Judgement – The day has come
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The day has come
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Oct 15, 2011 @ 7:49pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   *Classified*

It was early, accept for the dim light and light snoring from crewman Vor it was quiet. Nikki had been working out of Jarreds office for the last week. she'd found a small collection of switches that opened various hidden compartments, and a hidden room.

She'd even managed to unlock all of the shuttle bay eight-teen features, and was still amazed that this could all have been done without a large number of people knowing. She'd decided to pull back from the treasure hunt and focus on the near mountainous number of computer files that were in the office. She'd already gone through his personal logs, mostly the excitement of becoming a father, and some references to a woman back home names Suzann, who he may have had a liaison with some time recently. She made a mental note to check into it.

As she continued to make her way through the massive personal directories Nikki stumbled across a recording of some kind made in the days leading up to his disappearance. She thought it might be final orders or a personal message to Ms Mckennzie, but something told her it wasn't either.

=Message begin=

"Hello Nikki I knew you would find this sooner or later." the image of Jarred said

"Chances are you've found this because I'm dead or about to be declared dead, that is fine with me."

"I knew this would be my last mission, and I want it to be. As you are viewing this a transmission is being sent to HQ informing them of my demise or other wise, should I some how survived this mission don't come looking for me, its time for me to move on, the show is yours for now. see you sometime."

=End Transmission=

As if it were some kind of magic the message ended and the computer search resumed, Nikki sat back for a moment, was he dead or did he survive somehow and escape? another set of questions wrapped up in the growing enigma that is Jarred Wallace.

Nikki was beginning to question the possibility that Jarred had left the station as part of a bigger problem, or to solve one. She was getting confused though, who was Susan?

Nikki continued on looking through the masses of files when she stumbled on a personal file that she was really reluctant to open, but since the Lieutenant was dead, she opened it up and what little color there was in her face drained away.

She'd heard of double lives but this was bordering on insane, and did explain the 'don't call me, I'll call you' trips to earth in the last few months. But two separate wives, that couldn't be right. She kept digging further into the seemingly cryptic history of the Lieutenant and began to discover that he had a totally separate life during the period prior to the Dominion war, and now and part of it was suppressed for some unknown reason.

As she went through the file she found that this Susan may have been Jarreds' first wife and she died sometime after the war began, but that detail seems to be unclear in the records. ~Could he have made an effort to find her?~

Nikki was getting a more and more clear picture of the life of Jarred Wallace, and it was extremely hit and miss, she had thought about talking to Mrs Mckenzie but thought better of it since it wasn't her place. As she went deeper into the files and records she realized that Jarred had lost allot during the war and his actions should have warranted a promotion on more than one occasion.

As the files continued to fill in the blanks on the life of Jarred Wallace it was the incident that got Jarred busted down to ensign and his subsequent return to starfleet. Jarred had been arrested and brought to a high security interrogation room where during the interrogation he assaulted Admiral Reid breaking the mans jaw in three places, as well injuring two security officers.

Nikki didn't know if she should cheer or be horrified, the file got a bit confusing here and there and then suddenly Jarred is on the station chasing pirates and an operative only referred to as "Shadow". The list of suspects of who this Shadow was grew to include twenty people. With three notables being several current officers on the station, a bar tender, and a vague reference she didn't understand.

Clearly there's' more to deep space five than she first thought, as she wrapped up the fifth day of digging she knew that there was bad news when she saw Martina at the door, "Whats wrong honey?"

"In twenty four hours Starfleet is going to declare the Lieutenant dead if we don't do something to find him." she said trying to hold back tears. "Any luck with his files??"

"Its a bit confusing, he may have been married at some point." Nikki started "there there's' a reference to an operative called the Shadow working on the station on some independent operations that may not be sanctioned anymore, and to top it all off Admiral Janeway is the only thing that Kept the Lieutenant out of jail after the brawl with Admiral Reid."

"He was married?" Marti was shocked, "How did things end?"

"That's a bit vague in his personal logs, but it looks like things ended in the first few days of the Dominion war, records indicate she disappeared aboard a science ship that went missing, but the records in the first seventy-two hours of the war are really messed up on what happened to which ship."

"So she's still alive, and that's' why he kept going on there suicide missions, some twisted hope that he'd find her." Nikki commented, "But one record indicates she may have been alive sometime between then and now and the result being Jarreds' real wife and his lover would have found out about one another."

"You think so?" Marti began to rethink her feelings for the man she had a school girl crush on.

"No, to date Susan Jane Wallace has never been found alive, although the one record that has surfaced indicates she may have died as a prisoner during the war, but its the location of the prison camp that might explain a lot about is erratic behavior in the weeks leading up to his disappearance." Nikki handed Marti a PaDD.

"This isn't for real is it?" Marti said half holding back shock.

"Her remains were among the recovered during the sweep of the camp, and he did take a leave shortly after that mission, alone."

Marti wasn't sure what to think about the whole thing now, let alone what to do, "Now what?"

"The files are sealed, once we wrap up what needs to be finished his files are sealed and we move on as if he never existed, and that means we have twenty four hours to do something about it, even if that means we go it alone." Nikki commented as she pulled out a bottle of blood wine "From the Chancellors private reserve apparently."

"I think as a courtesy we should contact the Klingons." Marti commented

"And the Romulans." Nikki added.

"File D-W Six Three dash Seven?"

"The one and only, we owe them that much." Nikki said realizing that she might have to talk to another Romulan. "I think that one can be done through the ambassador and staff."


Intelligence Department