be walking with living history, and that he had always wanted to walk the corridors of a constitution class starship.

Catherine wiped the back of her hand across her damp brow and pushed her red hair back as she nodded at the communications officer.
Enid flipped he switch ceasing the signals to both captains of the two ships.

She settled into Buckleys chair as she flipped the switch on the arm console, opening shipwide.
"Crew of the Horatio. We are about to receive two very special officers from the space station ahead. All sidearms are to be locked away or at least removed. No hostile intent is to be shown as we give our guests a welcome worthy of the twenty third century. I remind you, we are the guests here, we don't actually belong until we are allowed to do so and with that in mind, be wary of those around you. I understand that this is difficult for all of us, we have left behind family, friends and our lives. Let us make an impression here. Burrel out." She closed the channel and shifted another switch forwards.
"Captain?" She questioned.

Amanda had followed Buckley off the bridge and was tending to the physical wound on his upper arm when Catherine called through.
"You need to get that." She urged.

Paul looked up from the floor into the eyes of the doctor.
"Do I? The Commander is doing a damn fine job, she has control of the situation." He responded apathetically.

"Indeed she does, but she is the executive officer looking for her Captain. The crew will be looking to their captain, heck even the captain needs to look for the captain." She said as she nudged him a little.

Paul shook his head. "And is that medical advice?" He asked.

Amanda shook her head. "No, that's free friendly advice."

Paul thought about it for the moment as Doctor Taylforth fastened the bandage.

=^= "Captain, please respond." =^= The First officer called again.

Paul slid across the bed and rose, tapping at his viewscreen.

"Yes Commander." He responded.

"Sir, are you able to greet the Federation officers in the Transporter room?" She asked, hoping that he would.

"On my way." He responded as he glanced to the smiling doctor and powered off the viewer.

"Let's try to make a future shall we. Care to join me?" He invited the Doctor.

"Be glad to." She replied with a grin.

= Horatio Transporter room =

Lieutenant Jethro Edwards had hurried to the transporter room as soon as he heard that there were officers from the future arriving. He shouldered the warrant officer from the control panel with a remark, "I'll handle this." as he checked through the control panel.

Jethro was surprised to see the Captain enter through the sliding door and accompanied by the doctor.
"Sir, would you like to take the controls?" He questioned his captain.

Paul raised a hand. "No Edwards, you stay where you are, that way, if anything goes wrong, I can blame you!" He teased and promptly received a dig in the ribs from Amanda.
"Carry on." He said pretending to nurse the spot where the doctor pronged him.

"Aye sir." Jethro said as he pulled the levers back to reset the pads and then flicked a switch on his console, hoping that Noddy had set through the channel to the runabouts.
=^= "Er, captain of the ship I am hailing, I will beam you over one at a time." He said not knowing whom it was he was addressing and raised his brow at the lack of information.

=^= "Thank you Horatio" =^= said Erikson politely feeling uncomfortable being called captain and hoping to correct that at the earliest opportunity

Jethro pushed the levers forward. "Signal acquired and locked, commencing transporter sequence."

As the gold swirls ceased, the officer Edwards beamed over, stepped off the transporter pad.

Jethro reset the control and located the second officer and repeated the procedure.

Captain Buckley stepped forward.

"I am Captain Paul Buckley, Captain of the USS Horatio." He stated as he held forth his hand, unsure if a handshake was still the acceptable form of greeting in this century.

"A pleasure and an honor to meet you captain" said Eriskon with a friendly smile and accepting the handshake warmly. "I am Lieutenant Erikson Sir. And my I introduce Colonel Darson" Said Erikson formerly presenting his superior officer as diplomatic protocol indicated.

"Colonel." Paul said somewhat bemused at the garb the man, he assumed, was wearing. He was thinking of adding the question as to why the man hid behind a mask and cape but thought better of it, believing it must be the norm for this time period. He extended his hand to the Colonel.

= Horatio Bridge =

Lieutenant Ashton could not resist as he activated the view screen and centred the cameras on the transporter.

"Lieutenant, is that wise?" Cousins the superior officer questioned though equally as intrigued as the rest of the remaining bridge crew.

"Most definitely. It's our first glimpse of those a hundred years into our future!" Gary reasoned in response.

Noddy felt her hairs rise on her neck. "Our present." She corrected with her eyes transfixed to the caped man who appeared larger than life itself on the main viewer.

Brian had to concur with the argument and spun his chair around so he could face the viewer in comfort.
"They don't look that different, except for the one in the cape. Ashton, bring up the audio." He directed.

Gary didn't need asking twice, he was keen to hear the conversation also just as Darson spoke.

=Horatio Transporter Room =

Darson materialized into existence in the transporter room and stood silently for a moment, gazing stoically, at the assembled cast. As Lieutenant Erickson shook hands with Captain Buckley, Darson gingerly took the step down from the transporter pad and fixed his gaze on the Captain from a century ago. As Buckley extended his hand again, Darson regarded it with the sort of suspicion that one might have if one had been the victim of many ill-conceived attempted murders from weapons concealed in un-suspecting hands.

After spending a moment considering the hand, he exhaled, and for dramatic effect, emitted a sharp jet of exhaust from the sides of his mouth. He reached out and grasped the hand strongly, enfolding it with his massive armored gauntlet and shook it vigorously, “I am Colonel James Darson,” he said in deep rumbling voice emanating from the helmet speakers as he unleashed a dramatic diatribe,

“I am the Commander of the Marine Garrison here on Deep Space 5…as well as legendary warrior of the most extreme and dramatic renown…My escapades have spanned the cosmos over the past decades…I have ridden the mighty moon-worm of Apolocada III, walked across the treacherous flaming abyss of the Quentulus Quazgar Mountains as well as engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal… All as I go and right the wrongs of evil…and lay the smack down on whoever threatens the peace and sanctity of my precious United Federation of Planets. I’ve fought in five dozen armed and un-armed conflicts to do so. Name a body part, a planet and a cause, and I’ve taken a disruptor blast to it, on it, and for it.”

Darson continued shaking the hand of Captain Buckley as he waved his other hand dramatically. He sighed whimsically and stared off into the distance for a moment, but then brought his attention back, “Were this a more social engagement, I would spend hours regaling you with the tales of my exploits. And you would spend hours in a constant state of awe-inspiring awe…interrupted only by refilling your drink. However, this is not a social engagement. And while you may be in awe, I must ask that you refocus yourself.”

~What a tit~ Thought Erikson to himself as he watched the dramatic grandiose introduction of Marine Colonel Darson. Erikson own response to the colonel was a face of sheer confusion and bewilderment.

Paul was not in awe, but bemused as he tried to remove his hand from the Colonels.

On the bridge, Gary looked to Brian and an unspoken mirth passed between them as together they burst into laughter.

Darson finally detached himself from shaking the hand of the Captain and reached deep into his robe, rummaging around as if there was some hidden depth behind there, “Now, to business. We are representatives of Deep Space 5…and we come bearing valuable gifts!” His hand emerged holding a large gift basket filled to the brim with what appeared to be pineapples, “However these gifts come with strings attached…you must answer mine and the Lieutenant’s questions to our satisfaction…do you understand this?”

Trying to remain composed under the circumstances, Captain Buckley answered with a solemn nod.
"Colonel, Lieutenant, I will not regal you with the tales of our exploits, explorations and conquests as I expect you have a number of questions, but I can inform you both, that we will undoubtedly have more questions that I am sure you will not be able to answer!" He reciprocated as Catherine stepped into the transporter room and stood beside the doctor and acknowledged her presence.
Paul turned.

"Gentlemen, my First Officer, Commander Burrel and ships surgeon, Amanda Taylforth.

Both women took a step closer to them.
"Welcome aboard the Horatio." Catherine greeted.


Outside the Horatio, Cadet Anais "Blue" Jackman was excited to be out on a mission at last. The previous few days had been 'boring' accordingt to the youngster especially since her 'crush' on 'the boss', her handsome CAG and senior officer, had been dashed as he had got married yesterday.

Blue had drowned her sorrows in the Box bar and was now sorry as she was nursing a sore head at a time when she could have enjoyed this flight better without it.

Her mentor was more grumpy than ever with her today too. This wasn't going to be her day but the sight of the Horatio beneath them as they flew in sequence around her. She was a sight for even eyes as sore as Anais' own. "Woh" she muttered into her headset only to suddenly realise her mic was on and there would be disapproval from the plane in front of her.

Ensign Will Highland gritted his teeth together as he watch the fighter wing begin its patrol. He was keeping a close eye on the new guys and one in particular was not flying in the correct close formation. =^= "JACKMAN get your scrawny ass back in the correct formation!" =^= shouted the Ensign down the line. His nerves were frayed, with no boss man around and a comparatively new lieutenat at the helm, things did not bode well for the squadron.

"Aye Sir" Anais responded and tucked her Viper's *scrawny* tail in properly, cursing herself silently for incurring Highland's wrath yet again. It seemed she was destined to always do that no matter how hard she tried not to. Roberto and Frem had told her it was exactly because she tried to hard that she got tangled up. They assured her she was *fine* even *inspired* in training whenever Will wasn't there. He just un-nerved her. If it weren't for her natural-born talent in flying as if she were one with her craft, this might have become a real problem for her cadetship.

Will gave a nod of satisfaction as he watched the small craft fall back into formation with the rest of the squadron on his small monitor on the inside of his helmet. =^= Right Jackman as punishment for not remaining in formation suggest to me how we are going to handle an old constitution class starship. =^=

=^= With great care and respect Sir? =^= she offered nervously.

=^=WHAT KIND OF CRAP RESPONSE IS THAT!! =^= shouted will down the com link, anger clear in his voice. =^= tactical analyses and strategies. Now! =^=

The Smurf froze, her craft responding as nervously as her voice. "I... Sir? Tactical analysis of what? She's no threat. ...... Are you looking for strategies to defend her then? Are we assuming she'll be attacked? If so then we would form into an protective wall between her and whoever was attacking, taking it in turns to rotate, two peeling off to fire at the enemy and dive to distract and block with each run, then arc round and replace the other two to take over and swap, Sir?" By the time she had explained all this, Blue was distracted by the break in her concentration and was then back in a fractional but important slip from the precision positioning amongst her team.

Roberto murmoured a quiet warning into his comm. "Easy." Was all he needed to say.

The Cadet levelled the few centimeters she had dropped her port wing but it was enough. ~Thanks~ she thought, willing Rob to read her mind. She wasn't sure if he was meaning her to calm down and relax back into her job, or if he meant for Highland to go easy on her. Either way it re-balanced her to get the support one way or the other.

=^= So you're saying a fully armed an operational starship no matter how old is not a threat to the station in any way? =^=

=^= She came here as a guest. Her crew are being invited onto the station and treated in our Sickbay....... =^= the cadet sounded bewildered.

=^= So they say =^= said the veteran pilot a little more calmly as he explained himself =^= but the whole thing could be an elaborate ruse to smuggle weapons onboard and take the station, maybe a cloaked bomb in the ship and suicide run into the hull of ds5.....it could be anything, its happened before, or you forgetting when the station was taken over by Marques? =^=

=^= I hadn't thought of that =^= Blue admitted with her youthful openness and candour. She hung her head, knowing Will would be disappointed with her. That stung more than any amount of his yelling or anger.


If we can sign below, we'll continue this under the assumption that the Horatio is being escorted to DS5.

Lieutenant JG Erikson
Wing Commander/ Acting CAG
NPC'd by Dunham

Ensign William Highland
Gold Squad Leader
NPC'd by Dunham

Cadet Anais (Blue) Jackman
Gold Four Rookie
NPC'd by the other Dunham!

USS Horatio NCC 4893 - Constitution refit Class
Captain Paul Buckley
Commander Catherine Emma Burrel
Tactical - Lieutenant Commander Brian John Cousins
Engineering - Lieutenant Jethro Alexander Edwards
Helm & Navigation - Lieutenant Gary Edward Ashton
Doctor Amanda Taylforth