Interlude – Wrong place, perfect timing
by Seth Mahuri & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Wrong place, perfect timing
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Seth Mahuri & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Aug 05, 2010 @ 10:07am
Location   Turbolift
Timeline   SD27 07.30:00

Seth called out to Kila as he left their quarters, "Remember to fold the mousse not whip it this time!" He was teaching his assistant how to make chocolate mousse, but was called away to identify an artfifact from his world. Seth approached the turbo-lift and readied his coordinates, 'deck nine, alien investigations'.

The turbo-lift doors opened and there was already an occupant who obliged and stood closer to the wall to compensate for the extra being. Usually, Seth isn't spoken to about anything other than business, but this woman seemed to want to talk.

"Allow me." She said, pushing herself to the side and could not help but stare. "Forgive me," Tasha began as the lift began to ascend, "But I don't recognise you. Are you new aboard?" She questioned, wondering first what his species was and secondly why he was on DS5.

Seth, with a blank face, looked around to the being, noticing that her stance and collar badge represented superiority. "Oh sorry!" He suddenly spoke, "Away with the clouds I am. Ra Seth Mahuri, Saoirs Ambassador" He cited and bowed to her.

~Another Ambassador?~ Tasha thought to herself as she stared into his eyes and they seemed familiar.
"Excuse Ambassador, we should have been introduced properly, not in a turbolift. I am Captain Tasha Tahir." She did think about extending her hand, but reciprocated with a bow. "Forgive me, but would you know a Lady Moldriva? I think you share common traits." Her hands raised, but didn't point directly to his eyes. "Your eyes remind me of someone." She uttered.

Seth looked to the ceiling for answers, running through the small cabinets of memories in his mind; when it clicked. "Yes, I believe I do!" He enthusiastically remarked, hoping to base their conversation on this neutral topic. Seth altered his facial expression to compensate for his fuzzy memory; to a squint. "If I'm not mistaken, she has once been to our planet; high society, I had to relinquish my dormitory to her once!" He said. "Why? Is she here on the station?" Seth questioned.

The captain nearly laughed, but managed to stifle it to a grin. and chose her response carefully.
"No, unfortunately, she had regal duties to attend to." She partially lied and decided not to mention the fact that Juniopia had left DS5 under something of a cloud and shifted her position slightly as the lift slowed.
"have you been assigned a deck for the Embassy?" She enquired as the door slid apart for her deck and moved to block it's closure without leaving the lift and appearing rude.

"No, actually. I've been hoping to have a conference about it, but I have had minimal effort in acquiring any schedule." He said, feeling slightly insignificant.

She could see that Seth was eager to find somewhere he could set up a permanent position, but as not too sure about protocols. She noted his eyes turned a shade lighter.

"Seth, deck 60. take a look around. There are a few empty residences that I am sure you will find more than adequate. Second tier should be more suitable. When you find one you like, then you can either contact myself or the stations administrative team." She bowed slightly and tipped her head. "If you need any equipment," She was about to mention the quartermaster and them remembered that the little J'Naii had left to join Commander Rakka, "then put your order through to Ops and they will pas it through to me."
She started to leave, but her hand stopped her at the lift door on OPs. "Better still, come back to Ops tomorrow, say O nine hundred and I'll have my team work with you."

"That would be lovely, Captain. Never thought of a position in diplomatics?" Seth chuckled, but knew Tasha Tahir was where she wanted to be. "Well then, been a pleasure meeting you so informaly, Captain. Until tomorow." Seth said, ecstatic that he is now getting some where.

She dipped her head once more. "Ambassador." She said and exited the lift, heading to her office for the record PADDs.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Ra Seth Mahuri
Saoirs Correspondant