Interlude – Well Earned R & R (Pt 3) - He's So Dead
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Well Earned R & R (Pt 3) - He's So Dead
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue May 18, 2010 @ 1:35pm
Location   USS Hagnon
OLD: Professionally, the CMO could have, and *had* in fact, dealt with Senior Fleet Admirals, Vice-Chancellors, VIP Diplomats, Ambassadors of the highest importance and even a Cardassian with Diplomatic Immunity who had threatened her with assault and blackmail. She coped daily with situations that knife-edged literally between life and death. She was level-headed under pressure, cool and serene in her bedside manner and well respected as a senior officer in her own right but faced out of the blue with the 'Deity' that took the form of the mother of the love of her life, Chelsea was as unprepared and blind-sided as a child caught by the Headmaster of her school in a compromising position.

Mrs Dunham gave Chelsea an apparently sympathetic smile “I know its awful being put on the spot like this my dear” said the Captain. “Don’t worry you’re doing just fine” she smiled happily “So tell me a little bit about yourself, my son doesn’t really keep me in the loop when it comes to girlfriends.”

~He's about to find himself looking for a new one!~ Chelsea thought. "Oh, I'm sure he has too many to mention them all. You'd never get to talk about anything else." she smiled back with nothing of her rapidly forming resolve to dissect him like a lab-rat visible in her face nor apparent in her tone. The professional was re-surfacing slowly and control would be re-established shortly.

Rick spluttered over his drink, almost choking on the apple juice that came spitting out of his mouth “That’s not fair I haven’t had a girl friend since the Agamemnon.”

“And would you tell your mother if you did?” said Mrs Dunham in a joking reprimand that had undertones of a complaint behind the smile. “The only reason I knew about Chelsea here was because Kim mentioned her in a letter to her mother that she wanted me to pass on.”

Chelsea noted silently that to Captain Dunham *for me to pass on* had been taken to mean *for me to read as it goes by*.

Dunham was about to reply in his defence, but was interrupted by his mother. “Hush now dear the women are talking” Mrs Dunham turned her attention back to Chelsea. “You’ll have to come to my quarters tonight Chelsea for dinner, I can show you Ricks baby photos.” She said with a smile, there was a slight embarrassed groan from Rick, and a giggle from Kim.

Chelsea noted the dismissal and a tiny wave of warning and sympathy for Rick wandered across the horizon of her mind but right now she was still in the *dissect him* mood and it didn't register.

She couldn't help but grin for a moment and try to lighten the situation - her natural defence mechanism. "Do I *have* to bring *him*?" she thumbed towards Rick in a gesture of pretended distaste. "Couldn't I just bring Kim instead?"

“Yeah” said Kim in enjoying the brutal embarrassments of her uncle. “we could have girls night in” she said with a grin.

Dunham rubbed his forehead, he couldn’t help but feel outnumbered by the women in the room.

"Wait..... come to think of it. Perhaps I should hold back on that invitation extending to Kim until I hear *what* she had to say about me in that letter!" Chelsea feigned suspicion, winking at Kim.

“Only good things” said Kim innocently “I wanted to tell mum how well you and uncle Rick were looking after me.”

"Well in *that* case, you should most certainly be invited. But next time you write, you'll need to tell her Uncle Rick's met with an unfortunate situation. It seems his doctor is about to sign him off flying for six months due to a surprise that put her off her concentration when she was signing his discharge padd." she smirked, in mock threat.

Looking across at Rick who had opened his mouth to protest yet again but still to no avail, she shrugged. "Never mind honey, look at it this way.... it's preferable to what I was thinking about doing to you with a laser scalpel a few minutes ago, unless you've always secretly *wanted* to convert to Judaism?"

“urrrm I have learnt a little Kabbalah down the road.” Then he shook his head, and both hands dismissing the last statement. “Look it’s not my fault she told me to.” He said pointing a accusing finger at his mother.

Chelsea raised an eyebrow and looked between them both, one at a time. Their features were similar in many ways, in particular the eyes that she loved so passionately in the son for their fire and sparkle of mischief which were apparent in a similar colour and sparkle in the matriarch.

However their *smiles*were very different and the older woman was watching Chelsea intently.

Margaret nodded and continued with that fixed smiled. “It’s a time honoured tradition in our family, to put possible future sons and daughters in law on the spot. I don’t get many opportunities to see my son, let alone his partner, and from what Kim has described, this is a very seriousness relationship, and I wanted the opportunity to do this, as who knows at the rate you two are going, by the next time I see you, you may very well be married or something.” She chuckled to herself “If you think this is bad you should have seen what I did to Kim’s father.” She said with a sorrowful smile on her face, there was a moments silence for the missing marine. “Anyway” she said slapping her hands together. I’ve got to get back to running this starship. I will see you all in my quarters in a few hours for dinner.”

They all rose, said their polite thank-you's and left. Chelsea had no idea where they would be staying so she fell back and just followed Kim who stepped out straight away like someone who knew exactly where she was going.



A JP Between:

Lt. Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams