Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Somewhat Displeased
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Somewhat Displeased
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Jan 09, 2009 @ 10:23pm
Location   XO's Office
Timeline   SD6 08:25

T'Lan entered the Executive Officers suite with the Captain. "Captain Tahir. It is unclear to me exactly what my purpose is on this base. If Officers have the authority to challenge my decisions, then my purpose for being here has been completely undermined by the Starfleet Marine Corps. A formal protest will be submitted, as well as a recommendation to have the marine contingent answerable to the Chain of Command. I also protest Major Darson's disregard for procedure, violations of uniform, and his disrespect toward a Starfleet Officer." It was obvious that the Vulcan was not pleased.

Tasha followed T'Lan into the suite and knew where this would go before it even got there.
"T'lan, I know the Major is rather unorthodox and yes, he seems a little flighty and even a little extravagant, but I had orders from Starfleet that as we had just come from a major battle here, that I either worked with Major Darson, or have the station commanded by marines. That protocol is in place until the Boaoran threat is completely resolved." She advised, pulling out the chair from underneath the table, but deciding to lean upon the back with both hands. "It's not a situation I am totally happy with, but its a compromise that I have to maintain, regardless of how I feel about it." Now she swung around the chair and sat in the cool of the room and let out a long sigh, folding her hands into her lap.

T'Lan spoke. "Does Lt. Gabriel have the right to Autonomy as well?"

Tasha shook her head. "He is a tough nut to crack. I really don't know where I am with him, but he does his job by fair means or foul, usually foul!" She smirked in admission.

"I have noticed declining morale levels since I came aboard. With your recent loss, combined with the situation with the Lytosians and the Consortium, base morale has become an issue we need to address. However I cannot say that Lt. Gabriel or Major Darson will help matters with Morale, as they obviously do not consider it of vital importance." T'Lan said.

"I know. Death is all around, not enough joy. I had hoped that the 'Festival' would have lifted spirits, but since the attack and Riley's death, we have all been in a bit of a lull. I hope that things will improve after the funeral." Her voice was hopeful, but her eyes told a different story.
"Maybe with me gone for a couple of months, the crew will have a chance to reflect." Her face remained sullen, not a glimmer of a smile. "Talking of which, from your record, you were due for promotion and with me leaving shortly, I think it best to raise your position to full Commander." She watched as T'Lan eased herself into her chair, trying to make what was a comfortable seat look uncomfortable. Tasha knew the seat was comfortable, only a few months ago it was hers.

"The adjuster for height is just under the front." She advised, waiting for T'Lans response to her unexpected promotion.


End of part 1

Captain Tasha Tahir
Commander T'Lan